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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 18th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 67 > New Series > How I Helped Destroy Neopia: Part One

How I Helped Destroy Neopia: Part One

by hippiesoul

I still remember that day, as clearly as if it had been yesterday. I was at the 'All Ya Can Drink' tavern, famous for its customers--thieves and bad guys--and the excellent drinks and jobs one could get there. It was already past midnight, and the place was crowded. About half the tables were occupied by thieves or pirates arranging their next attack, planning the next robbery or hiring helpers, and the other half of the seats was either taken by bad guys drinking cocktails and doing arm-wrestling/poker tournaments, or by loners caring only about drinking, or watching the other thieves.

     I was one of the loners. Sitting by the corner, there I was, emptying drink bottles, watching the other guys. Pete "Black Eye", the tavern owner and my friend, walked by my table and took the bottle I had just emptied.

     "Another one?" he asked, in his rude and thick voice.

     "Yup, bring me more," I answered, not even looking up at him.

     "You already had two of those, don't you want anything different?"

     I turned my head to face the blue Jetsam with the black spot around the left eye, and noticed for the first time since entering the bar that night, that he was wearing a yellow shirt with a big Fun in the Sun Usuki doll printed on the front, above the slogan 'Usuki Mania!'. I couldn't help but laugh out loud at the absurdity of the scene. Pete, the tough guy from the tavern, the one who claims to have beaten Balthazar and the Snowager in one hit in the Battledome, wearing an Usuki shirt? It was hilarious.

     "What's that??" I asked, still chuckling.

     "Stop laughing, it was for free." To Pete, anything free was good and acceptable, even an Usuki shirt. "So, you want another of those or can I bring you something different?"

     "Get me an Ummagine Cocktail, then--" I hadn't even finished the sentence, and Black Eye was already gone to get the drink. And I couldn't help but mock him more, so I shouted to him, "And don't forget, I want it in that Usuki glass you own!"

     Black Eye turned around and waved his fist against me, in a half playful half menacing way.

     "You are so dead, Dalí!" he shouted at me before disappearing in the crowd to get my cocktail.

     Dalí... even though it doesn't bring me happy memories, I like my name. I remember my owner telling me I was named after a great painter from Earth--she even showed me some of his paintings. They were good. But that was before she left me in the pound, not even caring to look back, or giving me any explanation for such act. Ah, but I wasn't to stay there, no way. I ran away the day after I was disowned, only to become a homeless pet, and a thief. Well, at least I was good at it--I even had a reputation--and the only thing that kept me from joining the Aisha Thieves gang was being a Kyrii. And not to brag, but what a good-looking Kyrii I was, painted Fire. I stole the paintbrush myself, after a few weeks on the job, and I still remember the looks people gave me when they saw me, with no owner, painting myself Fire at the Rainbow Pool... but I don't care anymore, I'm a grown up Neopet now, and I can do well without an owner. Moreover, if I were to have an owner like my first one, it would be way better not to have any.

     Life isn't all that miserable when you don't have an owner, you know? In fact, I even think it's easier. After running away from the pound, I lived a tough life for a week or so. But that was before becoming a thief. I started to steal my food and everything I needed to survive. Then I made friends and improved my stealing skills, even managing to steal a paintbrush and enough Neopoints to build a NeoHome. I doubt I would have had all this in such little time if I was with a human.

     There I was, thinking about my life, when Pete returned with my drink.

     "There you go," He said, whilst setting it in front of me.

     "Thanks Black Eye. Hey, where's that Usuki glass I asked for?" I laughed, and my friend did, too. The Jetsam sat down in front of me, and sipped some of my drink.

     "So, Dalí, you heard what they're saying?" He asked.

     "What do you mean?" I hadn't heard anything; I was too focused on my drink to listen to the thieves talk.

     "They say it's a big job. Someone's hiring thieves and promising big rewards," Pete made a move to take my drink again, but I stopped him and swallowed down what was left of it, "Today, when I arrived here, there was this note on the door, asking all 'decent' thieves and robbers to be at the beach tomorrow, at midnight. It said 'good reward guaranteed', too."

     The reward part got my attention. I was always in if there was a good reward involved.

     "Are you going, Pete?"

     "I don't think so. I've got work here, you know," Pete stood up, getting ready to pick more drinks, but before going, he whispered to me, "You should go, Dalí. The Aisha Thieves gang will be there..."

     I smiled at the Jetsam. He knew about the negative answer I got from the Aisha Thieves, and also knew I wanted to show them the big mistake they made, and make them regret having turned me down.

     "I'll go, Pete. Those bratty Aishas will see just what they lost..." Black Eye smiled back and in a second was off to take an impatient client's order.

     I stayed where I was and my mind wandered again, but this time not about my life but about the hiring that was going on. Why would someone need so many thieves? Usually if one needed help, they would just come to 'All Ya Can Drink' and ask someone, not leave a note calling all thieves. All that seemed odd to me, but there was a reward promised, and at the time, it was all that mattered.

     "I hope it's a Neopoints reward," I thought, "I could use some more furniture, and that's somewhat hard to steal because they're so big and heavy... In this case, I think it would be okay to buy it."

     Just as I was wondering what kind of couch I wanted, someone took the seat in front of me. Before I even had the time to see who it was, a sweet 'Hey' was heard, and I realised immediately who the pet in front of me was.

