
The Law of Supply and Demand

by Woof246

In recent issue of the Neopian Times (#27), people have complained about the high prices items are going for in the individual shops. While looking for food for my NeoPets, I also encountered extremely high prices. The reason the prices are so high is simple. It's the law of supply and demand. Whenever there are more people wanting something than there are people with it, the price is going to rise. However, if no one is buying the item, the price will drop.

Think about it. Before quests were added, you could get what were later to be called "quest items" for pretty cheap. However, as soon as many people needed them, the prices began to soar. Keep in mind, the purpose of the shops is to make money. You have to pay money to buy the item in order to sell it. People want to make a profit. Therefore, we cannot just ask people to lower their prices and expect results. I try to keep my prices reasonable at my shop, and I know many others do, too.

There are reasonable prices out there. You just have to look a little harder. That brings me to my final point. Due to the law of supply and demand, the more shopkeepers can get for an item, the more they'll probably ask for it. However, the law of supply and demand works both ways. You can refuse to spend your Neopoints on any items that are overpriced. Think 5000 NP for a Codestone is too high? Don't buy one for that price! If everyone refuses to pay high prices, the prices are bound to go down. Again, the shops are there to make money. If items aren't selling, the shopkeepers aren't making money. Therefore, they'll have to lower their prices. Therefore, be patient when you're looking for something. Try to buy items from the actual Neopian shops, because their prices are often (but not always) cheaper. You may even find that you can get you want through trades! The law of supply and demand will always exist. That does not mean prices have to be high.