
The LupeGelert Stone Part 4: The Wocky

by kirinki

They landed with a THUD! on the ground. The portal disappeared behind them. Tall trees covered with moss and mushrooms surrounded them, touching the sky. RedFlame sprang up. " Where did Assassin go? We must find him!" He whispered urgently. Mystic and Moonlight were picking mushrooms and moss for medicine and other usage while Akkor strapped on her battle armor.

"This certainly isn't Salamandastron!" Mystic remarked as she sniffed a mushroom and picked it, putting it into her knapsack.

"I'm glad we brought our knapsack to the Battledome, even though our pets are still in our sleeping quarters. I'm sure Akkor's followers will take care of them."

Moonlight nibbled a piece of moss and spat it out. "Yuck! I just nibbled some Smellmoss!"

"Eeew!" Akkor laughed.

They took off through the cool rain forest, their packs bumping about on their backs. Soon they stopped at a clearing where Mystic continued to gather mushrooms and moss, Moonlight chewing absent-mindedly on a hard pear, Akkor using advanced Aisha technology to contact her friends under the dunes and RedFlame practicing his Lupe Moon Charm attacks and defence.

All was quiet until the Assassin leaped into the clearing, tail high in the air. Mystic stuffed her mushrooms and moss into her bag and drew her wand and full armor. RedFlame and Moonlight both took out their blasters and swords, attaching the blasters on their head so when they said FIRE! the blasters would fire lasers. Akkor took out her Aisha blaster and wooden blocking shield. The Assassin drew his twin daggers and threw them at RedFlame. RedFlame concentrated on his charm until the daggers snapped in half. The Assassin growled and used his psychic powers to mend the daggers. Akkor jumped into the air and fired her blaster at the Assassin, making a straight scar right through his eye. The Assassin growled and used his powers to launch a boulder at the Aisha. Akkor blasted the boulder into dust while Moonlight used her Moon Charm and Mystic used her wand to send the Assassin flying. He jumped onto a branch and pulled out his daggers, sword and lifted another boulder and threw them at RedFlame. RedFlame was hit. He limped across the clearing before collapsing into a heap on the forest floor. His friends fought bravely until they too had to retreat into a cave. Akkor used up all her strength to cloak the entrance with magic so that the Assassin would not ambush them.

"Ha. I'll let them live...for now. I always like a good battle, even though that Aisha blinded one of my eyes."

The Assassin retrieved his daggers and sword. He narrowed his one good eye and vanished. RedFlame awoke with his friends attending to his wounds. Akkor was wrapping a long roll of bandages around his chest while Moonlight and Mystic splashed cold water on his other injuries. When he tried to move, he was stabbed with pain and had to lie down again. His head was spinning with memories of the fight. Why hadn't he seen the weapons? How badly am I hurt? Are our supplies still there? Did the Assassin hurt his friends?

That last question made him look at his friends. Moonlight had a deep cut on her back-the Assassin must have cut her with his tail. Akkor's chest had two identical wounds side by side-the daggers must have done this. Mystic's leg had a deep gash across it-the Assassin's tail did that, too. He looked at himself. Under the bandages on his chest, there was a wide and deep wound. His front leg had been broken and one of his back legs had twin cuts-the work of the daggers.

When they were finished attending to his wounds, they took turns to wrap and bandage their own.

"Hey, are you guys OK?" RedFlame asked.

"Yeah, just a few cuts here and there." Akkor placed some meat in front of him along with an bowl of homemade soup. They all drank their soup and ate their meat happily. Mystic limped over.

"It might be a while before we get going again. I'll go and collect some more food." She limped out of the cave holding her Gelert Wand for balance. Mystic gathered mushrooms of all shapes and sizes while stripping moss and edible leaves off trees. She limped along, stopping once in a while to sample a mushroom or two. Suddenly, a Wocky ran out from the bushes. He asked Mystic to help him get away from the Assassin. Mystic told him to run straight into that wall.

"What?! Are you crazy?" He yelled in a panic.

"Trust me. It's magic." And to prove it, she ran right through the wall. He decided that he would go, too.

"Thank you. My name is Walzak. To repay you for saving my life, I give you this gift." Walzak presented Mystic with a carving of a Gelert hanging on a piece of cord. "I have prophesied that this day would come. A young Gelert girl saving me from a Dark Lupe. That is why I made that. It is enchanted. It gives you the power to freeze opponents to ice."

"Thank you. Do you want to help us on our quest? This is Akkor the Aisha, RedFlame the Fire Lupe and Moonlight the White Lupe." Mystic blushed.

Walzak smiled. "Sure. I would love to join you!"

The End