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by Sparkle878 and Tanya5634

This story was inspired by Kwake, her story "Winter in July," in the issue 64! Thanks! Your story was great!

Hi! My name's Tanya5634, Tanya for short. What's up? I want to tell you the story of my best friend whom I lost! She was....WAIT! Starting from the beginning... I was just an average female blue Shoyru with no PetPet and I didn't go to school yet. Mom was a "newbie". One day, we were playing Scorchy Slots when a beautiful striped Uni took the slots right next to us. I stared at her purple stripes and her beautiful light fur.

"Hhhh...Hi," I managed to stutter out.

The Uni said, "Hello." She said it so smoothly and calmly.

"Whhh...What's yourrrrr" I asked.

"Moonlight," she said in that calm voice again. We kept on talking until Mom said that I had to leave. And that's the start of our friendship.


I was in school with Moonlight in the same classes. I didn't exactly like her, she was snooty and bossy. But she was my only friend, so I stayed with her. Until one time, I got really mad with her. I confided ALL my secrets in Moonlight. She seemed trustworthy enough. Shows what I know.(I had only read 5 books by that time!) Moonlight told EVERYONE my biggest secret. She told everyone that my crush was Apollo_3000, a charming, strong, popular Shoyru She told my crush, like a MILLION times! Ugh! And to make matters worse, I saw her flirting with him besides the beautiful fountain outside after school. I watched for a couple minutes, then burst out crying and ran away when she gave him some Rowzez and started leaning on to him.

The next day, Apollo took a seat next to me in English. I told him I was saving the seat, but he stood right next to the chair until the teacher said, "Everyone sit down!" I was too unhappy to speak to any of them, until I was passed a note to from Apollo. It said, Tanya, wanna go to the movies tonight? I said, "Maybe..." He took that for a yes and said, "See you at six."

At six, I went to the movie theater. Apollo was waiting there for me. We went in. We saw the movie Skeith Don't Apologise, Skeith Revenge. After the movie, we went home.

The next day at school, Moonlight was there waiting for me. I was soooooooooooo mad at her! How could she...??????

"Hey Apollo! Come here!" she called.

"What?" he asked.

Soon, Apollo was there. Moonlight put her arm behind him. "Hey! What are you doing? I don't like you! I told you that before at that fountain! Leave me alone!" he said VERY loudly.

Everyone was watching us. "No! This can't be happening!" Moonlight cried. "You're supposed to like meeeee!!!!!"

"Who said I had to?" Apollo asked.

Moonlight sobbed and cried, "I don't want you as a friend anymore, Tanya!!!"

Then, Apollo turned to me. "Wanna go to the Yes Boy Ice Cream concert with me? I have tickets and then, we can have dinner at my house," he said as he smiled.

"OK..." I replied.

"OK, see you at six." He smiled and walked away.

After school, I went home. Mom was sitting there. "What Mom? You look sooooo excited. Like you got me a paintbrush or something," I said.

She frowned. " knew? I was going to keep it a surprise!" she said.

"Really???? Mom, you got me a paintbrush???" I asked.

"Yup. Now, let's go to the Rainbow Pool!" she said.

She picked up a bag and we headed toward the Rainbow Pool. Mom took the paintbrush out of the bag when we got there. It was Glass!!! I ran inside the place. A lady told Mom to put me into the Presto! Colour Change O Machine with the paintbrush. She did. The lady pressed a few buttons...

And I saw my hands turn from a dull blue into a magnificent glass blue colour. Then, I jumped out. I was Glass! I cried out in joy when I saw myself in the mirror. Then, we headed home. It was 6:00. I went to the concert hall and saw Apollo sitting in a front row seat. I walked up to him.

"Can I sit here?" I asked him, pointing to seat next to him.

"No, sorry, I was saving that seat for Tanya," he said.

I laughed and said, "But I AM Tanya!" Apollo stared at me and then said I could sit there. We watched the concert, and went home. I never saw Moonlight again....

Everyone said her owner got to the lab ray and used it on her, and she became a blue Blumaroo! And then, she was disowned. How sad. :( Apollo is my best friend now. :) Bai!

NOTE: Tanya5634 is real, Apollo_3000 is her friend, Moonlight was made up, but she was looked up and was a blue Blumaroo! This story is fiction, but I added some things to make this story a bit more real and alive!!!

The End