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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 10th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 87 > Comics
A Little Bit of Everything

What's so funny?!?

by angelemily286

And the Meepits Outgrabe

Izza Jelly Chia!

by kittylin

Bucky the Babaa

Fo sheezy.

by simsman24000

Cheesy Neos

Why are you spying?

by justduckygal

Faerie in Trouble

We are bound to get a good reward!!

by mayavoghel

Funny Bunny

Aww poor linksie... Mwahahaha...

by boomerangfireworks

Golden Juppie #6

Can I please have a cool negg?

by theeaterofworlds

KafflyKa_9 vs Jhudora - - Who Will Win?

Jhudora's most hated enemy.

by lydou_9

Keep Smiling

I'm in the Neopian Times?

by dotwarner

Little Place They Call Neopia

Sloth's biggest fan!

by tracypaper12

Neopia's Troubles

You've gotta see this!

by kattygirl89

Nick Neopia

Tax Day...

by smudgeoffudge

Nonsensical Verbiage

Maybe this healing potion will help!

by laurensama

Pup Luck

Just... don't go crazy with the scissors, okay?

by lugia

Really Confused

"About Easter Negg Hunts"

by stoneman3x

Slice of Life

Artisan Special Case Docket P-13453

by tahara69

Something Has Happened

A gust of icy cold wind...

by tdyans

Taking Action

You're that guy from that comic!

by twelve_52

Thank Neopia!

Maybe it's a good thing darigan won the war...

by chipster33

Why me? #2

Have I told you how nice you look today?

by hot_n_cold


Our headlines this week include a new game called Skarl's Scramble, the celebration of Krawk Day, and some goodies that have arrived just in time for Easter. Read all about it here.

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Other Stories

Waffle-Ducky's Easter
"Y'know, I'm a little old to have a baby-sitter," I told her, rolling my eyes...

by squieshie

Flames: Confusion
We were wandering around the Lost Desert, with no intention of looking for the Monocerous...

by teghan62

Know of Him, Find Him, and Kick Him in the Tail - Garoo
It's been a while since Commander Garoo was declared the new psychopath on the loose for the Defenders of Neopia...

by noremac9

Krawks - A Status Symbol or Just Another Pet?
Well, this may sound silly but not everyone knows how to get a Krawk.

by plushieowner

The Terrible Two: Part One
"I can't believe you were day dreaming again!" said practical Holly. "You have got to grow up and pay attention!"

by bqueen6430

The Reality of Dreams: Part One
"Brace for impact!" Infernus roared. We crashed into the side of the hill in a tangled heap, rolling to a stop several feet away.

by sabreur

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