
The Four Lost Pets

Part 4

by Nara

Keriana looked back over her shoulder as she ran. What she saw made her run even faster. Lava had started pouring out of the hole and was flowing rapidly toward them.

Suddenly, Keriana's pack lurched to the right, almost knocking her over. She gasped and leaned left, barely regaining her balance in time.

"What's…wrong?" Emariled panted from her right.

"I'm…not...sure…" she answered as the pack gave another jerk. There was something she should remember…something important…

"The egg!" she cried.

"It's hatching!"

"What?" Emariled asked. "Hurry…" she said breathlessly.

Just then she realized they were climbing a hill. A few minutes later they stopped and collapsed on top. They were safe there for now; the lava couldn't flow up after them.

They were on a rocky plateau that ended in more cliffs. Keriana could see little dots on the cliff face that could be caves.

"I'm sick of caves," she mumbled. Her pack gave another jerk.

"Oh no!" she said, pulling off her pack and unzipping it. A little furry blue Zafara head popped out.

"Sarkanonin zeekyta!" it said happily.

"You're okay!" Keriana said, relieved.

"Sikeeti shekaluken!" it remarked in its tiny little voice. Keriana lifted the Zafara out of the pack. He leaned against her, purring quietly. By now, everyone had wandered over to see what was going on.

"What shall we call you?" Keriana wondered aloud.

"Zseialluryn!" the Zafara exclaimed.

"That's an awfully long name for a little NeoPet like you," Keriana said kindly.

"Zseialluryn!" he repeated

"Well, if you really like it, I guess that'll work," she said, smiling and stroking his fur. "I think we'll call you Zsei for short."

"Zsei, zsei, zseialluryn!" the Zafara said happily.

Just then, it started to rain, turning the lava below them to rock. Large heavy drops pelted them from overhead. Grolth stood and motioned for the others to follow her. Zsei climbed up onto Keriana's back and held on with his tiny paws.

Grolth led them into the caves Keriana had seen earlier.

"It's really dark," Keriana said as they entered the pitch-blackness.

"Dark, dark, dark!" Zsei echoed.

"Zekilefi!" "Help!" a faraway voice called out.

"What was that? Greenleaf wondered.

"Help!" the voice sounded terrified.

"Someone's in trouble!" Emariled said.

"We have to help them!" Keriana added anxiously. "Come on!"

"Come on, come on! Feriki!" Zsei chanted.

"Here we go again," Greenleaf muttered.

The voice cried out again, sounding more panicked by the second. Keriana darted off into the darkness, Zsei still on her back.

"Help me, someone please!" they heard, closer this time. They turned a corner in the tunnel and saw a blue Cybunny locked in a cage.

"Please help," she moaned.

"Who did this to you?" Arwen asked as Emariled started examining the cage.

"Monocerous…hurry before it comes back!" the Cybunny explained quickly.

"Aha!" Emariled said. She pulled a hinge on the door out and dragged it open. The NeoPets, now a total of eight, ran into the nearest tunnel. Just then, they heard an all-too-familiar roar of rage behind them.

"Oh no…" the Cybunny mumbled.

They bounded on, as fast as they could. The pets could hear the monoceras close behind them.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, they dashed out into the sunlight. Just ahead of them was the edge of a forest.

"Hurry!" Grolth said urgently as they darted into the trees. They kept running, their path twisting and turning to confuse their pursuer. After awhile they could no longer here the Monocerous behind them. They slowed to a stop.

"Think…we…lost…it?" Droamon asked, out of breath.

"I think so," Grolth answered. "Thank you so much!" the Cybunny said gratefully. "I'm Jamyah, by the way," she added.

Grolth introduced everyone and told their story. Keriana was staring off into space when she finished. Suddenly, the Lupe realized something… "I know where we are!" she said excitedly. "We're really close to home!"

Grolth looked around at the trees.

"I remember this place! Our house is just over there!" she said, pointing. They set off once again, this time actually sure of where they were.

"Where do you live?" Keriana asked Jamyah.

"I don't really have a home, actually," she said, her ears drooping.

"You know, I bet our owner would let you stay with us if you want," Keriana offered.

"That would be great!" Jamyah answered, sounding much happier. A few minutes later, they reached a small house in the middle of a clearing. The pets rushed up to the door, talking excitedly.

Before they even reached it, a tall, blonde human girl came running out.

"There you are! I've been so worried!" She hugged them each and led them inside. They all filed into the living room and sat down.

"What happened?" their owner asked.

"We just had the most amazing adventure," Keriana said.

"Adventure!" Zsei echoed. Grolth smiled and told their owner all about it.

"So can they stay?" Keriana asked after Grolth was finished.

"Of course! All of you are welcome to stay as long as you want," the girl said.

Keriana smiled.