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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 76 > Comics
A Little Place They call Neopia!

You know know your life is over when...

by tracypaper12

Aisha Blues 3

You learn something new everyday.

by championferret

Alpha70 and MuRou

Curiousity blew up the Lupe.

by felabba

Beat Cartoons

"server problems"

by beatzero3

Evil Lab Ray

Get under there now!

by stickycattabby

From Me to You

Cupcake finds out what happens when bad jokes attack.

by izzywizard

Grandma Grarrl

I wonder where the grandkids went...

by twiggy_trace

In Response to Sheep Of Doom

Elves are a noble and proud race.

by sailorptah

L*U*P*E Blue

Waiting for another comic?

by oasis21

Lab Ray Problems!

Why aren't you coming to the Female Shoyru Club anymore?

by _darkpaw_


At the Neopian Random Events Convention

by cyaneus


The Gallery of Evil never lies.

by meowth4

Neopia's Troubles

Oh no! Boochi fires his ray gun and...

by kattygirl89

Oh What Crazy Girls!

All my friends will be jealous!

by artic_camel

Pup Luck

Wow! Your home is cool Sloth!

by penpen


Just when you thought it was safe to play with your smelly petpets.

by magus

Really Confused

You are getting sleepy...

by stoneman3x

Switching Places: Part One

She has it SO easy!

by mizukori

The Evil Snowman 1

Let's go build a snowman!

by indianfaerie

The Pointless Life

Dude... Are apples supposed to blink?

by rihsu

Throwing Dung

Why you should never throw dung.

by knyfo

Vegeta Rush

Good stuff happens to everyone but me!

by majinvegeta2021


If you've got it, flaunt it!

After checking hundreds of shops by way of the loveable Shop Wizard, Neopians found that building a shop gallery was harder than it looked--every species and section of food having their own unbuyables, and very nearly costing millions altogether, how could anyone except the rich possibly put together a gallery worth visiting? more>>

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Other Stories

A Shoyru Story
I am just one anonymous green Shoyru in a sea of used and neglected pets.

by dew_drop_dancer

Dark Betrayal
I was awoken that day by Grundos carrying VirtuPet energy sabres. I had no idea where they were taking me but I figured it couldn't be good.

by johnyquest178

A Neopinglish Dictionary
Here is a dictionary of Neopinglish to help you understand what everyone is SAYING, even if what they are DOING still makes no sense whatsoever.

by stoneman3x

Guide to Storytelling
Two paragraphs had already been entered, so being the imaginative type I was, entered this really weird story with lots of twists and turns. I submitted it and then waited.

by ginger23456

Dragon Thieves
Everyone was used to Nianso DreamWish being out late. However, when dinner grew close and there was no sign of the dragon-winged starry Zafara, MiracleStar started to get worried.

by child_dragon

Lost in the Desert II: Part One
The alley just got more narrow and slanted downward as the Ixi tugged at her body in silence. In just a few minutes, they arrived at a dead end.

by smileyface12_5690

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