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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 16th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 131 > Continuing Series > The Quest of Jeran: Part Three

The Quest of Jeran: Part Three

by jiggles24944

Meridell Castle

"Jeran, Jeran, wake up!" Was the first thing he heard as he fell out of his bed, and with a groan, the Lupe opened his eyes to see Scruff Winterdown, the knight apprentice.

      He was a young Krawk who was discovered asleep in a blizzard years ago. He was still somewhat still a child being small for his age, but almost ready to be a knight. Rumors were spreading that he would be Jeran's knight partner.

      "What is it, Scruff? " Jeran moaned. He was exhausted after the fight with Coldblood.

      "I sense danger again. I had awakened after having a nightmare of great evil coming through your windows."

      "That's nonsense!" Jeran grumbled. "So your saying when I look out my window, I'm going to see some giant explosion or something." He went to his window. "Well, that's not going to happe--…n"

Half of Darigan Citadel was on fire.

"Wow," Scruff said as he looked outside. A cruiser ship was blasting bullets at the Citadel.

      "If they're attacking there than that means… SOUND THE ALARM! WHOEVER'S ATTACKING THEM WILL ATTACK US!" Jeran yelled as he unsheathed his sword. Scruff quickly ran towards the Grand Bell a few doors down.

      "I guess I was right," Scruff murmured to himself.


The Citadel

The moments that had just past by were not in Vex's favor. When the cruiser had past by and fired at Galgarrath, he had blocked the shots with his metal claws. These shots bounced everywhere, catching the hay roof on fire.

      Zafara assassins, dressed in night colored suits, jumped out of the cruiser and down ropes. There faces were covered in night goggles. Vex tightened his grip on his quarterstaff and ran to intercept them when they landed.

      Bullets were still firing upon Galgarrath. A Zafara jumped right at him and laid a big kick at his face. He flipped backwards and crashed through a glass window, with the Zafara jumping after him.

      When one Zafara hit the ground, Vex jumped at him and hit him with his quarterstaff ten times in four seconds. No effect. The Zafara grabbed him by the throat and punted him into the hay. The roof was burning.



Scruff rang the giant bell. This was a 20-foot wide brass bell, used to awaken the castle defender and warn the people of Meridell. He rang it in a special way so it would play the Song of Danger. Every Meridell citizen, young and old, rushed to get inside the castle.

      Skarl woke up and instantly ran to the knight's chambers, with his guards following. When he got there to awaken the knights, Jeran had already gone by, and everyone was up. Scot (Jeran's best friend) and Jeran were nowhere to be found. Skarl and the 300 knights heard a big explosion above them, and ran to the stairs to fight.

      Meanwhile, Jeran and Scot had gone up the ceiling passageway, with Jeran clinging to Scot's leg. They crashed through a window and both landed on the ground.

      "Say, why are we going this way, anyway?" Scot asked in his highland Chia accent.

      "We have to protect the artifacts."



As Galgarrath was falling towards the Great Hall's giant eating table, the Zafara grabbed him in midair with one hand, and had a Laser Blaster 3000 in the other. Galgarrath bounced back the shots fired at the Zafara. They punched and kicked until finally… CRASH.

      Galgarrath's back hit the table, cracking it in two. He kicked the enemy backwards and got up. The Zafara landed and fired another blast. With a growl, bounced the blow off his metal gloves and back at the Assassin.

      Galgarrath smirked as the blast cut through the enemy's stomach.

      Vex tore his burning coat off. He was on flaming ground. He got up quickly and jumped to a nearby pole.

      Vex was trapped around a circle off burning hay, and it was coming closer. He had to hold his breath to avoid inhaling the poisonous gasses. His wooden staff was in ashes.

      Beyond the flame were the Zafaras. Vex knew that no sane Neopet would walk through flame. That's exactly what the enemy did.

      When the enemy was beyond the flame, Vex gaped in horror.



