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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 16th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 140 > Articles > Royal vs. Grey: The Battle of the Paint Brushes

Royal vs. Grey: The Battle of the Paint Brushes

by cibercat9000

RAINBOW POOL - On one corner of the ring, a gloomy and sort of depressed paint brush slouches, a now-sweaty towel draped about its neck. Two other paint brushes gives it a soothing neck rub and encourages it with cheerful words.

On the opposite side of the ring, a prideful, more elegant paint brush sits comfortingly on a dainty lawn chair, a perfectly clean towel draped about its neck. This paint brush, however, doesn't have friends cheering it on and helping it to relax, it has about ten servants massaging it and bringing it ice cold lemonade. It smirks in the way of its opponent, and gets ready to fight.

The sad paint brush strengthens itself and puffs out its secretly huge muscles no one knew it had. This, if you haven't guessed is the Grey Paint Brush and the other one is the Royal Paint Brush.

A loud bell rings and the two enemies charge out and begin to fight...

* * * * *

Ha! I had you scared for a minute there, thinking this was a short story and had been put in the wrong category! Nope, it's an article (an article of fine writing to be exact), but I decided to have a story-like beginning. Now for the article part:

If you haven't already noticed, (which I'm sure you have) there are two new colors you can paint your pet. Royal and grey. The Royal Paint Brush gives your pet a more elegant and...well, royal appearance, while the Grey Paint Brush makes your pet look depressed and sad, but in a pitifully cute way. Which one is a better choice, or just the all-around better paint brush? you might ask. Well, let's look at the facts of each one, individually.


This paint brush, as said earlier in the article, makes your pet look kinda cute, but in a gloomy, depressed, and feel-sorry-for-it way. It can be quite useful when used as bait to attract donations from passing Neopians, as they feel so sorry and assume it's poor. But if you don't want to be swimming in Neopoints and have a lifetime supply of food, then that feature is completely useless and I'll move on to another great thing about this paint brush.

My pets and I did a little test before I wrote this article, in order to see if being painted grey makes you feel and look sick. Here's how it went:


We went to the mall to try it out...everyone ran away screaming about a contagious neopet infecting the stores and everything else. Sniffy (my grey Cybunny) told me that she didn't feel sick, however, so the test was successful. Yes, you can skip school as long as you want because your owner will think you are terribly ill and keep you home. All thanks to the Grey Paint Brush.

A negative thing is not as many pets can be painted grey, where probably a little less than twice the amount of pets can be walking around and looking royal after they've used the Royal Paint Brush.

So, if you don't wanna be rich with decent donations, or have your pet stay home from school, and you aren't satisfied with the look of your pet being grey, I suggest you read further and look at the ups and downs with the Royal Paint Brush.


Unlike the Grey Paint Brush, people (and Neopets, of course) probably won't give you any donations, but if you've always wanted to look like a snotty, stuck-up, spoiled brat, here's your chance to. Yes, Neopians everywhere will most likely assume you have all the Neopoints and all the rare items you could possibly ask for. This could be good if you are the shy and private type, because you probably won't end up with any friends (another way to achieve this no-friends thing is look and smell as much like Dr. Sloth as you possibly can, that'll keep everyone from liking you for sure). On the other hand, this could be bad if you're very friendly and outgoing because you'll end up being very, very, very, very lonely (like Mr. Frank Slothy-Wothy). I know, I know, not many people want to end up with a total amount of 0, that's why I've made a list of 7 reasons the Royal Paint Brush is a good choice.

1. You'll look very attractive and may draw in several of the other gender.

2. The Royal Paint Brush provides a individuality policy (well, sort of). If you are a female, you will look like a royal female. If you are a male, you will look like a royal male. This is something the grey, and most, paint brushes don't have.

3. If you don't want to actually be painted royal, and just end up with a Royal Paint Brush, either you or your petpet has an elegant pillow to sleep with.

4. Again, the nice-looking pillow supplied with this paint brush is a great present for your owner when his or her birthday comes around.

5. Two words. Trading Post.

6. It's a great addition to any purple collection. If you look at the way it looks before someone paints themselves with it, you'll know why.

