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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 8th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 140 > Articles > Snot the Same Without Snot

Snot the Same Without Snot

by playmobil_is_my_life

When I say the word SNOT what does it make you think of? Noses? Sneezing? Congested? Meuka? Snot is a lot more important than you think. Without snot in our nose, our brains would fly out every time we sneeze… okay, maybe that’s not true, but it sounded good for a minute!


I’m sure you’ve heard of Meuka, the Battledome challenger, (and maybe you were strong enough to get the avatar too)! What makes him different from the others? Perhaps it’s the fact that he’s covered in slimy mucus. But how did Meuka get the way he was? Here are some theories from anonymous Neopets users:

1. A giant Neopet sneezed on him and Meuka was never able to rid himself from the mucus.

2. He was sick with the Sneezles so often that he turned into a big blob of snot.

3. The Lab Ray turned him into a mucus neopet.

#3 is a definite possibility. Here comes a little Meerca hopping along Neopia and when he finally has enough maps to go to the Lab Ray—ZAP—he comes out as a ball of snot. In fact, that’s the only way for your pet to turn mucus. There is no ‘Snot Paintbrush’, or ‘Mucus Transmogrification Potion’ but if one of these ever did come out, it might not be a bad idea. The chances of the Lab Ray turning your pet mucus are rare; so don’t come whining to me if the Lab Ray doesn’t turn your pet into a snot ball the first time you try. The only pets that are able to turn into mucus are Aishas, Chias, Grundos, Kikos and Meercas, but enough about Meuka and all the other snot Neopets.

Whatever the reason, snot makes Meuka unique. And if you want to be a Meuka follower, I suggest you cover yourself in snot and hang out at the Battledome! But enough about Meuka, let’s discuss…

Applying Snot to your daily life:

*Snot can be used to seal cracks in your Neohome walls, instead of buying expensive fillers.

*Snot can be used as a facial mask. Just apply it to dry skin, sit back and let the mucus do the rest. May cause a slight rash.

*Snot is served at Grundo’s Café in the Virtupets Space station… (“You mean that wasn’t dehydrated space food…?”)

*If you are out of maple syrup and just cooked up a dozen pancakes, why not try something different?

*Snot is fun to throw on older siblings when they steal your favorite fuzzle. Watch out, you have a secret weapon that you made yourself!

*Snot is fun for young Neopets to play with! Which little guy doesn’t love something that is squishy, gooey and messy?

*Instead of taking a Medicinal Mud Bath when your pet is covered in large yellowy lumps, use your own snot and it’ll give you the same result.

*Snot can be filled in bottles to be replaced as sand. Who needs invisible sand when you can have Snot Sand!

*It has nearly the same substance as shampoo and conditioner, so use it when you’re showering! It gives your Neopets fur a shiny look when you wash it out. If you want to use it as hair gel, just apply it and don’t wash it off. When it dries, it’ll harden your hair into a totally cool spiked position that is sure to have all of your friends oohing and aahing over your new look!

*Snot can be made into smoothies and served at the Smoothie Store! (Try adding sugar for a better taste).

*Snot can also be used as paint. Even though your picture will only be green and yellow, it’ll still be pretty enough for your owner to want to keep.

The Snot Craze!

See? Snot is becoming a totally new fad, a fad I like to call, “The Snot Craze”. After you turn into a Snot Neopet, go check out the new snot food items in stores: crunchy snot ball, lolly snot, snot burger, gooey snot cheese, crunchy snot birthday cupcake, mucus soup, snot wrap, snot split and snotty spaghetti. Whether or not you want to eat these foods is entirely optional. Aaaaaand, if you want to stock up on school supplies for the Neoschools, you should check out the: snotty erasers, snotty pens, snotty schoolbooks, and snotty ink! You’ll be the King of Cool when you go to Neoschool with all of your snot items! And last, but not least, when you’re looking for the perfect petpet, consider a Snotbunny! Plain old Snowbunnies are boring… YAWN. Get yourself a Snotbunny!

The very few Cons and Rumors about Snot

“Snot is sticky.” Well, yeah, but this is something that you and your Neopet will get used to. It will end up rubbing off on chairs, beds and tables, but if your Neopet is painted snot, he won’t be able to tell the difference.

“Snot is unclean.” WRONG! Snot is very clean. It comes from your own body, and if you are healthy then you body is always clean. Snot is thick enough that it cannot pick up germs and illnesses, so your Neopet won’t have to worry about getting sick. Snot may look unclean, but it is very sanitary.

“Whenever my Snot Neopet moves, he leaves a trail behind.” Yes, he most certainly will. But that’s like a Neopet playing in the rain and tracking water in the house or when a Neopet splashes in the mud and the dirt rubs off on your carpet when he gets home. There will always be some kind of tracks if you have a Neopet.

“Snot is an ugly look for a Neopet.” Totally untrue! I think it’s cute, in its own way. If your Neopet turns snot, don’t abandon him! Just buy a cheap blue paintbrush and paint him. It’s really not that expensive for most people.

“Snot notebooks, schoolbooks, pens and erasers will stick to the desks when students use them in schools.” Yep, they sure will! But wouldn’t it be funny when a teacher tries to pick up her snotty schoolbook from her desk and she won’t be able to get it off! What a riot!

Concluding this Article…

Without snot in this world, we’d be clueless. What would tissues be used for? What other substance would fill our nose? So this article proves that it really is not the same with out snot. And remember: it’s snot that makes the world go round… not gravitational forces!

Author’s Note: Thank you for reading this! Hope you enjoyed it. My inbox is always open for feedback.

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