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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 16th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 140 > Articles > Forgotten Neopians: Princess Sankara

Forgotten Neopians: Princess Sankara

by cair_erialc

During a rainy day, I was sitting in a squashy sofa in my Neohome. My four pets making a loud commotion, as usual, and I didn’t do anything about it, since I learned the hard way to let them solve their own problems otherwise I would probably be dead on the floor the next day. But back to the subject. So I was sitting on the squashy sofa, and I was reading the newest issue of the Neopian Times. I looked at the articles, most were about those famous well-known Neopians. I looked through the yek about Jhudora versus Illusen, Meridell versus Darigan, Fyora… I was so tired of these famous people. What if, I thought, an article would feature someone different, someone forgotten but truly interesting and important? All of a sudden, the loud commotion made by my pets wasn’t heard anymore. I quickly grabbed the nearest Basic Pen I could find and my trusty Red Notebook.

My first stop was the Neopedia. Each and every important Neopian was featured here, and most probably a ton of forgotten heroes. So I began my long search. From Jhudora to King Coltzan III to Fyora… I looked through all those boring, “famous” ones. Finally, one name caught my eye. Princess Sankara. Now that was a name we didn’t hear too often. In fact, I had never heard of Princess Sankara! Who was she? Even Princess Vyssa I had heard about! I quickly scribbled in my Red Notebook, Princess Sankara/ I had the person I would write about. I decided not to read what the Neopedia said about her, a better idea was to visit her myself and get the real facts.

So, I got a Uni to fly me to the Lost Desert for a fee of 300 Neopoints. Once I reached the desert, I headed to the giant palace in the center of the desert. Two Desert Lupe Guards stopped me from walking through the gate and decided to interrogate me.

Guards: Why do you wish to enter the palace?

Me: I’m a reporter for the Neopian Times and I wish to question Princess Sankara.

Guards: What will you do with this information?

Me: Write an article, duh.

Guards: Will this information go anywhere else?

Me: No where else – does my memory count?

Guards: You may enter.

So I got through the gates, but two more guards decided to follow my heels. What was I going to do? Poison the princess? I made my way to the Princess’s room and knocked on the door.

“Vyssa! If it’s you, go away!”

The guards following me said, “Your highness, a Neopian Times reporter wishes to interview you for an article.”

Princess Sankara opened the door. She was a pretty desert Aisha.

“Me?” she asked, “Wow! I don’t get this every day, I mean, I’m pretty much forgotten over at Neopia. Wouldn’t you rather write about Illusen or Fyora?”

I laughed.

“Oh! That’s just the thing! Too many people write about the famous ones, that some important, interesting Neopians are forgotten! I was flipping through the Neopedia and that’s when I found your name, I thought, that’s a name we don’t hear often. So I came to find you.”

The Aisha smiled, “Come in then.”

So the interview began. I, with my Red Notebook and Basic Pen, she in a chair waiting to be questioned.

Me: So… how old are you?

Princess Sankara: 19

Me: What’s your title, I mean, since they call you Princess Sankara.

Princess Sankara: I’m the heiress to the throne of the Fourth Khansu Dynasty, and proud of it too! (she puffs up her chest like a queen)

Me: Okay… um… what are your favorite books?

Princess Sankara: (laughs) You Neopian reporters have silly questions. Um… I guess “Pazo the Lonely Aisha” is great, I can totally relate to that one! And Sahkmet Petpets, they’re soooooo cute!

Me: So, if Princess Vyssa is the heir to King Coltzan III’s throne, why are you living here, I mean, you’re the princess of the… what’s it called? (quickly looks in Red Notebook) um the Fourth Khansu Dynasty.

Princess Sankara: It’s so long ago! I guess it’s like, ten years? I had to make my way to safety. I didn’t want to leave my family of course, but it really wasn’t a choice. My father insisted I leave, since I’m the only heir, and continue the Fourth Khansu Dynasty. One of the watchmen came late in the evening on the 8th day of Relaxing – some relaxation huh? – and told my Father, King Sobek the wise that this evil King Heksas would arrive in our place in hours. We were doomed, our tiny army was no match, and there wasn’t time to send reinforcements. The watchmen told us to flee, but my dad said that he wouldn’t leave his people to be slaughtered (so noble) and he told me to run. So, being the good princess I was, agreed. I packed my things and made it to the dunes. It took two weeks, but I finally reached Sahkmet. King Coltzan invited me with warmth and generosity. When we learned my parents had been lost in the battle, the great king offered me a position as a member of his court. Well whadaya think I did? Accepted of course!

Me: You’re happy now aren’t you?

Princess Sankara: Well, yea, but there are some things I want. Like I have this dream of leading an army into Khamtef, where I used to live and defeating that evil King Heksas guy for what he did, but King Coltzan says I’m too young. I’ve been dreaming that for 10 years!

Me: Do you think this dream will come true?

Princess Sankara: Ya, I guess, since Princess Vyssa is going to become queen, she might supply me with the army, even though I hate to say it. I mean, if she’s old enough to be queen, how come I’m too young to have an army right?

Me: Yup. Oh no, the pen tip broke! I knew it was defected when I bought it for 5 Neopoints! (throws pen out in the hall where it hits a guard, then gets out another Basic Pen) Luckily I always keep an extra pen around with me.

Guard: OW! Who threw that?!

Me: Oops! (guard walks in with bump on his head.

Guard: Look what you did!!!

Princess Sankara: I guess you should leave now, erm…

Me: Cair, call me Cair.

Princess Sankara: Yes, I guess you should leave Cair. Good luck on your article.

Me: Thanks!

I ran out quickly before the guard could shout. The Uni who had taken me was still waiting patiently (not).

“Sheesh, that took a while,” she said, “That’s going to cost you extra!”

“Fine, fine,” I said grumpily, and handed over 400 Neopoints, the original cost was 300, but that extra wait cost me 100 Neopoints extra, which I thought was unfair. Oh well, I needed to get back before my pets exploded our Neohome.

The Uni flew me back and I quickly ran back to my Neohome and unlocked the door and walked in. I didn’t regard my pets who were still bickering and flew to the computer to type. Once the article was finished, I sent it and went back to my Neopian Times issue. I wondered who I would write about for the next issue’s Forgotten Neopians.

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