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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 18th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 71 > Continuing Series > How I Helped Destroy Neopia: Part Five

How I Helped Destroy Neopia: Part Five

by hippiesoul

I didn't take long to get to the Haunted Woods, but once I was there, I sat for a long time, thinking. The woods looked so spooky, I wasn't really feeling like going in there - it was unexplored area, after all! Who knows what could be in there...

     I examined the map once more: My little ball of jelly was in the western woods, to the south of a huge swamp. I would have to walk for at least a couple of hours to get there.

     I sighed and folded the map; I entered the woods a bit frightened, but after a while I became familiar with the noises and shadows in the woods and all my fear was gone. Besides, no spooky creature lived there, and I never found the Swamp Ghoul. I walked for two hours and then looked at the map again.

     "Weird... I should be near this rock that looks like an Eyrie, but I don't see it. Nor the swamp..."

     I walked for two more hours and then three more until I admitted I was lost. I had followed the map like I should, but those were unexplored areas, so I couldn't expect the map to be complete... I wandered through the woods for a week until I finally saw the Eyrie-like rock. I was overjoyed, but I still had to find the swamp and that was nowhere to be seen.

     I eventually reached a huge stinky swamp, and once I was there, it was easy to locate the ancient studies academy. The building was almost ruins, but looked safe enough for me to go in.

     Inside, there was a big hall with tapestry, and a receptionist balcony with lists of books and schedules. I climbed the stairs to the second floor and searched the classrooms. There were many books and documents, but none regarded the beginning of Neopia or the Crown of Ultimate Power. I climbed more stairs to the last floor of the building. There were no divisions in this floor, just a tremendously big library!

     There must have been more than a million books in there, and I checked at least a hundred until it was dark. When there was no more light, I set a bed with an old curtain and some piled papers and spent the night there. The next two days were occupied with reading and consulting books and encyclopaedias, but it was only in the afternoon of the second day that I found something of interest.

     Behind one of the bookshelves there was a desk, with three drawers full of papers and documents. I searched them and found a very interesting paper in the third drawer. It was a diploma. It stated that some Neopet named Gorunda had completed her advanced studies on the beginning of Neopia, and was now authorised to teach and write books about it. In smaller letters in the end of the diploma there was 'The completed studies include the creation of Neopia, Faeries and their culture, ancient artefacts and creatures' evolution'. Faeries and ancient artefacts! Just what I wanted!

     Also in the third drawer, there was a big heavy book about the evolution of the Cerpull to the Tatsu and Eyrie by Gorunda. It was rather interesting, but I was looking for something more about Gorunda, not a thesis about evolution. I found what I wanted in the end of the book. Along with a picture of the old Nimmo, there was a short biography of her and in the end... her address! It was not far from the academy, I just had to traverse the swamp and I would be there. It also said she knew many secrets from the beginning of Neopia, maybe she knew something about Venera and the Crown of Ultimate Power!

     I left the academy and ventured into the smelly swamp. There was so much fog I wouldn't even be able to see the Monocerous in front of my face, and there was so much mud that it was very hard to walk more than two steps without being blocked by it. I walked the whole afternoon and the whole night, and the next morning I was facing an old house.

     There was a small yard in the front of the house a wooden fence not in its perfect condition surrounded the property. The wood in the fence was rotten, and the small metal gate was oxidised. I pushed the gate and it creaked and opened. The yard was much neglected and weeds and wild plants ruled it. I had a better look at the house itself and noticed it had only a ground floor and an attic, and not many windows. I knocked the door and waited.

     Gorunda came and opened the door.

     "What do you want?" she asked, giving me a suspicious look.

     "Uh, I... erm..." I didn't know what to say, I guess I blocked because I finally saw a chance to get what I wanted. The Nimmo really looked very old and wise. "I am looking for some answers," I said, "maybe you can give them to me."

     "Humm..." Gorunda examined me from head to toe and then concluded I could go in.

     She led me inside and told me to sit on a completely worn out couch. In fact, the whole living room's furniture was worn out. Looked like Gorunda hadn't been shopping for at least a century. The wise Neopet sat on a swinging chair and spoke.

     "So, what answers are you looking for?" She asked, but gave me no time to answer, for she started talking again, "How did you find me, anyway? Why do you think I can give you those answers?"

     "I am looking for more information on the beginning of Neopia, the Faeries and the artefacts that were created in those early times," I began, "I've been studying the location of ancient studies schools and I found that academy before the swamp. There I found your diploma and thought that maybe you could help me."

     Gorunda listened and nodded, so I proceeded to my questions.

     "Would you happen to know anything about the powerful artefacts created by the Faeries, before there were even Neopets in Neopia?"

     "Yes, many of the most powerful items of all times were created back then. Are you looking for something specific?"

     "Um, yes, actually I'd like to know about the Crown of Ultimate Power."

     Gorunda was surprised when she heard the artefact's name and she stood up muttering 'Oh, that Crown...'. I was anxious for some answer, but I gave the Nimmo the time she needed.

     "Oh, that Crown..." she said aloud, "The Crown of Ultimate Power. I do know something about that."

     "Can you tell me how it was forged, and who forged it?" I asked somewhat impatiently.

