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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 18th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 71 > New Series > Time Twisters 2: Part One

Time Twisters 2: Part One

by too_kule

As the sun set, the inhabitants of Winding Willow Drive were getting ready to start thinking about going to bed. It was only 7:00 p.m. NST, so none of them had any immediate plans. Well, except in one NeoHome....

     "Chakeebo! Get out of there!" cried Millyum the Faerie Zafara. She and Deracko the Strawberry Tuskaninny were banging on the bathroom door. They were trying to get Chakeebo the baby Chia to get out of there and go to bed.

     "I'm not going to bed! It's only 7:00!" yelled Chakeebo.

     "When you broke the lamp, we gave you the choice of no TV for a week or going to bed early for a week! You chose going to bed early, so now you're going to bed!" yelled Deracko through the door.

     This seems like an ordinary argument that could happen to any ordinary pet, right? It could, but I can assure you this trio aren't normal. They are known as the Time Twisters. Using the three magical Rings of Time they own, they can control time to stop crime and save Neopia from the evils that roamed it. But now, it was bedtime for Chakeebo.

     "If you don't come out I'm going to--"

     Ding Dong!

     Whatever Millyum was going to do was unknown, because at that moment the doorbell rang. The Time Twisters seldom had company, so Millyum approached the door with caution. She had her ring ready in case of an emergency. She opened the door and a Cloud Gelert was standing there.

     "Hi. My name is Yoigo. Is this the home of Narizan the Gelert?" asked the friendly Gelert.

     "Uh...he's...uh...he's there..." she stuttered as she pointed to her right. Yoigo had a puzzled look on his face.

     "What she means, is that Narizan is our neighbour. How do you know him?" asked Deracko. He was standing behind Millyum with Chakeebo who was silently chuckling.

     "He's my brother. I've come to stay with him for a few days. It was nice meeting you," said Yoigo as he headed off to their neighbour's house. Millyum shut the door. She had a funny smile on her face.

     "Hey Millyum, what's wrong? What was with the stuttering?" questioned Deracko.

     "Uh...nothing," said Millyum who started to blush. Chakeebo stopped laughing.

     "I know...Millyum and Yoigo sitting in a tree..." he said as he fell onto the ground laughing.

     "Can it Chakeebo! Aren't you supposed to be in bed?" asked Millyum.

     "Whatever," muttered Chakeebo with a big smile on his face as he walked off to his room.


The next day Millyum went downstairs to see Deracko and Chakeebo already eating breakfast. She hoped they had forgotten about last night. Unfortunately, she wasn't so lucky.

     "So Millyum, how's Yoigo? You know, your boyfriend?" questioned Chakeebo as he winked at Millyum. Deracko laughed. Millyum tried to change the subject as best she could.

     " know Yoigo had a green ring on his paw. I think it was made from jade. Do you think he could be a Time Twister?" asked Millyum.

     "Millyum, the odds of Yoigo being a Time Twister and being next door at the same time are really low? Don't try to change the subject," said Deracko.

     "She can't even change the subject without it being about Yoigo!" laughed Chakeebo. Deracko joined in.

     "OK, I admit he was sort of cute but--"

     "She admits it! She admits she's in love! Yoigo and Millyum, sitting in a tree..." joked Chakeebo.

     "I can't stand it! I'm going for a walk!" exclaimed Millyum as she stormed out of the NeoHome. She walked down the sidewalk and looked over at Narizan's NeoHome. On the porch was Yoigo reading the Neopian Times. Yoigo looked up and saw Millyum walking by. He got up and walked over to her.

     "Hey..." Yoigo said but broke off because he didn't know her name.

     "My name is Millyum. Hey, why are you reading The Neopian Times out here? It would probably be warmer inside," said Millyum.

     "It probably would, but you've probably lived next to Narizan long enough to know that her sings in the shower...loudly. I had a headache after five minutes. So what are you doing out here?" asked Yoigo.

     "I'm just going for a walk," replied Millyum. They just stood there in silence for a couple of minutes until...


     A sound went off like an explosion. The ground beneath Millyum and Yoigo caved in. Yoigo fell into the pit, but Millyum didn't. Her Faerie wings kept her body in the air. She landed on the ground next to the pit and looked in. The pit was deep and Yoigo had hit the ground hard.

     "Are you OK?" asked Millyum. Yoigo have a small grunt.

     "He won't be as soon as I'm done with him!" came a voice. Millyum looked around and saw a Shadow Lenny approaching in the distance. His name was Methalius, and he was the main enemy of the Time Twisters. The Time Twisters could face petty thieves, but Methalius was a whole different story. He knew about the Rings of Time. With his amazing intelligence and his army of Halloween, Ghost and Mutant Neopets, he could give Judge Hog a run for his Neopoints.

     "Methalius! What was that for, attacking a poor innocent pedestrian?" asked Millyum. Methalius looked shocked.

     "What? I thought I had captured a Time Twister! Let me see!" cried Methalius as he ran over and looked in the pit. "Yes, that's a Time Twister! Don't scare me like that. That's Yoigo, he's a Time Twister...didn't you know? Ha! You didn't know that this Gelert was a Time Twister! I rarely go after him because you, Chakeebo and Deracko are in a group so the odds of me capturing one of your Rings of Time are much better--What are you doing?" yelled Methalius. While he was talking, Millyum flew into the pit and airlifted Yoigo out.

     "I didn't know you were a Time Twister!" exclaimed Millyum.

     "I didn't know you were either," he stated as Millyum set him down onto the ground. "Step back Millyum!" Millyum backed away as Yoigo showed Millyum what his ring could do.


     The ring started glowing yellow. Yoigo then pointed the ring at Methalius and a beam of light hit him. Suddenly, Methalius started to walk away...only backwards. Then Yoigo pointed his ring at the pit. As the light hit the pit, it started to fill itself in.

     "How did you do that?" asked Millyum.

     "My ring has the power to make things become as if they never happened. Thanks to the ring, Methalius never approached as and the pit didn't cave in. Neat, huh?" asked Yoigo. Millyum just stared in awe.


"I don't know why Yoigo has to move in with us," muttered Deracko as Yoigo brought his stuff into their NeoHome.

     "Yoigo is a Time Twister, remember? We can use all of the help we can get," replied Millyum.

     "And because you also think he's cute, right?" asked Chakeebo. Millyum just blushed.

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

Time Twisters 2: Part Two

Time Twisters 2: Part Three

Time Twisters 2: Part Four

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