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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 7th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 131 > Continuing Series
Lab Ray: Part Two

"So where are you going, Pricsesa?" Trella asked in her most innocent voice, but her eyes gave her away. She was beyond angry; she was furious.

by chipster33

Storm Eyes: Part Two

"Mr... Tra… I mean Morgan, why did you call me Caesius? I've heard that name in my dream, but I don't know what it means."

by allhailtheprincess

The Carrotblade Incident: Part Seven

“SIR! Sir! We have a situation!” one of the Grundos within the room yelled. The doctor’s attention quickly shifted as the Grundo called his attention.

by laurensama

The Path to the Stars: Part E

"I don't get it," he replied, sliding the folder back to Chill Pill. "What am I supposed to be looking at?"

by buddy33774

The Quest of Jeran: Part Three

The moments that had just past by were not in Vex's favor. When the cruiser had past by and fired at Galgarrath, he had blocked the shots with his metal claws.

by jiggles24944

The Quest of the Golden Negg: Part Three

Celeon had dealt with monsters before, the Pant Devil was no different -- or so he thought -- until the Pant Devil whipped out the wand of supernova.

by angelzbabe13

The Roboball: Part Five

Smoke was rising from Faerieland. Looking back down at Jacob for some explanation, he saw that he was still smiling as he watched the gathering of Neopets.

by jacob133

The Zafara Assassin 4: Darkness and Light -- Part Fifteen

This new creature had taken just one look at me, and fallen back with a gasp. "Do you know who that is?!"

by meratocat

Zajen: Part Three

Triano frowned, crossing his fins. "I don't see why we're just sitting here. If anything is really coming, I think we should prepare for it."

by flipp_garuda


"Everything to Lose" by child_dragon - "Did you ever stop and think what would happen if you stopped dreaming?"... more>>

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Other Stories

A Lab Rat
"Well, I got the last piece at the auctions today. Which means that one of you will start going to the lab ray from now on."

by sweetandspicy99

Legends of Neopia: Techo Mountain
"Once, a very, very long time ago, there was a Techo by the name of Tharkad…"

by negrek

Draiks, Draiks, and More Draiks!
Why are Draiks so rare? Well, they’re limited edition, which means there are only a certain number which can be created.

by starry__night__sky

Bein’ Bad Never Looked So Good!
You've got the walk. You've got the talk. And you've got the gruesome minions. But what's going to give you the edge over all those bad boy wannabes?

by smudginator

Oopsy Daisies
Frank Sloth and Illusen?

by scattergirl

Bucky the Babaa
Potato counting isn't for everyone...

by simsman24000

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