
The Tale of the Magical Key: Part Five

by 98eevee

The Door is Opened

Last time, the 4 pets were separated while looking for their owner, 98eevee. Now for the next part...

Iccorasto Wandered across the beach of the mysterious island. Just yesterday, _Palemoon_ had been washed away in this same place. She sighed and looked up into the sky. It was really beautiful at night. BunnyHopCy ran up the beach.

“H H Hey!” he called, “T T T T Tamsin has g got us a b b b boat ready n now!”

“Right,” said Iccorasto, almost to herself.

They were heading to the Battledome, where the door was supposed to be. There they’d try to find the two missing pieces (they already had one). The two pets walked along, or hopped along in BunnyHopCy’s case. They soon reached the boat. Faith_2k (the Blumaroo) and Tamsin (the Kiko) were waiting. “Yo!” said Faith, hopping forward on her tail.

“You're ready to go!”

“Aren’t you coming?” asked Iccorasto, who was expecting more company then just one companion.

“Nah,” said Tamsin. “We’ve got to stay at the hotel."

So Iccorasto and BunnyHopCy jumped on board the long wooden ship. The floor was kinda smooth, but the edges were full of splinters. There was a stack of barrels with supplies in the corner. “LET’S GO!” yelled Iccorasto. The two pets set sail. They waved at Tamsin and Faith_2k until they were but a speck in the distance. Within two ticks, they were at the Battledome entrance. The great door loomed over the pets.

“Right, let’s get to work,” said Iccorasto, moving around the fumbled earth. It got to midnight before they gave up and set up camp. Suddenly, a Korbat landed next to Iccorasto. “Good night,” it said. Iccorasto twirled around.

“Oh,” she said, “It’s you.” She recognised the Korbat from the haunted forests.

“Yeh,” Milishia agreed.

“What do you want?” Iccorasto grunted.

“Still your old grumpy self I see,” Giggled Milishia. BunnyHopCy was in a separate tent.

“I know something you want to know!” said Milishia.


“Say please!”

“I’m not saying please!”

“Fine, I won’t say!”


“I know where the door is!”

Iccorasto froze. “WHERE?”

“Just at the back of the main dome.”

“Do you know where the other key pieces are?”



“Under sea and above Earth.”


“You heard me!” said Milishia, and flew away.

Iccorasto stood dumbstruck. Under sea and above Earth? Then, suddenly it struck her. POP! Before she could say any more, her idea stood right before her! _Palemoon_ and Grundoey were stood in her tent!

“WOW!” they said in unison.

“I neva knew we...”

“You mean she wasn’t.”

“You know the faeries!”

They suddenly looked at Iccorasto. _Palemoon_’s eyes filled with tears. “ICCORASTO!” she yelled, and hugged him.

“Wha-” she said. Then she noticed, the two pets were holding... “THE TWO OTHER PARTS!” The three pets put their keys together, and with a shine of light, they all fixed together!

“Right!” Iccorasto instructed, “Let’s wake up BunnyHopCy and open the door!”

After a couple of hours, the pets were gathered are the door and turning the key. As Iccorasto turned the key, they were swallowed by a light. It spewed them out of a porthole in the human world. The pets stared and gasped, everything was so... BIG! Then they saw him, 98eevee!

“Nice holiday though,” he said

“Yeh,” said a taller female. 98eevee and the woman resembled the old Bruces.

“Holiday?” Iccorasto retorted, “We did all of this because he was on HOLIDAY?” She was fuming with rage.

“I’ll just go and feed my NeoPets,” 98eevee said to the woman.

“Oh no! Said _Palemoon_, “He’ll realise we’re not there then get different pets!"

"We’d better get back quick!” said Grundoey.

“L L L L Look! T T The portholes s still open! L let’s g go!”

The four pets dove through the porthole and ended up in their own house. “Glad to see you back,” said Iccorasto (The Poppit).

“Have a nice time?"

Suddenly, 98eevee came in. “Sorry I was away,” he said, “I brought you some Neggs!”

So the four pets ended their adventure, and sat around the fire eating Neggs.

“We’ve gotten the bug now!” said _Palemoon_ biting into a Queen Faerie Negg, “We’ve got to go on another adventure!”

“Maybe we will,” said Iccorasto, “But first we want to hear your and Grundoey’s story of how you got the key pieces!”

“Well,” said Grundoey, “It all began when....”

The End (for real this time)