He could see Meridell now. The rain had stopped, and Plan B was going as planned. He didn't care, as long as he was within distance of the Lupe. He ran ninja style, which was faster than normal running (a real life fact). He was bent down, shaped like an arrowhead, and doubling speed.

      "Here I come, Lupe!"



Above Skarl and the knights were 100 of the 1 cruiser that was destroying Darigan. All the Zafaras had landed. They were firing blasts before the knights could attack. Many in the front row were hit, including King Skarl. Electricity surrounded them as they fell to the floor… shot.

      Jeran and Scot got to the boulder. Something had moved it already. They jumped into the darkness of the tomb. Inside… Zafaras.


When the Zafara came into Vex's view, the night suit and the Zafara fur completely burned off. All that was there was a giant metal android.

      Galgarrath watched the Zafara explode. The fire flew thirty feet in the air before the metal bits came crashing down.

      "These aren't Neopets…" Galgarrath said, whispering to himself. He latched on the wall with his claws and started to climb up. He had to warn and help Vex.

      Vex jumped, flipped in the air and kicked the Android in the face. It had no effect. He put both his hands on the Android's head and flipped behind the robotic creature.

      There was a cord connecting the head and the body. Vex ripped it out. The Android fell apart and exploded. Five Zafaras were surrounding him.

      They took out long ropes, with electric rocks wrapped on the ends of them. Electric Whips.

      They threw them at Vex. The Mynci was tied up by the waists and screamed in pain as the electricity circled him. Archers from the Darigan tower fired on the Androids. Of thirty shots, only one was eliminated.

      The Androids took out their laser guns and fired back. The Pteri archers had to fly to cover as the top of the tower exploded and crashed to the ground. Only a few of them had their bows and arrows.



Christmas_The_Angel, archer knight, went beside the fallen Skarl. He had a shocked expression on his face. Christmas felt a heartbeat. As the knights charged, he lifted Skarl up and walked towards the castle.

      The knights, unlike Darigan, had sharp cutting things called swords that could pierce through metal easily. They were slicing through many Androids, and also getting shot. From the way the battle was going, the knights were victorious.

      Lisha found Skarl and Christmas tending the wound. Skarl was trying to open his mouth to speak. He managed to whisper a few words before falling unconscious.

      "Lisha… t-tell Jeran to pick up the scroll… find the others… we'll… tect… ourselve…s…"

      "He's right," Christmas said, "the power of an artifact could defeat an army like this. Find Jeran as soon as possible." With a nod, Lisha was gone. She found Scruff running through the halls.

      "I've got to find Jeran," Lisha said quickly, "Do you know where he is?"

      "I last saw him running this way," Scruff replied. With his wings in the air, he said, "Grab on to my legs! Flying is faster!" Lisha was lifted into the air and Scruff went as fast as he could.


Grundox's Flying Airship

"Lord Grundox, the XZ3's have landed and Darigan is defeated from what we know. Meridell is still fighting, but we have sent a lot in. The Androids have confirmed that a scroll is in Meridell."

      "Tell the XZ4s in the cave to take the scroll and protect it. I want them leaving as soon as possible."

      When the Pteri returned, Grundox said menacingly, "Good. I have no purpose for you know. Goodbye, Lt. Flamewing." He pressed a button on his control panel. Flamewing was surrounded by an energetic force field, and screamed as he was electrocuted. When he fell unconscious, two servants hoisted him up and dragged him away.

"Send him back through time."

Yes, they were from our present. Grundox howled with evil cackling laughter. He went out of his seat, out of the shadows, showing his true form.

      Grundox is purple, red burning eyes watching everything, and a dark black cape covering his body.

      "Let's show the past who's boss! MWA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!"

To be continued...

Are the people of the past doomed? See next time in The Quest of Jeran- Part Four: Greater Sacrifice!

Previous Episodes

The Quest of Jeran: Part One

The Quest of Jeran: Part Two

The Quest of Jeran: Part Four

The Quest of Jeran: Part Five

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