7. (oooh, the last reason...) If painting yourself doesn't work out, why not use it as a prank and paint one of your siblings while they're sleeping. This may end up with many laughs, but when you get grounded for a week by your annoyed owner, you might want to never try this again.

Are you satisfied with my Royal Paint Brush uses? Hopefully so. Now, if you still can't decide which paint brush you like best, I've come up with two interviews of pets who've been painted with them.


I searched high and low for a grey painted pet (it didn't seem fair to use my own) until I finally found a grey Wocky named imallsadanddepressed123456 (we'll just call her Wocky)

Me: So, how long have you been painted grey?

Wocky: (in a very depressed and gloomy tone) I dunno...

Me: Uh... okay, then, do you like being painted grey?

Wocky: I dunno...

Me: (getting annoyed) What are your favorite things about being painted grey?

Wocky: I dunno...


Wocky: I dunno...

Me: AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!! *runs around hysterically, pretending to pull hair out*

Wocky: I dunno...

Me: *stops running around, face is beet red* FINE!!! YOU KNOW WHAT??!! THE HECK WITH YOU!!! *pushes Wocky aside* I'LL JUST PRETEND I'M PAINTED GREY AND INTERVIEW MYSELF!!!

Me: (asking question) Now, how long have you been painted grey? *switches to other side*

Me: (being interviewed) A few months now. *switches sides again*

Me: (asking question) Do you like being painted grey? *switches sides for the third time*

Me: (being interviewed) Well, sometimes I get to stay home from school because my owner thinks I'm sick, and I'm now rich from so many donations people give me. *Switches sides for the fourth time*

Me: (asking question) What are your favorite things about being painted grey? *(you already know what I'll do now, so I don't need to say it anymore)*

Me: (being interviewed) You know, I'm not sure.

Me: (asking question) What are your least favorite things about being painted grey?

Me: (being interviewed) Well, a lot of the time I feel all sad and gloomy.

Me: (asking question) This is the last question. Would you rather be painted royal or grey?

Me: (being interviewed) *thinking hard* Hmmm... I'd rather be painted... plushie.

Me: (asking question) Uh, that wasn't one of the choices...!

Me: (being interviewed) It wasn't?

Me: (asking question) NOOOOOO!!! IT WASN'T!!! NOW THIS INTERVIEW IS OVER!!! DO YOU HEAR ME??!! O-VER!!!! O-V-E-R!!!!


I had no trouble finding a royal neopet. The one I thought would be the best for my interview was a female, royal Kougra named Jade.

Me: So, how long have you been painted royal?

Jade: Well, ever since I was a tiny cub.

Me: *writes the answers in notebook and mumbles some words of satisfactory* Oh! Uh... do you like being painted royal?

Jade: Actually, I truly like my royal appearance, and it brings me lots of fame and elegant items.

Me: Boy, this is going good! Now, what's your favorite thing about being painted the striking color you currently are.

Jade: Oh, this is easy! You see, one might think people judge me by what I look like, but really I've had more real, true friends than ever before. They look at what's on the inside, not the outside. So, in answer to your question, I'd have to say I like everything about being royal.

Me: The question after this is the last one. Now, what's your least favorite thing about being painted royal?

Jade: Okay, now this is a hard question! Well... my least favorite thing... it would have to be.. .oh, the clothes! The clothes I have to wear are so tight and heavy, they are really quite annoying, though beautiful.

Me: You know, this was going to be the last question, but I think there's one more I'd like to ask after this. Would you rather be painted grey or royal?

Jade: Royal, definitely!

Me: What's your advice to Neopets who are trying to decide whether to be painted royal or grey?

Jade: Being painted royal gets you nice things and nice friends. Being painted grey gets you... nothing but a pitifully cute face and red, bloodshot eyes.

Me: Thanks for letting me interview you, miss Jade!

Jade: No, thank you!

Have you made your decision? Yes? No? I know I have! I'd much rather be painted neither grey, nor royal, but looking like a cute, little, chubby stuffed animal when you get painted plushie sounds the best to me!! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed my article, and I hope it got published! Thanks for reading!


Author's note: I don't have a grey Cybunny named Sniffy (sadly) and although feedback would be much appreciated, I'm afraid nobody can Neomail me. I'm under the 9-12 group and don't have my permission yet. You can try if you want, though!

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