
Gormball...Skill, Luck or Both?

by delkins

I'm sure that almost everyone that can afford it has tried the game Gormball. Some might have been successful, others not so successful. But have you ever asked yourself this question: "Is Gormball a game of skill, luck or both?" If you have, then you might have thought any one of these could go into winning the game. I'm here to tell you what I think. I think that Gormball involves a little of both. Here is my reasoning for that decision.

The skill part comes in when it's your turn. If it's your turn, you must choose how many seconds you would like to wait until you pass the Gormball. That way, for me, I decide on how many people it has gone through before it got to me. If it has gone through many people, then I just wait one second. But, if I am the first or second person to get it, I usually wait two or three seconds before passing it. Now I know that it can explode any time, but usually it doesn't explode on the first two people. It has before, but it usually doesn't. So, you could say, it is actually a games that forces you to use common sense, too!

The luck part comes in on the computer's part. Unfortunately, you don't get to choose who you want the Gormball to explode on. If you did, then there would be no fun or excitement in the game. So, you are depending on your luck to win. I think that it is always a little bit exciting right before you know whether the person with the Gormball exploded or not. Especially, when that person is you! And, if it is you, it is always exciting to know that you didn't explode! It's also exciting when you win! I have won the game a mere 5 times, but there are others that play it A LOT and win A LOT more.

Is Gormball about skill, luck, or a little bit of both?? So now the decision is up to you.