
The Aisha Queen: Trials and Triumphs

by jigglypuff158


The storyteller sat working at her desk, trying to write a new story. Stories usually came easily for her; after all, she had been writing stories since she was five, so she had seven years of experience. But with the Dark Faeries destroying the Aisha race, well - it was a wonder that her pet, Fay, stayed the Aisha she was.

A plot slowly formed in the storyteller's mind. She would make her NeoPet the heroine! Her pencil scribbled freely across the page, perfectly in sync with her flowing thoughts. She cringed when she wrote and thought of the evil Uber-Dark Faerie and her minions. Suddenly she felt something against her leg.

The storyteller stiffened, looked down - and relaxed as she saw two long green ears poke out from beneath the desk. It was only her green Aisha, Fay. The Aisha looked at the pages that her owner filled with thought. As the last few words of the tale were written across the page, the storyteller smiled in relief. Her smile froze as she heard a wicked laugh from the distance. Another laugh rang out. Fay leapt out the window and crouched in a bush, where her green colouring camouflaged her. But the storyteller could not move a muscle, for she was frozen with fear.


The wall behind the desk crashed in. A loud bellowing split the peace and quiet. Shaking, the storyteller turned around - and gasped. It was a Dark Faerie, one of the most horrible ones she had ever seen. It grabbed the storyteller, lifted her up in the air, and took her to the Uber-Dark Faerie, Desdemona. If a Dark Faerie had watched, it might have seen the manuscript on the desk glow with an otherworldly light. But none stayed behind.

The storyteller died at age twelve.

She never knew that the words she had penned were starting to come true.


Chapter One: Sapphira

"What will I do now?" Fay asked herself as she watched the Dark Faerie carry off her owner in the last rays of the setting sun. She dove into the water to cool off and resurfaced. She pointed her secondary ears in all directions, listening for any Grundos that might have stayed behind. Hearing none, she let them droop in sadness. "I…I don't know. Maybe I should follow the Dark Faerie…"

"Don't do that!" A soft, sweet voice called to her unexpectedly. Fay jumped and looked all around.


A Water Faerie emerged from the lake. She brushed aside her wet hair from her face and motioned for Fay to come closer.

Fay stepped into the lake and swam to the center, where the Water Faerie was. The Faerie started to speak in a low voice, "Are you with the Aishas or the Dark Faeries?" She was ready to flee if Fay gave her the answer Dark Faeries.

"Aishas all the way!" Fay replied. The Water Faerie smiled.

"Come with me," she said to the startled NeoPet Fay used her 'Underwater Breathing' ability and followed the swift Water Faerie to a cave, evidently her cave, where a gentle blue light came from sapphires in the walls. Fay guessed the light probably came from the sun and the light was caught in the sapphires. The exhausted NeoPet rested on a velvet-padded bench carved into the plain rock on the walls on the side. (The sapphires were set into the ceiling of the cave.) The Faerie, evidently, wasn't tired at all.

"I'm Sapphira," she introduced herself.

"I'm Fay," Fay told Sapphira.

"My owner was killed by a Dark Faerie."

"I'm very sorry," Sapphira said, "but the most I myself can do is attend the Faeries' meeting. And I am planning to do that."

"The Faeries' Meeting?" Fay asked, having finally caught her breath completely. "What's that?"

Sapphira smiled. "Tomorrow, all the Faeries in the world will meet to organise a way to subdue the Dark Faeries forever. I'm looking forward to seeing the Faerie Queen. Even the Space Faerie will be there." She paused for a moment, then continued, "The war with the VirtuPets has brought one of our sisters back to us." She seemed to think for a moment, then said with a start, "You can stay here for the night, and in the morning, we can accompany you to the Faeries' Meeting. You see, all the remaining true Aishas have been called to fight for the cause of good."

Sapphira led Fay to a back room, where she pulled out a small green cot for Fay to rest on. Soon the tired NeoPet fell asleep. Sapphira smiled and went into her own "room" of the cave to prepare for the next day.