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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 74 > Articles > Background Voices of Neopia: The Tree

Background Voices of Neopia: The Tree

by too_kule

HAPPY VALLEY - You see them every day. They're the ones who pass you on the streets. They're the ones who give you help as you travel. But do you notice them? In this article I'm going to interview a Neopian who isn't well known...the Tree.

You may not know who the Tree is. If you're lucky enough to get to the eighth level of Snow Wars your opponent look to be like some kind of spruce tree. When you get closer you see that it's actually alive! It has a wicked-strong arm, perfect for launching snowballs at anyone. Now that you know who the Tree is, here is the interview.

I traveled across the snowy ground of Happy Valley. A Blumaroo was rolling in the snow while a Bruce and a Tuskaninny were running around the Wintery Petpet Shop. My faithful Neopet GoldenRhino was with me. My Nimmo, my Krawk and my Koi didn't want to go because the cold weather was too much for them. My Tonu was used to the warm environment of Tyrannia but his mane kept him warm. We walked into a forest surrounded by spruce trees. Some of them were still decorated from Christmas. One tree came into view. It wasn't that noticeable but it was actually scratching it's trunk, so you know why we found it.

Tree: Who dares enter the forest of the Tree?

TK: Nice to meet you too. My name is too_kule, and I'm a reporter for The Neopian Times. This is my Tonu, GoldenRhino. Would you mind if we interview you?

Tree: An interview...that might be a nice change of pace. But how do I know that you're not a Snow Wars competitor who's going to throw a snowball at me while my back is turned?

GR: Well for one, I don't have fingers so I can't hold a snowball.

Tree: That's good enough for me. What other works have you done if you don't mind me asking?

TK: None in Happy Valley...wait a second, I wrote a review on the Christmas Decorating Contest.

Tree: Yes. Terror Mountain's score would have been better if they decorated me instead of whatever they did.

GR: But Terror Mountain got first place, didn't thâ€"

TK: GoldenRhino, never contradict something that's five times your size. Anyway, I'd better start asking some questions. When and how did you get the job as a Snow Wars challenger?

Tree: It was a while ago. I was simply sitting in the forest minding your own business when a cheeky little Mynci was having a snowball fight with a Chia friend of his. He threw a snowball at the Chia but she ducked. The snow hit me in the upper branches. I threw a snowball right back at him. The Chia ran away in fright but the Mynci stayed. He said he had some plans for some kind of snowball fighting competition. One thing led to another and I got the job as the eighth challenger.

TK: Neat. Hey, I just thought of something. There aren't too many walking talking trees around. How did you get to did you get to be...

Tree: Alive? Well I used to be a jolly little Fir Petpet. I was on the slope of Terror Mountain when I came across a hot spring. I was thirsty so I jumped in and started soaking up the water. I guess some spells of the Snow Faerie must have leaked in because the next thing I knew I was no longer a little Petpet. I was bigger than any other Neopet!

GR: Hey, I should take my Doglefox up there and locate that hot spring! She can drink from it and--

Tree: You really want a Doglefox to become big enough to eat you?

GR: On second thought, maybe that isn't such a good idea. I think Wild still has a grudge from when I tried to feed her gruel.

TK: So Mr. Tree, do you like your job? What are some good things about it?

Tree: It's a very good job. The pay is good, about 1,000 NP daily. Of course ever since Snow Wars started giving out trophies there's been more Neopets trying to defeat me. The popularity of the game really has gone up.

GR: You don't say.

TK: What would happen if for some reason you got an injury and you had to quit Snow Wars? What do you think you would do?

Tree: You're a very optimistic person, aren't you?

GR: Just answer the questions or I might have to do some pruning with my Tonu Blade.

Tree: Was that a threat?

GR: What are you going to do about it you overgrown shrub?

Tree: That's it...

This reminds me of the time I tried to interview Rorru the Kougra on Mystery Island. I'm not going to tell you what happened with this interview, but let's just say the Tree lost some branches and GoldenRhino got hit with a lot of snow. Looks like I'm never going to get the answer to those last questions. Oh well. This is too_kule, running for my life from the Tree in Happy Valley. Over and out.

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