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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 18th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 74 > Continuing Series > How I Helped Destroy Neopia: Part Eight

How I Helped Destroy Neopia: Part Eight

by hippiesoul

I couldn't sleep. I tried adding an extra blanket, but then I was too hot. I tried taking all the sheets and blankets away, but then I was too cold. I tried every position you can imagine, and I still couldn't sleep. I looked at the clock on the bedroom wall - five in the morning.

     I decided to stop trying to sleep. I was too excited to sleep anyway. I had spent the whole night dreaming about the attack and how successful it would be. I headed to the living room and threw myself to the couch. I grabbed the remote and turned the TV on, but there was nothing good on, so I had a huge breakfast and left to go for a walk.

     I walked down the streets admiring how empty and silent everything looks when it's night, until it was 9 am and I could go meet Sloth and the other allies.

     Everyone was excited and ready for the great attack. The meetings room had been changed, and the table and chairs were now gone to leave enough space for three enormous screens to be placed. One of them showed the Happy Valley, other showed the Hidden Tower and the last one showed the palace.

     Sloth gestured and tried to get the crowd to calm down, and when everyone was silent, he spoke, "My loyal allies, today is the great day. In a couple of minutes, the palace will be invaded, and we will cause some havoc in Neopia," He grinned and showed this kind of walkie-talkies set, "One of these will be Maelstra's, the other will be Grargadon's. The third I will keep. When Fyora is far from Faerieland, I will warn you, Maelstra, and the army will attack. When the thieves find the map, Maelstra will warn Grargadon and the army will retreat. Be careful not to lose those, or else I'll have no way to contact you if anything happens. Also I'll watch the entire operation through those screens," He gave the walkie-talkies to Grargadon and Maelstra, "Now Venera will go to the Happy Valley and place the projection. When she returns, you leave to Faerieland. And don't forget to tell Fyora about Venera!"

     With that said, Sloth nodded to Venera and she teleported herself to the Happy Valley. Her image showed up in the first screen. After a few sparkles of light, the hologram appeared. It was incredibly well done; it really looked like there were two Veneras. The Fire Faerie then cast a circle around it, limiting its moves, so it wouldn't fly to the meeting room with her. Afterwards, she teleported herself to where we were.

     "Wonderful, Venera, wonderful!" Sloth complimented when she arrived.

     Venera smiled and the hologram did the same. It was amazing.

     Maelstra then began to cast the Winged Invisibility spell on everyone, but when it was my turn, Sloth stopped her.

     "No, Dalí stays. I want him to be here in control too," He patted my back and smiled. I smiled back, honoured.

     After everyone was invisible, Maelstra teleported them to Krawk Island and led them through the air to Faerieland. She landed on the cloud under the palace and there they stayed. Maelstra de-spelled Puffer, a yellow Eyrie and one of the thieves, and he flew to the palace to warn Fyora about Venera. We saw him appear in the third screen and ask to talk to Fyora, saying it was urgent.

     "Majesty, Queen Fyora, we need your help!" Puffer said in a convincing tone.

     "Calm down, young Neopet. Tell me what happened," Fyora asked in her usually kind tone.

     "There's a Fire Faerie in the Happy Valley that is crushing everything! She is causing havoc and destruction everywhere! Oh, please help us, Queen Fyora!"

     Fyora looked suspicious, and she asked in a worried tone what the faerie looked like. Puffer described Venera, and when he was done, Fyora stormed out of the palace heading to the Happy Valley. Sloth, Venera and I watched the screen in amazement.

     "It worked!" I shouted.

     "Quick, Venera, destroy something in Happy Valley and concentrate on the first screen and Fyora while I warn Maelstra and Grargadon!" Sloth was starting to get nervous that something would go wrong. I was, too.

     Sloth shouted commands on the walkie-talkies, while my eyes bounced between Venera, who was sending fireballs all over the place destroying the Happy Valley entirely and the second and third screens where the attack was being shown.

     The invisible army broke the front door into pieces and stormed in, beating up any guardian they found. Soon the entire Faerieland was in alert, running to the palace trying to stop the invisible menace, but it was so useless. They looked pathetic trying to compete with an 840 HP invisible beast armed to the teeth.

     They broke into the Hidden Tower and attacked everyone in there. They armed themselves with the weapons and kept all the others they couldn't equip in huge bags to give to the rest of the army later. The other half of the army was still beating up guardians inside of the palace, clearing the place for the thieves to search for the maps. Everyone was panicking.

     Sloth laughed hard at the scene, and he was so focused on it that he only noticed Fyora on the Hidden Valley screen when he heard Venera talk.

     "Fyora! Great to see you!" Venera said ironically to the Faerie Queen that had just landed in front of her hologram.

     "How did you get out of the cavern? How could you break all the spells?" Fyora looked confused and annoyed, but she was getting ready to battle.

     "Fyora, Fyora... Why bother with details! All that matters is that now I'm here, and you will pay for what you did to me," Venera said a few weird words, and cast a huge fireball against Fyora.

