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The Editorial:

The Editorial section has changed. To make it more useful to everybody we have decided to take the most frequently asked questions we receive each week here so you can get a thorough answer straight away from one of the creators of NeoPets. Here are the most frequently asked questions NeoPets support received this week:

1 -I have bought some Peophin armour, can my Nimmo use it?
I am afraid Peophin armour can only be used by Peophins. If a battledome item has a species in its name, it can only be used by that particular species.

2 - Why have some of my Battledome challengers changed?
In preparation for the launch of the one player battledome, we have been updating some of our old characters. There are only a few that will change, and these should be finished by the end of this weekend.

3 - How much does the Tombola cost?
The Tombola is free, but you can only have one go per day.

4 - My Neopet is ill, how do I cure it?
You need to go to the Neopian Hospital to find out what the cure is. Then you need to get hold of the cure, The pharmacy stocks cures, but they tend to sell out very fast, your best bet is the shop wizard :)

5 - Can I Neosit for a friend?
No, Neositting is not permitted at all!

6 - My Neopet just came out of the Neolodge, but it is still hungry!
This should be fixed by the beginning of next week. Apologies, it is happening as there are just so many pets in the Neolodge, but we are working on a way to fix this now.

7 - How many times can I use a paintbrush?
Paintbrushes are one use items. Once you paint your Neopet, your paintbrush will disappear.

8 - When will Neopets plushies go on sale?
You should be able to buy a Scorchio, Cybunny, Aisha or Chia very shortly. They will go onsale within the next couple of weeks. As soon as we have more details we will let you know.

9 - Where is the Neopedia?
You can get to the Neopedia from the front page of NeoPets. There is a greeny/brown bar on the right hand side. At the bottom are 4 small images. Click on the picture of a Skeith and an Elephante.

10 - Can my Neopet eat Petpets?
Only if you have a Skeith or a Grarrl. These can eat absolutely anything, including furniture, petpets and rods of ultranova!

Need more help?
If you have a question that you think should be answered here, e-mail it to The most common ones will be shown here next week.