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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 77 > Continuing Series > Dragon Thieves: NSPA Part Two

Dragon Thieves: NSPA Part Two

by child_dragon

Untitled Document

MiracleStar and her three remaining pets had no difficulty finding the warehouse Diganis had told them about. It was fully dark by the time they arrived and the moon cast little light. MiracleStar walked up to the warehouse at point, with the other three trailing behind. As they neared, the guards outside snapped to attention and a searchlight was aimed on them from the roof.

     "I was told you were expecting us," she said softly to the guards.

     One turned aside and spoke softly into a walkie-talkie. There was a few minutes of silence, then the guard, an Aisha, nodded.

     "Follow me please."

     He led the group around the outside of the warehouse to the back where a black limousine waited. Before they were allowed to get in, the guard politely informed them that they'd have to give up their weapons.

     "I don't think so," Jaix growled.

     "You'll get them back," the Aisha assured.

     Reluctantly, he handed over his sword and dagger. Skyil and Taffin followed suit, then MiracleStar. Of all of them, she took the longest to disarm. Two daggers on the belt, one hidden in her sleeve, and one strapped to her thigh. There were also a couple hemlock darts on her belt too. Once weaponless, the thieves climbed in the back seat and waited. It wasn't cramped even with all three of them, for MiracleStar was the biggest there. Then they saw Nianso approaching, walking between two guards from the back of the warehouse.


I personally thought the whole get-up was quite stupid. Sure, whoever wanted to see us might be concerned with security, as I had no doubt that this endeavor would consist of slight illegalities, but still. Using me as bait to get my family out here then switching places before we actually met whoever was behind this. The guards walked me out to the limo where I climbed in and joined my owner and family.

     "You all right Nianso?" Taffin asked quickly.

     "Yes, I'm fine. Really ticked off, but fine," I growled in response, casting a glance up to the driver.

     It was a human, a blond guy with a ponytail and a brown trench coat. A cloud Eyrie sat in the passenger seat. I could see a Metal Wand held idly in one paw. I leaned forwards and tapped the Eyrie's wing.

     "Hey, where we going?"

     "Best you don't ask questions," she replied with a grin.


     "Just sit down and relax. It'll be a long ride."

     She wasn't kidding about the long ride part. It took us over an hour to get to where we were going, and most of it was spent in lengthy and confusing routes that left us totally in the dark about where we were. Obviously these people were professionals.

     "We're here," the human announced, pulling into a large garage of what appeared to be another warehouse.

     We got out and the Eyrie beckoned for us to follow with her wand. She led us up some stairs to the main building, where we discovered that it wasn't really a warehouse. There was a long hallway with offices all along the sides. At the end of the hall was a locked and guarded door. I could barely make out a storage area beyond that, through the small window. We were led down the hall and around a corner. At the end of this new corridor was a single door, guarded by a Scorchio and a Draik. Both were armed with rod of dark novas. Obviously whoever was behind this had money.

     The Eyrie had quick words with the guards, then nodded to us.

     "Through here please," she said, opening the door. "May I present to you, Malkus Vile."

     The guards shut the door behind us. I carefully inspected every inch of the room while Malkus remained silent. It was ornate, disgustingly so. Thick carpet covered the floor with a fancy rug I'd never seen before. There were no windows, only one door on the far wall. The walls had lined wallpaper in colors of blue and gold. Expensive paintings hung from the walls. The bottom part of the wall was panelled wood, probably cherry. Matching chairs with velvet cushions sat in front of the enormous desk, also a deep cherry. And at the desk sat none other than Malkus Vile, crime lord supreme. The yellow Skeith was dressed in a black trench coat and on his desk sat a matching hat. A white and a shadow Aisha flanked him on either side of the desk, his bodyguards. They watched us carefully, Faerie slingshots in hand and sheathed swords that looked like swords of the Air Faerie.

     Malkus gestured for us to have a seat, and I took the one near the middle, next to MiracleStar. Jaix sat on the other side of her, with Skyil next to him. Taffin decided to sit next to me and I idly hoped that he wouldn't say anything dumb.

     "I don like dealins with humans," he said as way of introduction.

     Taffin started squirming in his chair and I gave a little cough of warning for him to be still.

     "But I 'eard you came as a group. And I could use some pets here like you."

     "What is it that you want with us?" MiracleStar replied quietly.

     I must admit, I was quite proud at her at that moment. Whisked away to the depths of Malkus's operation, surrounded by pets armed to the teeth, and she still retained her cool.

     "I have dis operation," he replied, gesturing to a map on one wall, "in da Mystery Island. It keeps gettin, shall we say, interrupted?"

     "And you want us to stop these, 'interruptions'?"

     He shook his head.

     "No, I got my boys on dat. I have a shipment comin in a couple days, and I need more guards. Ones that are used to operating on their own, without orders. Ones that can fly, and go unseen."

     "But you are mistaken. We can still be seen in flight," I quickly replied.

     "Now there you lie," he replied, and my eyes widened, "cause I know you've gone unseen before."


     "Y'eh. The Faerie. I hired her to make a permanent spell like the one she used at Balthazar's place."

     "How do you know about that?" MiracleStar asked.

     "I have my sources," he replied with a smug grin. "Now, the job will pay 500,000 NP and you get ta keep all da equipment I give you. You have five minutes to decide."

     He rose and exited out the back door, his bodyguard trailing. I quickly looked over to MiracleStar.

     "I don't like this," I said quickly.

     "Neither do I," she replied. "Skyil?"

     The mind reader shook her head.

     "Nothing. A strong-willed enough pet can shield their thoughts against me. I think he knew beforehand what I am."

     "He seems to know everything else about us," I grumbled.

     "Think about it. 500,000 NP for a simple guard duty mission. And the weaponry. Did you see what everyone was equipped with?" Taffin said, his excitement ill-concealed.

     "I won't like it, but the payoff makes it worthwhile," our owner finally pronounced.

     I nodded my agreement, as did my siblings. It was at that moment that Malkus Vile reappeared through the back door.

     "You in?" he asked.


     "Good. Cause ya really didn't have a choice in the matter, I just let you think you did."

     He chuckled, pleased at his own manipulations. MiracleStar only seethed in silence. The Skeith walked around the desk then, and put one paw on her shoulder.

     "I dun trust ya and I dun like ya. You humans are an odd bunch, really, and you always seem to meddle with my plans. I'll be keeping an eye on you, so don't try anything. Now, Froise the cloud Eyrie will get you your stuff."

     He nodded towards the door and we filed out. Froise met us at the door and smiled.

     "Follow me, please," she instructed and led us down the hall.

     "Why us?" I said plaintively, looking up a MiracleStar.

     "It's cause we have a reputation now," she said in an awed voice, "a reputation of infamy that even Malkus Vile can't ignore."

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

Dragon Thieves

Dragon Thieves: NSPA Part Three

Dragon Thieves: NSPA Part Four

Dragon Thieves: NSPA Part Five

Dragon Thieves: NSPA Part Six

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