
A Tale of Two NeoPets

by bsbgurl8

Chapter 3: The Cure

In science that afternoon, we went over the questions we had had for homework.

"Samantha," asked my teacher, "What is the answer to number three?"

"Bubble888." I answered absentmindedly.

"I'm sorry?"

I brought my mind back to earth and glanced around the giggling class. "Umm," I murmured. "I don't know."

"Have it for tomorrow." I nodded. I glanced at my watch. 3 minutes until school was over. Thank goodness.

It felt like the longest time however. School could not end fast enough. Could NeoPets die if they didn't get the medicine they needed fast enough?

"Okay, you are dismissed!" Said the teacher.

I tore out of the room and down the hall. I banged open my locker, stuffed the books and my pets in the bag and the PetPets back into my backpack. "It's time to go home."


I pedaled faster than I ever have in my entire life to get home. It still took me about ten minutes. I ran into the house and dropped my bag on the floor, letting the PetPets out so that they could follow me downstairs to the computer. Bubble888 and Sundance8 jumped out of the bag with the books.

I picked up Bubble888 and we all trooped down to the computer in the basement.

I booted it up and headed to NeoPets.com. "Bubble888, is there any way to get the medicine out here instead of you going back in there?" I asked.

"I - hic - think - hic - so."

"The keyboard is all yours." I let him sit on my lap so that he could reach the keys and mouse. I never knew NeoPets had such great typing skills.

He went to my inventory, got the special cure that would make his Bubbles go away and hit three keys and clicked the mouse 5 times really fast. A purple cup came shooting out of the screen right into his hand.

He gulped it down and instantly stopped hiccuping. The bubbles that had started to flood the basement disappeared and he was cured!

Sundance8, Fungee, Puppy and I all cheered. "Way to go Bubble888!"

He grinned. I was so glad he wasn't sick anymore.

"Come on, let's get a snack." I suggested. I had eaten so fast that I had not finished my lunch. I was really hungry.

"Okay! Can we have more of that coke stuff?" asked Fungee.

"Sure you can." I picked him up and put him on my head. I was in a really good mood now.

Sundance8 lead us to the kitchen where I fixed a quick snack of cheese and crackers and some coke. We gathered around the kitchen table to eat.

"This is good," said Puppy, stuffing his face with cracker.

"I'm glad you like it."

"Fungee," Sundance8 burst out, "Where did you go?"

Without any of us noticing, Sundance8's PetPet had wondered off.

"Fungee!" Sundance8 screeched.

"What?" We heard a voice by our feet.

We bent over and looked under the table. There was Fungee, sitting on the floor, feeding some of his cracker to Pearl.

"I didn't know cats liked crackers and cheese," I commented.

"I guess they do," said Bubble888.

Inside I knew my NeoPets would have to return to Neopia sometime. I just didn't want to think about when that time would come.