     "Not many people know about this. I'm surprised you knew about its existence," Gorunda sat down again, and gazed at me, "When the Faeries were the only creatures inhabiting Neopia, they liked to experiment with their powers. They created artefacts and spells just for the fun of it, and then stored them in the palace and forgot about them. That's how most of the Hidden Tower's stock was produced. But there was one particular Fire Faerie who was awfully fond of creating artefacts. Not only that, she always made them very powerful. Her name was Venera, and she was the most mischievous and determined of all Fire Faeries. Her hobby was creating artefacts and inventing weird spells. And she was good - her fame and productions were known even by the Faerie Queen, Fyora! But one day, Venera started to have some ideas. She began to believe that artefacts or spells were not powerful enough if they used just one sphere of powers. She trusted more than one sphere of powers was required to create something so magically powerful, that not even Fyora could compete with. At first, it was just for fun that Venera asked her Faerie friends to combine their powers with hers in the creation of magical items, but once she realised how powerful the combination was, her mind started to be full of wicked ideas."

     Gorunda interrupted her story to offer me some tea or coffee. I accepted the tea and offered to help, so that she could continue to tell me Venera's story in the kitchen. I followed the Nimmo to the kitchen and helped her with the tea while she continued.

     "One of those ideas was that she could be more powerful than Fyora. It was a very wicked thought, but it was indeed possible. You know that the Faerie Queen's powers are great, but if Faeries from different kinds gather their strongest powers, they can overcome Fyora's. And that's exactly what Venera discovered. Her ambition grew wild and she began to want to take Fyora's place. But she knew the other Faeries wouldn't support her decision, so she acted despicably and tricked powerful Faeries from all kinds into casting potent spell using all their powers, and Venera gathered all that power. Then she forged a Crown and introduced the power gathered into it. It was the most powerful artefact ever created - it would give so much power to whoever wore it that they could beat Fyora with one hit," Gorunda told me while we were waiting for the water to boil and then made the tea. We went back to the living room, and I asked Gorunda to keep telling me about Venera. The story was truly fascinating me. Such an ambitious and clever Faerie, such a powerful artefact... I longed to know more, so I listened attentively to Gorunda's words.

     "As I was saying, the Crown provided immense power to the user. Venera planned to experiment with the Crown before she used it on Fyora, so she went to the forest wearing the Crown and cast a dreadful spell on the first faerie she found. It was a Water Faerie very dear of Fyora, and the spell made her faint and absorbed all her powers. Venera was thrilled with the success of her creation, but what delighted her more was the unexpected effect of absorbing the defeated Faerie's powers. That meant it got more powerful every time it was used, so you can imagine how much power it would have if she used it on Fyora," Gorunda sipped her tea and giggled at my attention.

     "Please, Gorunda, continue. What happened next?" I felt like a little child that was being told a Fairies tale. In fact, I was, but it didn't feel like I was working. I was truly amazed at Venera's wickedness.

     "Venera named it Crown of Ultimate Power very appropriately, and she was off to defeat Fyora. However, the Faerie Queen wasn't in the palace, so she had to wait for the next day. And that was not good for her plan, for the beaten Water Faerie told Fyora what Venera had done to her. Fyora was furious at Venera and, without wasting a single second, stormed into Venera's home and took the Crown from her, giving no time for the audacious Fire Faerie to use it against the Faerie Queen. Fyora concluded that the Crown of Ultimate Power was far too dangerous to exist in Neopia so she tried to destroy it, but it was no use, it was so powerful that it reflected the spell. The only solution Fyora found was to seal the artefact and then send it to the end of Neopia, where no one would find it, protected by several enchantments. As for Venera, the Queen considered her too wicked and dangerous to live among the Faeries, so she was exiled in a place so remote that the chances of anyone finding her are ridiculously minimal. She was trapped inside a cave, surrounded by six spells, each one cast by a faerie of each type, that prevented her from escaping. She could not break them, for the last spell, the Faerie Queen's spell, disabled her powers while she was surrounded by the sleeping fog," Gorunda finished her tea, taking a long time to sip what was left of the warm liquid.

     "Do you know where she is? Or the Crown?" I asked, hoping that I would have some more information for Sloth when I returned.

     "I think," Gorunda said while walking towards a big bookshelf and taking a big book out of it, "that this old book of legends has something about it... Of course it's just a legend, but there is always something true in a legend."

     She turned page after page and showed me a paragraph about the location of Venera's exile. It stated that to reach it, one would have to travel to the other side of Neopia, traverse a large river that surrounded a burning desert, and deep within the jungle that was inside that desert, there would be a volcano, and inside that volcano one would find Venera. It sounded quite complicated, but I just wrote it down and felt really proud of myself. I asked about the Crown's location, but Gorunda knew nothing about it.

     I thanked Gorunda for the tea and help and then ran through the swamp as fast as I could. The next reunion was in four days, so I had no time to loose. I hastened through the woods, and when I was in the Haunted Woods market I hurried to get to Krawk Island. I didn't stop to eat or to rest and used all my agility and strength to run all the way. I arrived at the beach in the nick of time. The Dark Faerie was already getting ready to teleport the horde of beasts and monsters and thieves that was at the beach. Oh, I couldn't wait to tell Sloth what I knew!

To be continued...

Author's Note: What are your comments on this part? Are you enjoying the series so far? Any advice on what I could have done to make it better, any feedback or comment, Neomail me! Everything is greatly appreciated!
Previous Episodes

How I Helped Destroy Neopia: Part One

How I Helped Destroy Neopia: Part Two

How I Helped Destroy Neopia: Part Three

How I Helped Destroy Neopia: Part Four

How I Helped Destroy Neopia: Part Six

How I Helped Destroy Neopia: Part Seven

How I Helped Destroy Neopia: Part Eight

How I Helped Destroy Neopia: Part Nine

How I Helped Destroy Neopia: Part Ten

How I Helped Destroy Neopia: Part Eleven

How I Helped Destroy Neopia: Part Twelve

How I Helped Destroy Neopia: Part Thirteen

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