GAMES CUPBOARD - I think it's a known fact that one of the best ways to earn
NP is games. There are puzzle games, action games and luck games. You may think
that luck games are the only things that take luck to win. I'd say you're wrong.
Nearly everything we do on this website is affected by luck, so now I'm going
to prove it to you.
OK, let's see what kind of luck games we have here. Dice-a-Roo is a great example.
You roll the die, and see what it lands on. You could win or lose instantly,
all thanks to luck. Gormball is a game involving a white ball filled with water,
as you probably know. You don't know how many throws you get before it explodes,
you just have to hope luck is on your side. In Kiss the Mortog you just have
to hope the Mortog you kiss doesn't explode! In Poogle Racing, the Poogle you
bet on could pay off very well. You just have to hope you're lucky! You're probably
wondering where I'm going with all of this. You'll see.
There are more action games than any other type of game. These games are also
affected by luck. In Meerca Chase for example, Red Neggs appear all over the
screen. You hope that no Red Neggs appear right in your path. You also want
really good Neggs like Fish Neggs and Rainbow Neggs to appear. That takes luck.
In Pterattack, if you're collecting red lasers, you hope that those red ammo
orbs will appear. That too takes luck.
Puzzle games are also luck-related. In Cheat! you get your hand dealt to you.
If a lot of those cards are the same, it makes the game easier. If you decide
to cheat, you don't want the other players to know. You're lucky if you don't
get caught. In NeggSweeper, you don't want the Negg you click on to explode.
That is also luck.
So now you see that games are very luck-related, regardless of the type. But
luck affects more than just games. It affects a lot more.
Random Events for instance. Not only does luck affect how often you get the
events, but which even you get. A little Pink Poogle which says 'Hi!' doesn't
exactly do much compared to finding a Nerkmid in the dirt. The Random Event
in which the Lava Ghoul comes down and decides not to torch your pets, isn't
very lucky either. You didn't lose anything, but you didn't gain anything either.
Quests are also luck-related. The Snow Faerie could ask for four Earth Faeries
or she could ask for a Snow Pizza and a Neggitus Injection. Another thing about
quests is the reward you get. The Brain Tree could either give you a Pumpkin
Shield or an Attack Fork. It's easy to choose which one is better.
Other things such as Coltzan's Shrine and the Snowager also need luck to win.
You hope that you went to the Shrine at the right time so you get a Dubloon
instead of hearing a high-pitched scream. You hope you get a Radioactive Muffin
from the Fruit Machine instead of nothing. Winning a Codestone is much better
than winning some Pickled Olives at the Tombola. You also don't want the Tombola
Man to be asking for NP or on his vacation when you go there. What's better,
a blast from ice from the Snowager or picking up a Snegg in the Snowager's cavern.
The Lab Ray could either make your Robot Jetsam gain two levels or it could
become a Red Lenny!
Little things such as being at the Create-a-Pet place at the right time when
some new Tonus just got hatched is lucky. At the pound you hope a pet you adopt
is strong and maybe has some Battledome weapons or a Petpet attached to him/her.
In a Battledome match you want to do well. You want your opponent's Ice Dice
to land on a seven so they disappear. You want your Green Sticky Hand to get
something good like a Wand of the Air Faerie instead of a Sparkshooter. You
also want them to not be equipped with some Chia Flour so your Lost Desert Poogle
doesn't change into a Yellow Chia.
See? Your day's events could easily become so much more different if luck was
either against you or with you. Well now I've got to go, I think the Wheel of
Excitement is calling me. This is too_kule
signing off. See ya. |