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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 13th day of Running, Yr 27
The Neopian Times Week 77 > Articles > The Importance of Freezing

The Importance of Freezing

by coolblastoise

Untitled Document BATTLEDOME - You should know about the important ability of freezing. Don't you? Oh don't fret, I'll teach you all about it. You will learn with me, won't you? NO? THEN I'LL FREEZE YOU! Sorry, I lost my temper. Okay lets go on. First, freezing is the ability of using a Neopian weapon to make them lose a turn. I'll list the popular freezing weapons today. First I'll list the description, the rating (0-5), and then the pros and cons. NOTE: Only one of any freezing weapon can be equipped on a pet. The snowglobe staff is not counted as a freezing

HYPNO HELMET: This is the most popular and maybe the most wanted freezing weapon of all.

Cheap= 1 500,000 NP



Rating= 4

Pros: This will Freeze 100%.

Cons: This is worth about 500,000 NP, more than the average Neopian has.

FROST CANNONS: Okay first lets list them in order of strength, blue frost cannon, red frost cannon, yellow frost cannon green frost cannon, black frost cannon, and finally, rainbow frost cannon. Frost cannons do some damage and have a possibility of freezing.

BLUE: Well lets start with the weakest one, blue frost cannon.

This is the weakest one of all. Has a little chance of freezing and only does 2 water Icons. What a waste.

Cheap=5 400 NP



Rating= 1

Pros: None

Cons: Well everything

RED AND YELLOW: Hmmmm, cost the same, do the same, freeze the same, IS the same. Does 3-4 icons and has a little chance of freezing. Um... maybe

Cheap= 5 500


Attack= 2

Rating= 2

Pros: Well if you want cheap frost cannons get it. For the people that like price

Cons: Attack still isn't that good.

GREEN: This is great! It is the best frost cannon for its price. Does 3-5 icons and has a little chance of freezing. YEAH!

Cheap= 4 1300 NP


Attack= 4

Rating= 4

Pro: YES, if you like good attack for cheap

Con: It only has a little chance of freezing

BLACK AND RAINBOW: These two are the strongest frost cannons available! The black one is the one that has the most chance of freezing. Also, the black one does the same amount of damage as the green one. The rainbow one can do 4-6 icons of water damage. The rainbow also has a improved chance of freezing, but not as much as the black!

Cheap=2 60,000 NP to 80,000 NP




Pros: Does more freezing and attack than the others. Get it if you're rich in NP.

Cons: Expensive


SNOWGLOBE STAFF: This is a really random freezing weapon. It can:

1. Attack with six icons (Good)

2. Freeze your opponent (GOOD) (It will break for the rest of the battle if it freezes)

3. Give you a yellow snowball (Nice)

4. Nothing and break for the rest of battle (BAD)

5. Defend against a icy snowball (OK)

It does good stuff 3/5 times (not bad)

Cheap=4 (2,000 NP)

Freezing= 3

Attack=2 (only because it will not always happen)



Cons: This is really chancy, icy snowballs are not always thrown at you.


YAY! It's done! This took 2 days to finish. Feel free to Neomail me with any question at coolblastoise! Have a nice day!

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