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The Editorial:

The Editorial section has changed. To make it more useful to everybody we have decided to take the most frequently asked questions we receive each week here so you can get a thorough answer straight away from one of the creators of NeoPets. Here are the most frequently asked questions NeoPets support received this week:

1 - Are there really special codes or cheats to get 1 million NP??
I am afraid not, anyone that tells you there is will be trying to scam you out of items, NP or even your entire account. Remember DO NOT give anyone your password.

2 - Where do you get the HTML to make your shop look good?
You can learn how to make your shop or pet's webpage look interesting and fun by following our simple step by step guide to HTML. To find this, click on 'Help' then click on 'HTML Guide'.

3 - What is an RPG or RPGer?
RPG means Role Playing Game, this is where you act out different story lines and adventures as fictional characters. Somebody who takes part in an RPG is an RPGer or role-player.

4 - Can you do anything to increase your Neopet's max hit points?
Yes, if your Neopet studies the endurance courses at the Island Training School, this will increase their max hit points.

5 - What time of day does Neopets update?
Neopets updates all round the clock. We try to add things at different times so people all around the world get a chance to see something new. The best way to see when we update things it to keep checking the News page.

6 - I got a strange error 'water in c: drive, please reboot' when playing Meerca Chase, what does this mean?
That was an error message that was used during testing. There was a bug in Meerca Chase that showed it to a small percentage of people. It is now fixed and you shouldn't see that message again.

7 - Are the Ski Lodge characters real people, or are they made up?
The Ski Lodge characters are loosely based on people who work for Neopets. It is a mixture of artists, programmers, and support staff, although the names have been changed to protect the innocent :)

8 - How can I become a licensed neositter?
I am afraid there is no such thing as a licensed neositter. Neositting is not permitted in any way, and anyone found offering to neosit will have their account frozen.

9 - If I enter the caption contest and then think of something even funnier, can I enter again?
Yes, you can enter the caption contest as often as you wish.

10 - Why did the maximum bet on Switch-a-roo change?
Switch-a-roo was unbalanced as you could earn way too many Neopoints from it. We changed it to keep Neopets fair for everybody.

Need more help?
If you have a question that you think should be answered here, e-mail it to The most common ones will be shown here next week.