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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 16th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 140 > Continuing Series
Impostor: Part Three

"Trini?" Puppy said. "So then who’s that in the kitchen?"

by charmedhorses

Journey of a Knight: Part Two

Training, as Firiden saw it, was the most important thing for the young Lupe. Firiden could see the raw potential in Jeran’s abilities and wanted to make sure, more than anything, that he could harness it.

by laurensama

Merogan, Lupe Warrior: Part Two

"Now girls, this is a very important day. I don’t want it ruined by silly fighting over nonsense!"

by shadyy15

Nikola's Jewel: Part Six

"Are we still in Neopia? Like, Meridell is its own world, but it’s still in Neopia..."

by leb388

Storm Eyes: Part Eleven

Pravus admired his reflection in a polished shield. He looked the part of a warlord off to conquer. He twisted his lips into a malicious smile. The eye of the storm was sure to be silenced this time.

by allhailtheprincess

The Curse of the Citadel: Part Seven

"No more am I free. Or was I ever? I thought I was, I really did."

by jinjolover

The Defenders of Light: Part Seven

"Tell them to close off all exits!" I said. It has been a month since our encounter with Ransack. Everything had settled until now.

by npmasterx01

The Legend of the Red Sands: Part Two

The bandits kept calling her Indara… Was that her name? Why were these horrible, bloodthirsty thieves speaking to her as a friend?

by thegreenmooseofdoom

The Light Faeries Apprentice: Part Two

"Your new home," squeaked one of the Grundos, pushing them inside. The huge steel bars clanged shut like before, and the Grundo punched in another security code before they scuttled off.

by neo_star_queen

To be a Master: Search For A Red Aisha -- Part Three

Kokyu liked the look of the white-belts. All of them so bright and full of vitality and vigour, and they obviously loved Neo-Kido, as he could tell from their shining eyes and the joyful excitement in their voices...

by shelleylow


"The Hope Tree" by nincondemius -Marigold loved the Hope Tree, thought Tasha. The strong limbs of the tree were like a second home to the Cybunny... more>>

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Other Stories

Nathan's Song
He sang of many things, it just depended on his mood. If his brothers had been picking on him, he sang a sad song, one of longing for a better life.

by tree_rhymer

Lisha's Dream
I wish I could have hugged him one last time before he left. In all the rush, I never even had the chance. And I regret it now. Because this time…This time…I'm scared.

by oily106

Forgotten Neopians: Princess Sankara
I got through the gates, but two more guards decided to follow my heels. What was I going to do? Poison the princess? I made my way to the Princess’s room and knocked on the door.

by cair_erialc

Dung... Furniture of the Future
Many villagers of Tyrannia use dung for their furniture. They used it all in the past, so maybe many Neopians use it now.

by icedude912

Friends in High Places: The Fall (Episode 1)
Be careful with those Faerie Foods...

by kitsune43412

Never Better

by magdan1234

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