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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 16th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 140 > Articles
Dung... Furniture of the Future

Many villagers of Tyrannia use dung for their furniture. They used it all in the past, so maybe many Neopians use it now.

by icedude912

Fight or Flight?

"I have one pet who will never fight in the Battledome, and it's simply because of his personality. It's just not in Rooruon's nature to fight."

by weyrladyjeskann

Forgotten Neopians: Princess Sankara

I got through the gates, but two more guards decided to follow my heels. What was I going to do? Poison the princess? I made my way to the Princess’s room and knocked on the door.

by cair_erialc

Life on the Citadel

Where on earth that piece of ground was taken from? Is there a big hole in the ground?

by faeriegurl4lyfe

Royal vs. Grey: The Battle of the Paint Brushes

If you haven't already noticed, (which I'm sure you have) there are two new colors you can paint your pet. Royal and grey.

by cibercat9000

Snot the Same Without Snot

When I say the word SNOT what does it make you think of? Noses? Sneezing? Congested? Meuka?

by playmobil_is_my_life

The Horrors of the Block

Everyone who has tried to get their article in the Neopian Times knows how hard it is to come up with a completely new idea. But what if you can't think of a fresh idea?

by comical_tragedy

The Sixteen Hour Race

How one Neopian struggled her way into proving determination is all you need to be successful in the Game Room.

by valerielundberg

The Wheel Of Monotony – Get ready for LONG wait...

Many, myself for example, are busy telling ourselves “Patience... patience... just a minute longer... it's got to stop sometime... and with a wait this long, the prize has got to be great!”

by theonlyjessica

Which is Which?

The real issue with these items is that it’s mostly about confusion for the users who are putting them up for trade.

by romavnus

^-^, o o, n00b, oh my!

Ever wonder what in the world is the difference between a n00b and a newbie? What 'rawk my sawks' is supposed to mean? What are all those faces with the ^'s and the o's?

by chbi_floating_napkin


It's Got To Stop Sometime...

Many, myself for example, are busy telling ourselves “Patience... patience... just a minute longer... it's got to stop sometime... and with a wait this long, the prize has got to be great!” But alas. All in vain, as of this writing. So what's really with this wheel? Is it a hoax (better not be!)? Is it a plot to keep us away from fighting Lord Kass? Are they trying to hypnotize us?... more>>

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Other Stories

Nathan's Song
He sang of many things, it just depended on his mood. If his brothers had been picking on him, he sang a sad song, one of longing for a better life.

by tree_rhymer

Lisha's Dream
I wish I could have hugged him one last time before he left. In all the rush, I never even had the chance. And I regret it now. Because this time…This time…I'm scared.

by oily106

Turn of the Tide: Part One
They'd been friends in childhood, all three of them, Kass always tagging along behind she and Dienal, hero-worshiping them almost. As he'd grown up, so had they, and they'd slowly grown apart until Dienal had...

by frostcrystal

Rainy Days: Part One
"You’re the lucky one," he said, flashing white teeth in a broad grin, "All the other students are taking their sweet time to get here. Probably because of the rain."

by child_dragon

Friends in High Places: The Fall (Episode 1)
Be careful with those Faerie Foods...

by kitsune43412

Never Better

by magdan1234

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