
Halloween Celebration!

by Catnip4

Pets of all ages that are attending the training school will take many row boats out to the new "Haunted Woods" world in order to celebrate this fun holiday, Halloween! Each pet will get to do a quest for the old witch. Also, the youngsters that are staying home at Neopia Central will perform a play for their owners, the "Hallowqueen."

For a short summary, I have interviewed a couple of owners and pets that will be in the play.

Reporter: So, who are the main players?

Cybunny: Well, of course, the main part, the beautiful Hallowqueen, is gorgeous ME! Then, there's the other boring cast members, who aren't as privileged as me! Since my owner is SO rich, I am ALWAYS the part I want to be, and have I told you about how many awards I have won? Well, there's...

Reporter: Okay, that's nice, moving along!

Owner of an Aisha: Hi! Honey, (looking down at his Aisha) smile at the camera!

Reporter: Oh, um, I have a few questions about the play, what are some of the main parts and what is the story about?

Owner: Well, there is the Hallowqueen, Fatty Pumpkin, and the scary wise tree! The Hallowqueen is a lonely queen in a castle deep in the forest, oooohhhh spooky! Well...so she goes to the wise tree and asks for help, and then here is my pet! Fatty Pumpkin! She makes friends with the Hallowqueen! My pet is so cute in rehearsal! You should come...

Reporter: Okay, that's enough! Bye!

Okay, well, make sure your special pets are safe on Halloween night! Some good merchandise to buy is a flashlight so your pet can see along the way, a big neon sticker on the costume so your pet doesn't have any trouble with busy roads. IMPORTANT NOTE!!!-Make sure your pet has a Jubjub as a friend just in case a horrible monster comes. That way the Jubjub can scare it away with a scream. There are supposed to be lots of monsters out on Halloween night, so watch out!!!!

Great Idea:

Decorate your shop in black and orange colors and sell candy, spooky food, and baked goods! (Remember: Pets don't like getting apples!) May you and your pet(s) have a safe and good Halloween!