
Arlupeze's Test of Loyalty: Part Three

by Lupezgrl

"All right, boys-and girl- this is our battle. After this, we can go into the tower and get whatever it is we need to get. But now," he paused as everyone got on they're medallions,"we must defeat this sandouth, for Patience."

"For Patience," They echoed _Nebula_.

They lined up next to the sandouth, Zoon, Lupines, _Nebula_, Arlupeze, in the order of battle. Arlupeze said a final prayer, and then got ready to battle. The sandouth started the battle, and doged right into Zoon, his first "victim". Kazoonheiht ran into the sandouth's eye. Unfortunately, the sandouth flicked his tail at the same time, and poor Kazoonheiht, once white and beautiful, was black as ashes.

"NO! MY POOR ZOON!" Arlupeze screamed, starting to cry. As the Sandouth shuffled over to him to finish him off, Lupines knew it was his turn. He mumbled a few words, and he rose. He kept mumbling until he was even with the sandouth's eyes. His own eyes started to glow bright red, and then-the sandouth lashed out with his teeth, making Lupines fall, fall, fall, to the ground, breaking his right forearm.

"LUPINES!!!" Arlupeze cried out, tears pouring from her eyes.

Although _Nebula_ would have loved to leave Lupines behind, deep down he had taken a liking to the Lupe, and took over for him. He used his fire amulet, and smoke started coming out from his mouth, and then flames. The Sandouth was almost destroyed- but then _Nebula_ fainted, and it was Arlupeze's turn. She turned slowly to look at the horrid thing. It scared her out of her wits, but she did not pay any attention to it. She had to make sure she beat it, for it was her duty to avenge her friends. She could feel her charm's magic billowing out through her, and then, when the sandouth was about to attack, she threw out her tail, and magic splurged out from the tip of it. It hit the sandouth, right in it's heart. The sandouth gave out one final sigh, and then died.

"Arlupeze! Well done, if I do say so myself, and I do."

Laughrodite came out from the tower, a faint pink glimmer surrounding her. "You passed the test! You are a truly loyal Lupe, Arlupeze. Look into my crystal ball. You will see Pandora, the keeper of the Lupe moon charm before you, Arlupeze. Look closely, now."

Arlupeze looked into the crystal ball and saw...herself. At least it looked like her, only white and black instead of stone.

"Arlupeze, this Lupe was truly powerful, and she was loyal. Loyal Lupes will always be the most powerful ones, remember that. I will now bless you with the gift of friendship. You will always be able to make friends, therefore if you remain loyal, so will your friends."

She blew on her face, then on all the others as well. "You are all healed now. You will be whisked away to Patience's house, all right? You may say hello, but then I think it is time to go home. Good-bye, Arlupeze. Remember this always: loyal Lupes will always be strong Lupes Farewell, Arlupeze, Farewell."

And with that, Laughrodite flew off into the night sky. Arlupeze suddenly felt her feet being lifted. She was not frightened, though, since she knew it was just Laughrodite bringing them home. Home, what a wonderful word.

* * *

"Why, dears, how did you get here!?" Patience asked them.

"Laughrodite brought us here. We did your wishes, Patience...we took down the sandouth! And, although we'd love to stay, we must get going. We'll meet again, Patience...I know it," Arlupeze replied.

"Yeah, and it's all thanks to Lupez here, if it weren't for her-"_Nebula _ started, "-We'd all be dead. We owe our lives to you, Lupez. C'mon, guys, let's go home," Lupines ended.

* * *

"MUM! LUPEZGRL! DAD! HULLOW! I'M BACK HOME!!!" Arlupeze ran into her owner's arms.

"Where were you, Arlupeze?" her mother, Milificint, asked.

"Yes, young lady, we've been worried sick about you!" Rastildo, her father, said.

"Hang on, you Lupes, I'm sure she'll tell us! Go on, Arlupeze, start!" Lupezgrl begged.

"Well, you see, it all started when my moon charm started to glow mysteriously....."

And that was Arlupeze's, and all her friends, test of Loyalty to thier friends, to strangers, and, most of all, to them.

The End