
The Editorial:

The Editorial section has changed. To make its more useful to everybody we have decided to take the most frequently asked questions we recieve each week here so you can get a thorough answer straight away from one of the creators of NeoPets. Here are the most frequently asked questions NeoPets support received this week:

1 - Why is my account frozen?
Accounts are only frozen if you break one of the rules of the site. Usually it is due to one of the following reasons:

  • Posting sexual or offensive material (language, images and usernames)
  • Promoting cheats for NeoPets in your shop, theme park or another site
  • Attempting to gain access to somebody elses acccount
  • Harrassing other players
If you have been frozen and aren't sure why please contact abuse@neopets.com who will gladly tell you the reason.

2 - How do we activate characters for the Battledome?
There are many special characters you can get for your single player tournaments. How you activate them varies for each character. Some you may need to complete a certain game, visit a certain shop, complete a quest or something completely different.

3 - How do we find the answers for the Brain Tree?
Try talking to some of the other characters in the Haunted Woods. Someone is bound to know the answer to your question, only you may have to help them out first.

4 - What is an almost real Aisha Totem?
Ahhh.... It is another fake totem from those pesky cocos at Tiki Tack Merchandise. Don't be fooled, only buy the real thing.

5 - Will we be able to see the equipment our pet is wearing?
When you are entering the Battledome competitions you will be able to choose from whatever armour, shield, weapons, abilities, scrolls and potions you have equipped your pet with. You won't actually be able to see your pet wearing a particular combination of shield, armour and weaponary but it will list what equipment you have available.

You maybe able to see what your pet has on at a later date but for now we are concentrating on doing all the images we need for the Battledome to be launched.