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The Neo-Market Report

By stereolab

Once more, the time has come to visit Neopia's leading financial experts. Joining Neil and Maria this week will be Peopatra, shopkeeper of The Lost Desert Petpet Stall, who'll be here to discuss how recent events such as the invasion of Sloth and the search for Coltzan's crown have effected her shop. And now, here are our hosts…

KAUVUTO: Hello and welcome to this week's edition of The Neo-Market Report. I am your host Neil Kauvuto, and as always I am joined by my co-host, the charming and talented Maria Blumaroono, who joins us from the News Desk with the latest word from the floor of the exchange…

BLUMAROONO: Well Neil, with everyone in Neopia rushing to find King Coltzan's crown, there really wasn't much activity on The Big Board this week. However, despite the fact that the Neodaq remained flat, there were a few companies managing to turn a profit. Leading the way was Kor-Bat Cricket Supplies, which soared a whopping eighteen NPs a share. Apparently, a surplus of wood enabled KBAT to make their bats considerably cheaper this year, leading to lower costs, greater production, and higher profits for this past quarter. Also showing a gain this week is Shop Wizard N-Commerce, the company of our guest on last week's Neo-Market Report. Thanks to a score of new books, Battledome weapons and Petpets, Neopians searched high and low in hopes of getting their hands on some of these new items. "Indeed," the Shop Wizard commented when asked about this week's surge, "I can't remember the last time I was so busy…I'm having the time of my life!"

KAUVUTO: On the other hand, Neopia's recent surge of cool weather has hurt a pair of companies that had benefited greatly from this summer's heat wave. After cashing in with record sales of their smoothies and shakes, the cooling climate has caused Super Splime and Kau Kau Farm to post losses of ten and nine NPs a share, respectively.

BLUMAROONO: Well, our guest today has certainly had an interesting time of it lately. First, her homeland was invaded. Then, her store was invaded by thousands of Neopians looking for King Coltzan's crown. Of course, I'm talking about the one and only Peopatra, shopkeeper of The Lost Desert Petpet Stall. Peopatra, thanks for joining us today…

PEOPATRA: Thank you, Maria. I'm very glad to be here.

BLUMAROONO: Now, as everyone heard from Nahkmos the Grarrl, the invasion of The Lost Desert seemed like a pretty terrifying experience. Could you please give us your recollection of the events as they took place?

PEOPATRA: I have to say Maria, I'm actually quite fortunate…I was just returning from taking one of my pets for a walk, an Anubis named Puffles… I know you can't read this, but hi Puffles, mommy lurves you… but as I was saying, Puffles and I had just come back from a walk when I saw Sloth and his army of Grundos entering Nahkmos' shop. Figuring that there wasn't much time, I grabbed my little darlings and, believe me, we made a run for it! Once Sloth was defeated, I returned to find that my shop had been left in a shambles…but that's okay, as long as my Petpets weren't hurt.

KAUVUTO: In happier news, you had quite a bit of a surprise this week, didn't you?

PEOPATRA: Why, yes… a big surprise, actually.

KAUVUTO: Could you tell us about that?

PEOPATRA: Certainly. Things had been pretty normal in the store the past few weeks… a few sales, but nothing spectacular. Then all of a sudden, my store is flooded with Neopians looking for a diary. Well apparently, back in the corner, there was some sort of trapdoor with a secret diary in it… pretty strange, huh?

BLUMAROONO: I'll say… now, what kind of impact did this have on your store?

PEOPATRA: Oh, I couldn't believe it. There were thousands of folks everywhere… there was a line around the block just to get in… believe me, it was the first time THAT has ever happened. While all these people were standing in line waiting to look for this diary, they started buying Petpets left and right. I've never seen anything like it. Needless to say, this has turned out to be a very profitable week!

KAUVUTO: Well, that's about all the time that we have for this week. For Maria Blumaroono and Peopatra the Peophin, this is Neil Kauvuto saying thank you and so long….