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Taking Care of Your Gelert, Koi, Grundo, Uni, or Pteri

by epk


Err...I'm really sorry, but Pteris aren't really known for much. However, they account for 1.02% percent of the Neopian Population, which is quite a lot considering they are relatively new.

Pteris are great at Gormball, Cheat!, and Go Go Go! However, they rock at those because they are quick and mischievous.

Pteris are super super super fun to be around, as they are very active, smart, and to date have to cases of brain defects, except for Pterihead, where the Pteri will not fly unless provoked. The cure is a mixture of Fire Mote, Water Mote, and a Fish Negg. Another thing however is, IT DOES NOT SELL AS AN ITEM AND CANNOT, I REPEAT CANNOT BE MADE IN THE COOKING POT! IT IS VERY DANGEROUS TO MAKE AND ONLY EXPERIENCED DOCTORS SHOULD DO IT AND PRESCRIBE IT! Thank you.

I am just wondering, but this article is quite a lot. I'm also in the middle of something, so I'll write the rest of this article sometime soon...JUST JOKING! However, Pteris do a lot of that. You know, joking around.

Pteris are not violent, mainly because they are so upset about coming AFTER the Monoceraptor.

Pteris are very similar to Wockys. They will get around Wockys quite well. Own a Wocky? Well you should also own a Pteri. Also good friends of the Pteri are the Gelert, the Lenny, the Moehog, and the Kougra. They however do not like Lupes, who are very nonhumourous, or Chomby's, who pretend they are the NeoPet of Tyrannia. Pteri's came from Tyrannia too, and what credit do they have? None!

Well, Pteris don't lay eggs either, despite the fact they are birds. Instead, they have laid Neggs. However, they are hidden very well until they hatch.

Well, that's all for now. I'm taking it easy on the Neopian Times, I'm trying for other trophies. *cough* pets are in the beauty contest. I just thought they deserved a look, and a chance. *Cough*