
The Neo-Market Report

by stereolab

Yet again the Neopian Times is privileged to present our resident financial experts Neil Kauvuto and Maria Blumaroono. Along with the latest from the floor of the exchange, Neil and Maria are joined by Faerie Clothing Ltd. President Donna Kougran, who’s here to discuss their line of designer Halloween costumes. And now, here are Neil and Maria…

KAUVUTO: Hi, and thank you for joining us for this week’s installment of the Neo-Market Report. I’m Neil Kauvuto, and joining me with today’s headlines here’s Maria Blumaroono…

BLUMAROONO: Thank you, Neil. After last week’s disastrous showing, the Neodaq has stormed back with a record-shattering charge. Starting the week in the low teens, the index has shot up more than two thousand points in less than five days, and now sits at over 3000. As could be expected, the Bull Run has meant record earnings for some of The Street’s biggest players. Leading the charge is E-business giant Neggwork Commerce, whose surging stock price has shot to over thirty seven thousand NP’s. Other big winners have included Cybun Electromatics, whose books at the end of the fiscal year show the biggest yearly profits in the company’s history, and Alien Aisha Vending Ltd., whose pending antitrust case was thrown out by the Neopian sixth district court this past Tuesday.

KAUVUTO: As always, even in the strongest of markets, there are bound to be a few companies unable to capitalize on the upswing, and this Bullish turn is no exception. Kacheek Telecomm took the biggest hit this week, as shares have fallen nearly 10,000 NP each amid reports that third quarter results weren’t as favourable as originally expected. Others who failed to take part of this week’s upswing include The Auction Genie, whose profits are off nearly ten percent, and Chiatech Password Security, whose Director of Operations resigned this week amid reports of numerous password leaks. In light of the recent problems, Chiatech would like to remind you to never tell anyone your password!

BLUMAROONO: And now, we’re lucky to be joined by one of the giants of the fashion industry, Donna Kougran, who is here to tell us about Faerie Clothing’s new line of designer Halloween costumes. Donna, nice to have you on the show…

DONNA: Thanks for having me on… I’m a big fan.

MARIA: Oh really?

DONNA: Certainly! That piece on the Codestones last week was great stuff…

MARIA: Well, I’ll be sure to pass it on the compliment to our Marvin and Clyde, our correspondents who did the piece. So can you tell us about this line of costumes you’ve come up with?

DONNA: Well, you know the state of Halloween costumes is generally okay if you’re just looking for something to wear out trick or treating, but I know I’ve been invited to some Halloween parties in the past and it’s really hard to come up with a killer outfit that isn’t like some rubber mask or a bunch of totally flammable polyester. I mean, for some of us, when we go out in public there are certain expectations that have to be met, and so I just decided that I’d come up with a line of costumes that reflected that need and which met the standards which I’ve set for my lines in the past.

MARIA: Now, what kind of price range are we going to be talking about for these costumes because, you know, here at the Neopian Times they don’t pay nearly as much as you might imagine…

DONNA: Oh, Maria, you’re a funny one. But seriously, as you know one of the mainstays of my company is the DKNP, a line which is known as providing high quality at relatively low prices. So, with twenty different costumes, we’re able to offer a wide price range and great variety within the line of costumes. So those on a budget can still have a number of high quality Halloween costumes to choose from.

KAUVUTO: Well that’s good to hear, but tell me, is this line going to be for both males and females?

DONNA: Absolutely, and that’s one of the things that I’m most excited about, because to this point we’ve generally been only thought of as a line of clothing for ladies. So this really opens folks up to the idea that Donna Kougran is something is a line for both sexes, and like I said that’s one of the things about this Halloween that I’m happiest about.

BLUMAROONO: Well, that’s going to do it for us this week. Thanks to Donna Kougran for stopping in…

DONNA: Again, it was my pleasure.

BLUMAROONO: And thanks to those of you at home for joining us. ’Til next week, this is Maria Blumaroono for Neil Kauvuto wishing you and yours the best.