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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 10th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 87 > Editorial


Will you be improving the prizes for "The Witches Tower" quests any time soon? By the way, does this witch have a name anyways? - Sweetangel_289
We will take a look at the prizes and may change them to a few newer things. Also, yes the Witch has a name, her name is Edna.

Are the cloud Usuls that are coming out be limited edition? - Stinky_page
Nope, there should be plenty for everyone and they are officially on sale in all Limited Too stores now!

I noticed that there is a choice of having English or another language. Will there be more choices later on? *hint hint* french? ;) -Friendlyfrogawesome
Yes, we have only just started translating the site, the first language Neopets will be translated into is Japanese, but *fingers crossed* we will be adding many more language options shortly.

There's a staff member that says "domo arigato" (not sure on the spelling) in the whack a staff member game. That means "thank you very much" right? Which staff member is that anyway?
Yes, it means "thank you very much" that would be Mr Roboto.

I was just wondering where I can find the new scratchcards such as Rotting Riches?
You can purchase the new spooky scratchcards from Sssidney in the Deserted Fairgrounds.

Donna in week one's editorial you said that we can purchase plushies from Neopets on internet and they can be sent all over the world but where do we buy them? - _Bi_su_
Wow, that was a long time ago. That was the first four plushies we ever sold and you could purchase them online. It was just for a very brief period of time as a test before we went into shops. The only things you can currently buy online are t-shirts, for the latest designs and information check the Mechandise News page.

A while back,you said you would give Unis a makoever to look like the one on the 99dogs T-Shirt. When will this be taking place? Just curious :) - Dysst
We are just finishing up the poses now, it should happen sometime towards the end of next week.

I saw that there are 3 new Pocket Neopets at the Wal-mart website. I was wondering: is there a Meridell Pocket Neopet and if not, will there be one soon? I really like Ixis & would love to get one in Pocket Neopet form... or Voice Activated. - _Irish_dancer__
Hehe... you will just have to wait and see. I can't tell you much right now but there is definitely some Ixi merchandise in the works.

If you start a comic is it OK if its the same name as another? Or is that not allowed because the other comic writer might get mad? - Lil_arizona_gurl
No, it is not allowed. Like every other competition entry all stories, articles, comics and other submissions must be 100% your own original creation.

For the Pet Spotlight, do you have to include a picture, in your entry?
No, although many people do. If you do not we will just use the standard happy image of your Neopet.

Will the lab ray ever be finished, and if so, will you be able to choose which statistic is raised? - Summersgallery
A lab ray is an extremely complicated piece of machinery, to be honest I doubt that mad professor will ever be able to fix it so the outcome is entirely certain. Your pet could become a Robot version or a Lenny, its just a chance you have to take.

Will you ever make anymore Multiplayer games? - Dan_sam_man_infinite
Yes, there are more multiplayer games being worked on at the moment.

There is a faerie statue near one of the rocks in Maraqua. What is it doing there? - Cardcaptor_serena
Ooh... so there is.. I wonder who put that there?

I know you aim to make real-life plushies of all the Neopets, but what of the villains/ secondary characters like Balthazar, Sloth, Illusen, etc? Will they ever make a plushie appearance? - Thegreenmooseofdoom?
Maybe ;)

Need more help?
If you have a question that you think should be answered here, e-mail it to The most common/bizarre questions will appear here next week.

Quote of the Week

"Technically, nothing is impossible, and one can always achieve something they wish to."


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