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Daughter of Dr. Sloth: Part One

by godessoftherain

A lot of people would probably think this story doesn't involve NeoPets that much. I worried about that too, so I altered the story so it is told through the eyes of a NeoPet...


"Mara?? Where are you?" cried dominatingsilver, Mara's younger brother, "I don't want to be alone I'm scared."

Mara_Trishalee the white Kougra ran around the NeoPets Space Station trying to find a hiding place, she thought she had found one but just her look before she could get to it dominatingsilver jumped on her back. "Ha, ha you have been caught by the mighty hunter dominatingsilver ha ha!" he shouted, trying his best to snarl but it came out like a kitten's purr.

"Mara, Silver!" shouted Seraph_Star the Lupe, she was younger than Mara but was the leader of the group probably because Lupes had it in their blood to become leaders. Mara_Trishalee, DominatingSilver and Seraph_Star had come on a trip to the space station with their owner fightinggirl123 who was at the space adoption considering a Grundo for a new pet.

"I don't care for Grundos, they're too ugly," said dominatingsilver.

"Hold your tongue!" said Seraph_Star as a small yellow Grundo passed by.

"Don't tell me that!" said dominatingsilver and decided to get into a fight with Seraph_Star who simply sat and held her head up knowing the young cub wouldn't be a difficult fight but still he insisted on jumping on to her neck and pulling her ear.

"Ow, ow get off!"

"Ha ha!"

"That's it!"

"Wait!" a sudden shout from Mara made them both stop.

"What's the matter sis?"

"I-I smell something unusual."

Dominatingsilver tilted his head. "Seraph, you have a better nose you smell."

Seraph_Star lifted her head and smelt the air, "Your right, it's kind of familiar but I want to investigate." She bounded off towards the space Battledome where the smell was coming from. Her quick long legs put her well ahead of Mara and Silver. When they managed to catch up she was standing her with mouth open at what looked like a basket.

"What is it Seraph?" said Mara curiously. "It's a-a."

"A what?"

"A baby."

"A baby??" cried Mara and Silver.

At that moment fightinggirl123 ran over and said, "I told you to wait over the..." she paused and looked at the basket. "Oh my!"

"Let's give it to the reception here, it may belong to someone," said Seraph.

"It is a she and I think she has been abandoned."

"Abandoned?" muttered dominatingsilver.

"Oh, first they do it to us NeoPets now they do it to the owners what's next?" asked Mara in frustration.

"I think it's better I take her home and we can look into it there, the space station isn't the best place for this," said fightinggirl123.

"All right," Seraph said.

They decided to head back to there quite poorly done house in Neopia Central, the main city of Neopia they thought would be the best place to look for parents if not foster parents.

"Hmmmm," said fightinggirl123, "no name on the basket. She just seems to have come out of nowhere."

The baby girl was only a few months old, she was starting to grow blonde hair but her eyes were an unusual orangey-red colour. She looked around completely confused. "I'll name her Rachel," said fightinggirl123, "that was my mother's name."

Seraph cut in on the way home just to drop hints, "by the way my birthday is soon, I want a Skunk Paintbrush," Fightinggirl, Mara and Silver all rolled their eyes.

Author's Note: Fightinggirl123 is my other account but the three pets in the story are in my current account.

To be continued...