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Mavena's Revenge: Part One

by surfergrl00

All characters, in order of appearance
The Beader ~ NeoPets employee
Cloudie ~ High level Kau owned by The Beader
Roo ~ Owner of the pizzeria called Pizzaroo
Mavena ~ Maverick's twin sister
N.N.E. ~ NeoPets News Employees, who organise and help around the news station, but cannot update or change the news

It was now a while after The Beader's revenge on the madman, Maverick that had destroyed all but one of the NeoPets employees. Most of the interviews of The Beader had now ceased and she could live a normal life now without the fame of being the survivor of the Ski Lodge Murder Mystery.

On the 19th of Relaxing...

It was a crowded Tuesday with proud Kaus everywhere, since it was their special day! The Beader, who had a cloud Kau herself, was making her way around the NeoPets Bazaar towards Pizzaroo to get a fresh slice of pizza for Cloudie, her Kau.

"Hey Roo, what's today's special?" asked The Beader as she walked into the Pizzaroo.

"Flaming Fire Faerie Pizza straight from the oven," replied Roo.

"I'll have that, and to go pretty please! How about 600 Neopoints?"

"650 and you got a deal. All right, Beader?"

"That's fine," said The Beader as she handed Roo a sack of Neopoints.

The Beader walked out of the crowded Pizzaroo and just as she opened the door, she found herself face to face with Maverick's twin sister, Mavena.

"You're coming with me, Beader and don't even try and argue!" said Mavena as she grabbed The Beader by the arm before she could even move.

They passed through thin air, and suddenly The Beader found herself in what seemed to be an abandoned warehouse. It was dark and gloomy, and there was no colour at all in the immense room.

"You! Here!" ordered Mavena as she threw The Beader onto a tall chair and instantly, chains wrapped around her and she could no longer move at all.

"Now, let me inform you about my plans for Neopia. You cannot stop me or get in my way, because you, Beader, are stuck here! Around you and this chair is a high tech security device that cannot be broken unless... well it cannot be broken! Muahahahahaha! Neopia will soon be under my control! Maverick failed in his attempt to destroy all of the employees and take over Neopia because of you! But I assure you, I will not fail. After Neopia's employees are gone, all of Neopia's riches will go straight to me, and I will be in charge!"

The Beader sat and listened in horror, for there was no way that she could get out of this room and she didn't even know how to get back to Neopia to try and save the poor owners and pets that were there to soon be under control of this maniac! A sudden burst of fright fell upon her as she remembered poor Cloudie that was still in the Pizzaroo... or so she thought!

To be continued...