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Usurper - The True Story

by Darkiya

The table was set as a Jetsam stepped out from the kitchen. Upon his head was a humble turban with a red jewel placed upon its center. He bowed in turn to each of the guests who had arrived. Taking the orders, he returned to the kitchen leaving the dinner guests to entertain themselves.

There was a lengthy silence, though the Princess Vyssa could not keep her eyes upon one thing for any length of time. Shifting her gaze from one individual to the next she knew that one of them had seen her sneaking out into the village the day before, and she would not allow them to tell her father. Only, which one had it been lurking in the bushes?

The silence was abruptly interrupted with King Coltzan's mighty gruff. He chuckled as his deep voice began, "Did I ever tell you all about the time that I defeated a savage Monocerous with my bare paws! Oh it was a spectacular battle... there I was nose to maw with that great, horrible, gruesome beast. He must have been at least a hundred feet tall, with sharp teeth twice as big as a Grarrl!" The king's long recall of the events greatly exaggerated from then to now swiftly bored his guests. But is he being the King, so no one dared to question his authority.

Suddenly a strange cry came up from underneath the table. Sending the dishes flying a sinister laugh was heard. Blonde hair and light eyes flashing maniacally as it waved the white cloth that draped over his hands around in the air. This strange creature took the guests back. It dove through the air searching for King Coltzan's neck, and shaking it until the King passed out on the floor.

"You did it! You warned them all about Maverick! I would of gotten away if it wasn't for you darn kids! But I am back! I shall have my revenge! Muahahahahaha," cried Maverick. He rolled off the King and standing once more, he looked around at the guests. Raising his right arm high into the sky he cried, "You haven't seen the last of me ScrubyDrew!"

With those simple words, he laughed and skipped out of the room right past the startled Jetsam with the tray of food. The Jetsam looked back slowly toward the King just as he raised his hand to point at the fishy servant.

"I knew I heard sniffing in the kitchen.... you... you did it... you let the psycho in here" the King accused the Jetsam. The Jetsam grinned his sharp-toothy smile that pulled off the mask to reveal another Jetsam, only this one with a vivid scar. "You thought you had seen the last of me, but in the end we shall have the last victory!" he cried, turning and running strait into the door.

Senator Palpus hobbled over to the fallen Jetsam in his crumpled up state and lifting up him, he tossed him to the guards. As the King Coltzan died, the evil Jetsam was chained up in the dungeon.

The Princess Vyssa blinked before asking Senator Palpus, "It is tradition to give 20,000,000 NPs to the one who uncovers a murder mystery... but who does the money go to?"

The Senator smiled and said, "We will send out clues to the people, and let them try to guess who it is. The one to get it right shall receive the money."

Barca scoffed as she rolled her eyes, "Yes, but nobody here did it!"

Palpus chuckled, "True, for they'll never guess it was Maverick, in the dining room, with the straitjacket."

The End