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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 28 > Editorial


I want to get a job coupon but I don't know how?
Job Coupons were given out as part of a sponsored activity ages ago. You cannot get anymore at the moment, but we may bring them back at a later date.

When I looked up my neopet, there were mini-pictures of my pets floating around. When I went back to it, it was gone. What happened?
This is just a little random effect. Sometimes you will see your pets floating down the page when you look them up.

Is the Tonu the new Neopet you were talking about in the last editorial or is another Neopet still coming?
Yes, the Tonu is the new pet I mentioned earlier :)

Does Adam Powell have MSN?
No, no member of the Neopets team will ever contact you unless you email them first. We do not use MSN, ICQ, AIM or any other chat program to deal with support emails. If anyone claims to be a member of staff, they are lying and are just trying to trick you.

When you said you named the Gelert after a loyal dog you weren't kidding. I found a story about a dog called Gelert. Why didn't you tell us?
Yes, this is true. Our Gelert was named after the hero of one of my favourite celtic legends. When we launched the Gelert we linked to the story from the Gelert's homepage, so everybody could read it. You can still access the story here!

I gave you guys my email but I never got sent my activation code, can you send it again?
We can't send you your activation code, but you can request it yourself. Go back to any page on the Neopets site and click the text 'activation code'. From that page you can request to have it resent to you.

Why did Adam's name change to Andrew on the About Us page?
It is a joke, we had an article about Neopets published in the New York Times, but they got Adam's name wrong :)

How do you fight Magnus the Torch?
There is no direct link to Magnus the Torch, you have to work it out for yourself. Here is a little hint, it is something to do with a very hot place!

How come Punchbag Bob never attacks me when I try to beat him?
Punchbag Bob never attacks anyone. He is just a simple punchbag to practice your moves on. Punchbag Sid however is an entirely different matter...

How do I join the Tyrannian Army?
I am afraid you are a little too late. The Tyrannian army stopped recruiting after the huge battle last year. With the Monoceraptor beaten, there was no need for Grarrg to have a huge army anymore.

I logged in today to find one of the new "flaming" foods in my inventory (a "flaming hot meat taco"), but I never bought it (or won it as far as I know). Do you give new items out to random users?
How strange, when you start a new account you do get some items in a newbie pack. It is possible this food was part of the newbie pack. Otherwise you may have been given it by a kind Neofriend.

Please Please PLEASE tell me how to change my Chia into a fruit!!!
Well you see... a funny thing happens to Chias when you feed them fruity Chia Pops :)

My pet use to be a Mynci, but I used a potion on it. Does it still get free training at the Swashbuckling Academy?
No, you only get free training on a pet day if your Neopet is currently that species.

How do I get a Neohome garden?
At the moment you cannot have a garden for your Neohome, but this is something we plan to do very shortly. For the time being you have plenty of time to stock up on just the right plants and accessories to make your garden the best in Neopia!

What are the Eyrie defence and battle items called? Can you please tell me?
Certainly, at the moment there are three Eyrie battledome items - Eyrie Rainbow Flash, Velvet Eyrie Cloak and Emerald Eyrie Shield!

Need more help?
If you have a question that you think should be answered here, e-mail it to The most common questions will appear here next week.

Quote of the Week

"Technically, nothing is impossible, and one can always achieve something they wish to."


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