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Kauvara on Strike!

by westielovergurl

As Kauvara worked in her workshop, trying to mix a new potion, she heard the Magic Shop door slam loudly. She stepped outside to see what was going on.....

"I want to SUE YOU!" was the first thing she heard. She whirled around, to see a mutant Chia crying loudly.

"We bought this new potion of yours, and my poor little Aisha turned into this UGLY Chia!!!" her owner yelled. "Instead of making garbage, why don't you make something useful?" she continued.

"Maybe you should try to teach your NeoPet to read!" Kauvara broke in angrily. "Read the labels! It CLEARLY says Chia Transmogrification Potion!'. It says, 'Warning, will turn your NeoPet into a mutant Chia JUST LIKE CHIAZILLA'. Read the news! Just recently it said that Dr. Sloth was handing them out!" Kauvara hollered.

"Well- well- Well you will NEVER be seeing us, or anymore!" the Chia's owner screamed, and she turned on her heel and dragged her crying Chia, who was the victim of her owner's crime of misreading a label.

"Fine! Oh yeah- while you are waiting for a Faerie to come in a random event--why don't you teach your Chia how to read!" Kauvara retorted angrily.

The door slammed. Kauvara went into her lounge, and threw things around. She was usually a kind, caring Kau, but she got angry when the Neopians of Neopia were ungrateful of all her hard work. Usually, when faeries thought NeoPets weren't experienced enough and flew away without blessing, she was blamed. When owners didn't read the labels--she was blamed. When owners misread the label before buying and bought a rare,but overall useless item- she was blamed. When NeoPets got sick from drinking too many potions, even when it was not her fault guess who was blamed? Kauvara, that's right.

She stormed into her laboratory, where her newly made potion was in a jug. She calmed down, and finished the label, making it in large, red print where silly Neopians wouldn't do something bad.

A timer beeped. Kauvara looked over her shoulder to see that it was restock time. Also time to introduce her new potion. She could already imagine the headlines in the Neopian Times.

She reloaded the bare shelves, and was sure to put the faeries on a lower shelf- so younger Neopians could reach it.

Soon, the NeoPets and owners spilled in. She told about the uses about her potion, and how helpful it was. She stressed how important it was to read labels.

In only a few minutes, Kauvara was sold out. She wished she had more faeries. She hated to see the late NeoPet rush in, only to be stampeded on. Then, they'd go to the Faerie shelf- only to learn that they were all sold out.

Kauvara went to her stock room to see if she could stock in more faeries the next time she restocked, which was in only a few minutes.

The jingle in the door rang. Kauvara went into the shop to find a sick looking Gelert and an angry owner.

"What's the big idea? Your healing potion nearly injured my NeoPet! I fed her four healing potions, and she's so sick!" the angry owner scolded.

"Listen to yourself! You're blaming ME? When it was you who forced four healing potions into her system? Ask anyone! It's not my fault!" Kauvara replied with clenched hooves.

"Well-well- I HATE YOU! YOU ARE A HORRIBLE PART OF NEOPIA! YOU DESERVE TO BE DRIVEN AWAY.....BECAUSE.. um...because...of.....well, just because! Come on! We're going home!" the ungrateful owner yelled.

Kauvara was so angry. She decided something then and there. "If you people and NeoPets are so ungrateful and don't appreciate me- I'M GOING ON STRIKE! No- I'm quitting! You can find someone else to fix your potions! Find SOMEONE ELSE! If I'm not needed- I'm leaving!" she snapped.

She went to her desk, and scribbled something with her crayons.



Two weeks later, Neopia was in trouble. NeoPets were ordered to fight against the scary Dr. Sloth, and the NeoPets couldn't turn to Kauvara for Healing potions, faeries for abilities, and other potions and stuff. Neopia was in trouble.

An Aisha came home from school, only to learn that her NeoHome had been shot by Dr. Sloth, and turned into a pile of sludge.

Some NeoPets returned from war looking horrible.

A young Aisha who was too inexperienced to fight turned on the television: "Today, we are reporting from the Lost Desert- where we will interview some people to see how they have been affected."

"Hey- YOU! Come here. Yeah. How have you been affected?"

"*sniff* My brother went to war- He is badly injured. All our healing potions have been zapped by Dr. Sloth and turned into sludge. He is badly hurt. We can't find any food. The Desert Foods shop is gone. I don't know where to turn!"

"How about you?"

"I just returned from Neopia to learn that Kauvara is on strike. My NeoPets are dying. They are badly in need of her potions! We can't survive without Kauvara!"

"And you?"

"I feel awful. Just a few weeks ago, my Aisha was turned mutant Chia I yelled at Kauvara, of course, I feel that it is not that I didn't read the label correctly, it is just that Kauvara did...something to make me not read the label! Kauvara is selfish to go on strike."

"How about you?"

"No. That last owner is wrong. Kauvara told me that she was on strike because no one appreciated her efforts, and everyone blamed their mistakes on her. The war of the Lost Desert will cease soon. We just need a way to make Kauvara feel appreciated."

The red Aisha turned off her television. Her name was Ellyanni, and she wondered how she could make Kauvara feel appreciated.

Her Neoschool class had just held a party for her teacher, to tell her that they appreciated how she helped them all learn.

"THAT'S IT!" she squealed.


Ellyanni grinned. There were paper chains along the walls, and thank you banners over the door ways. There were thank you gifts piled on the tables, and thank you cards covered the night stand.

Kauvara came inside grumbling, when everyone, nearly EVERYONE in Neopia popped up from under the table.

"SURPRISE!" they all yelled.

Kauvara dropped her gardening tools, and said, "What? Huh? Why?" in a very dazed voice, Ellyanni came up and said, "We wanted to thank you for all the stuff you do for us, and how you make potions. We wanted to tell you that we appreciate you, and that you are a valuable part of Neopia We need you back!".

Everyone came up to her and told her how much she was needed in Neopia They thanked her for everything she did, and the people who had once blamed her wrongly apologised.

"I'm very sorry...I guess I just didn't want to blame myself, I just wanted to blame SOMEONE. I'm sorry, please forgive me!" the owner with the Gelert said.

"That's okay, I forgive you!" Kauvara said.

The party raged on.


The next day, Ellyanni's Neoparents decided she was old enough to start to begin training. She wouldn't be able to fight in the Lost Desert War, but she could just begin to train.

They were walking to the Battle Defence store when they realised that the sign saying that Kauvara was on strike was gone. They walked over, and saw that in fact, there were people inside shopping.

Ellyanni's parents hugged Ellyanni. Ellyanni felt proud. It's not everyday that just a simple little red Aisha could make a Neopian feel EXTREMELY appreciated and special.


EPILOGUE - The Lost Desert battle soon ended. Kauvara was back in business, and no one ever yells at her now for things that are not her fault. The injured who had fought in the war were soon healed with help from Healing Springs, the Water Faerie, and, of course, Kauvara. Ellyanni was congratulated for having the idea of the party. Kauvara was back in business!

The End