     Fyora dodged, but the fireball still hit her wing, putting it on fire. The Faerie Queen screamed, but quickly put the fire out with a spell.

     "Venera, why are you so angered? I did what I had to; you were beginning to endanger the Faeries Community!"

     "Ah! The Fairies Community..." Venera cast a new fireball that Fyora avoided effectively, "I believe that if you have great power, you should use it. You must use it. The faeries who keep their powers are almost inert - they're useless, and not true faeries. Yet you blame me for using mine..."

     Venera adopted an offensive position, and prepared for battle. She dared Fyora, "This time it will be different. If you want me banned again, you'll have to defeat me first!"

     Sloth and I were now completely absorbed by the confrontation between the two powerful faeries and totally forgot about the attack that was going on in the palace.

     Fyora sighed and got ready to fight Venera. Venera smiled evilly and threw a huge fireball at Fyora. She hit her right on the stomach. Fyora screamed and fell on the floor, visibly hurt. Venera kept smiling, and waved her hands, casting a freezing spell on her opponent.

     Fyora laid on the grass, frozen, with a big burnt hole on her outfit. Venera took the chance and jumped to the skies, diving right after to Fyora. She fiercely punched the faerie queen twice and flew back high again.

     It was actually very entertaining to watch two powerful faeries fight, and the battle was so exciting! The second screen showed the first half of our invisible army still beating up guardians and packing Hidden Tower weapons, while the third showed an upside down office full of thieves searching for the maps. The second half of the army was having fun tying the faerie guardians together with a big rope and leaving them hanging on the walls. The panic was growing bigger and bigger, and everyone in Faerieland was desperately seeking the Faerie Queen. No one knew where she was because she left the palace so quickly, and I'm sure she was ignoring her instincts since she was so focused in fighting Venera.

     The first screen showed Fyora, now unfrozen, sending thunders from the sky right to Venera. Venera was really hasty, and she started to do this kind of dance to avoid the thunders. Fyora was getting frustrated, we could perfectly see it in her eyes. She cast a pink fog on Venera and then tried a berserk attack, which obviously didn't work, because Venera could watch her moves in the first screen, so she ducked and Fyora berserk attacked a tree instead.

     Venera laughed at her, "Pathetic. I thought that you, as the Faerie Queen, knew how to fight... I'll show you how to fight like a real faerie."

     The fog dissipated and Fyora saw pure evil in Venera's eyes. I admit it even scared me. The gentle beautiful Fire Faerie I had helped rescue looked totally different now. Her moves and gestures were violent and aggressive and her eyes no longer held that peace and quietness, they were red and cold. I think Venera was kind of obsessed with destroying Fyora. But Sloth was loving it, he was gazing at Venera in amazement.

     The freezing-attacking-spell-casting thing continued for a while, always with Venera winning. The fight lasted for some more minutes, until Fyora was almost out of HP. Venera stopped attacking and prepared to say something, but this time Fyora was quicker and she ran to Venera to berserk attack her.

     Due to the surprise element of the attack, Venera couldn't dodge, and that's where the plan started to fail.

     Fyora punched the hologram, and her fist went through the projection.

     "What the...??" Fyora looked at Venera and tried to touch her, "This is a hologram!!" Fyora was in shock, but so was Venera , Sloth and I. "Oh no... the palace!"

     Fyora recovered quicker than Venera, so she was able to avoid the freezing spell Venera tried to cast on her before the Faerie Queen teleported herself to the Hidden Tower.

     "Oh no... This wasn't supposed to happen!" I started to panic.

     "We must warn the army! Retreat is necessary!" Sloth shouted the command to Garragadon, but it was already too late. We could see Fyora in the second screen, very confused, trying to work out what was going on in the Hidden Tower.

     "Don't you just stare at that screen, Frank! Do something!" Venera shouted while shaking Sloth

     "What do you want me to do?"

     "They already found the maps, see, there on the third screen? So tell the army to come back this same second!" Venera was very impatient and nervous, and she kept shaking either Sloth or I.

     "Looks like you won't have to do anything after all, Frank..." I said pointing to the screens.

To be continued...

Author's Note: What are your comments on this part? Are you enjoying the series so far? Any advice on what I could have done to make it better, any feedback or comment, Neomail me! Everything is greatly appreciated!

Previous Episodes

How I Helped Destroy Neopia: Part One

How I Helped Destroy Neopia: Part Two

How I Helped Destroy Neopia: Part Three

How I Helped Destroy Neopia: Part Four

How I Helped Destroy Neopia: Part Five

How I Helped Destroy Neopia: Part Six

How I Helped Destroy Neopia: Part Seven

How I Helped Destroy Neopia: Part Nine

How I Helped Destroy Neopia: Part Ten

How I Helped Destroy Neopia: Part Eleven

How I Helped Destroy Neopia: Part Twelve

How I Helped Destroy Neopia: Part Thirteen

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