     "Hey, Eclipse!" It was Eclipse, a friend from the times back when I was still living in the streets. I met this Shadow Aisha when I was celebrating a successful theft with my old buddy Ceres. After we met, we became an unstoppable trio of thieves. Eclipse was really notable in the art of stealing, it was with her that I learned the best moves, and we had a solid friendship. I hadn't seen her since I left to come to Krawk Island, so I was incredibly thrilled to meet her again.

     "It's been a long time, eh, Prince Charming?" Eclipse winked at me and smiled beautifully. Prince Charming was the nickname she gave me when we met because of my extreme good manners. Of course I lost half of those good manners through my thief life, but the nickname kind of got stuck, and she would always call me that.

     "Indeed, Eclipse. What are you doing in Krawk Island?"

     "I came to visit you, my buddy Dalí! I missed you a lot, you know?" Eclipse stood up and swiftly walked to the bar, returning shortly after with two bottles of the tavern's special drink, that she dropped on the table. She pushed a bottle in my direction and drank some from her own.

     "Thanks. And where's Ceres? Did he come, too?" I asked while opening my bottle.

     "Oh, no, he has an owner, now."

     "What?" I couldn't believe it. Ceres with an owner? He hated humans ever since he got abandoned! How could this be?

     "Oh yeah, he found a red Draik Morphing Potion and morphed himself. Then he just thought he was too pretty to walk around with no owner, so he found a really rich one and left the streets," I could feel disappointment in her voice. I was a little disappointed too, "But that's the way life goes. Sure he is rich now, but I doubt he has as much fun as we do!" Eclipse raised her bottle and said, 'To freedom and fun'. Then she swallowed down the rest of her drink.

     "But, there's also another reason I came," She continued, "I heard there was this huge hiring going on, here. With great rewards and all."

     "Yeah, I heard about that, too. Black Eye told me," I said, gesturing in the bar's owner's direction.

     "So you're going."

     "Yup." I finished my drink and set the empty bottle aside. "You wanna go with me?"

     "I was afraid you wouldn't ask, Prince Charming!" Eclipse giggled and took my paw, "Let's get outta here, this place is dull. I heard you have this really pretty home, show it to me!"

     Eclipse threw a bag of Neopoints to Pete to pay for the drinks and pulled me out of the tavern. I took her to my NeoHome and told her she could stay there for as long as she wished. We had lots of fun remembering the good ol' times, and I was glad my good friend was back.

     The next night, we walked to the beach to attend the hiring meeting, arriving ten minutes before midnight. There was a crowd already--lots of Neopets dressed in black with dishonest and mean looks on their faces. Eclipse and I joined the crowd and sat on the cold sand, near the ocean, waiting for something to happen. In the crowd I spotted Purrow, one of the Aisha Thieves, and the Meerca Brothers, among other famous thieves.

     "Dalí, look at those guys," my shadow friend said, pointing to a group of faerie pets, "Do they look like thieves to you?" She raised her eyebrow and gave them a disapproving look.

     "Not at all... I wonder what they're doing here."

     "Maybe the--" A flash of purple light above the ocean interrupted Eclipse's hypothesis. Everyone turned to look at it. The light got even more intense, and then I realised who it was: the Dark Faerie! She floated above the water, and slowly flew to the beach, while examining all the Neopets that were present.

     "Humpf," the Dark Faerie said when she landed on the sand, right next to the faerie pets, "I see there are some souls here that aren't taking this seriously... You should know better than this," And with no more words, she waved her hands making about one third of the crowd disappear in a puff of smoke.

     "Now that we got rid of the intruders, we can start our business," The faerie of darkness looked at all the thieves and paused, "Each of you will get a different paper telling you a store or house to steal from. You must bring all the items or Neopoints specified in the paper to this exact place tomorrow by one in the morning. Succeed and you shall be rewarded. Fail and, for your own good, you should never return..." She waved her hands again and a piece of paper appeared in the hands of every thief, "Those papers will self destruct in 30 seconds. You must not tell anyone about this, or else... And do not try to cheat--remember, I know it all..." With that said, the Dark Faerie flew above the ocean again and disappeared in the distance.

     I looked at my paper and read '50,000 NP'. It was a ridiculously high amount of NP to steal in just 24 hours; the max I had even gotten in one day was 10,000 NP... but then I heard Eclipse sighing and muttering, "50 Salt Motes and 20 Lava Motes? This Faerie is insane...."

     Eclipse and I parted to get our assignments done. She went to the market and I went straight to the residential area, hiding in the first dark alley I found. I leaned against the wall and paid all the attention I could to the noises outside. I heard steps and they sounded like human steps! I waited until the person got close enough and then jumped out of the alley, grabbing the bag of Neopoints the passing girl was holding. I ran as fast as I could, ignoring her screams and entered the next alley to repeat the move.

To be continued...

Author's Note: What are your comments on this part? Are you enjoying the series so far? Any advice on what I could have done to make it better, any feedback or comment, Neomail me! Everything is greatly appreciated!
Previous Episodes

How I Helped Destroy Neopia: Part Two

How I Helped Destroy Neopia: Part Three

How I Helped Destroy Neopia: Part Four

How I Helped Destroy Neopia: Part Five

How I Helped Destroy Neopia: Part Six

How I Helped Destroy Neopia: Part Seven

How I Helped Destroy Neopia: Part Eight

How I Helped Destroy Neopia: Part Nine

How I Helped Destroy Neopia: Part Ten

How I Helped Destroy Neopia: Part Eleven

How I Helped Destroy Neopia: Part Twelve

How I Helped Destroy Neopia: Part Thirteen

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