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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 74 > Editorial


How come when I click on Krawk Fashions on Krawk Island, it just loads the main Krawk Island page again? - Candlestickjack
Ahh... this was only happening on the flash version of the map. It should be fixed now.

How come when I'm adding a room to my neohome or when I'm making a garden it sometimes says it will take 7 hours to complete and other times it says it'll take 9 hours to complete? - Chloe460
It all depends on the materials you are using and the building team that is constructing it. Some builders work faster than others.

I was wondering if Adam could post some tips on how to Cook Asparagus in the editorial?
Ha ha.. Adam has no idea how to cook asparagus... The best way is to steam it or to grill it, although you can cook it other ways.

Why is it that the green cracker hat doesn't do anything? How is it that the caption is 'This festive hat will cheer up any Neopet!' when there isn't even the option to play with your pet with this item? - honeycombz
There is now :)

What do Voice Activated Neopets Toys do? Do thay talk walk and stuff like that?
They each do different things some of them walk, talk, light up, move, sing and respond to your voice and various sounds that they hear. Exactly what they do depends on the individual pet.

I am having trouble finding a particular item. I have been looking for it for three days, can you please help me? I am searching for a 'Black Mirror' and have had no luck where could I find one!
You should be able to pick one up quite easily from the Toy Shop. They are not very rare and should cost around 200 NP.

What does the Transmogrification Potion do to our pets when we feed it to them? - Yvonne7777
It turns your pet into a Mutant. Exactly which species depends on the potion.

Can you tell us if "gift wars" are against the rules? Primarily, a gift war is when you give some one a present. They then send one back a that is a little more expensive. This continues until a person surrenders
This is not against the rules, although it is not something that we particularly encourage. It can fill the message boards with updates and thank you notes which annoys people who are actually trying to have a conversation. Some people will deny ever receiving anything and it could be used as a way to scam freebies from others. There is no guarantee that you will receive an item back, or even be thanked for giving it in the first place. To be on the safe side never give anything away that you cannot afford to lose.

All of my pets were recently afflicted with "Shockalots", from Hubrid Nox, in a random event. Is there any cure for this, besides the healing springs? - Swordhamster
Yes, you can find out all the cures for various diseases by visiting the hospital. There is a link to this from the main shops page (click on shops in the yellow side bar). You can then purchase the correct cure from the pharmacy or another player's shop.

In Year 4, explorers came back with photos of Jellworld. When will Jellyworld be open to Neopians? I want Jellyworld! - Bworm3
It is open now, you just need to know how to get there :) (p.s don't give anyone items or NP for this info as it really is super easy to work out)

How is there a white Techo plushie when THERE IS NO WHITE TECHO!?!? - Darkmoonspirit
There will be shortly :)

Is there anyway I can advertise my shop other than on the notice board?
Yes, you can try posting on the message boards, using the trading post, joining a guild and telling all the other members about your shop etc. There is also a new Gallery Spotlight where each week the best shop/gallery will be chosen and will be linked to from new features. To enter email

When will we get the prizes for the war? Its been nearly 4 weeks!
*pokes Adam with a big stick* Very soon!

How come you have a red, yellow, green, skeith plushie, but you have a blue skeith toy? - shyguy22297
It is now a blue Skeith plushie :)

When are you guys at Neopets going to add Meridell and Darigan to the Pronounciation page? - Moulinrouge_23
This week!

When you go All Pets it say *New- see a Pet Pets" does petpets need to have a space?
No, there is no space between petpet. The All Pets page has been fixed.

Where is the link to the How to Draw Petpets?
If you click on 'Pet Central' in the yellow side bar there is a link to the petpet and pet how to draw sections at the bottom of the page.

In the description for the elixirs(lime elixir, pale elixir, etc) It says it can be used any time, but you can't use it right away, you can only equip it. WHY?
Originally we were going to have the elixirs so other things so the description is from back then. I have updated the description to reflect their current use.

Will you release any new pets this year? - Chias_and_poogles
Yes, I am sure we will have some new species popping up throughout the year.

What if Boochi fires your ray gun at you and turns your pet baby, but that species can't be turned baby yet? - Benny_bo_gamer?
Ahh.. you see Boochi is a very clever little Bruce and he only targets pets that can be turned into babies.

When neopets eat a Sweet Necklace, do they eat the string too? - Missperfect270
Ewww... no that would be gross.

Are Tyrannian, Plushie, Ghost, Pirate, Baby, Spotted, et cetera et cetera side effects of the lab ray? Which ones are and which are not? Are you planning on adding the newer ones to the lab ray? - LadyLarkenLove
The more common paint brush looks can be a side effect of the lab ray such as Electric, Spotted and Tyrannian. Baby, Plushie and Ghost are not side effects of the lab rab.

Hi there, I was wondering what other food(s) can your pets take multiple bites out of, besides the ever popular Omelette? - Softchick21
Some pizzas can be eaten slice by slice, so a whole pizza is actually six servings. If you get hold of certain types of jelly, they can provide two meals. There are also sandwich packs which can be eaten one sandwich at a time.

Hi! I noticed a Korbat-like opponent for the battledome named Vira. Could you tell me more about her?
Vira is actually an Acara who has some rather nasty weapons including her Battle Bats and Winged Dagger. Not much is known about her other than she isn't very nice.

On the calendar there is a day called "The Ixi arrives in Neopia" is that day going to be Ixi day? - Coalman987?
Yes, that is.

Need more help?
If you have a question that you think should be answered here, e-mail it to The most common/bizarre questions will appear here next week.

Quote of the Week

"Technically, nothing is impossible, and one can always achieve something they wish to."


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