
NEFF Adventures: Part Two

by mkjagz


Strikkerr was not cold, not one bit! His curious Zafara mind was fixed on a nearby hill. He decided to check the other side, in case the Poogle was over there. Plus, climbing to the top, he had a better view of the surroundings. As he reached the top, he felt air on his face. It sure was windy. But the air...the air was coming from below him! He looked down to find a large dark hole. He lost his balance, and went down into the darkness.

"Welcome to the group," said a voice.

Strikkerr opened his eyes to find Exlund, a Lupe friend of SkarIX's.

SkarIX: YES! I get mentioned in the story!

Other pets: SHUUSH! This is take # 23, we don't want ANOTHER ONE!

SkarIX: Sorry. SupaSaijinShoyru, and...yes, DeadlyClaws!

Strikkerr: So how long have you been down here?

DeadlyClaws: Since last night.

Saijin and Exlund: 2 hours.

A voice comes from the darkness: Mwa hahahahahahahahahaa! I'm the ULTIMATE evil! I will rule Neopia!

Pets: Dr. Frank Sloth! AHHH!

Voice: No, actually, I'm his twin brother, Dr. Kevin Sloth!

Saijin: Oh, in that case, no worry. He's harmless.

Kevin Sloth: No I'm not! I, the master creator, created the mutation ray! I Created the space station! But that idiot Frank gets all the credit! Now, Feel my wrath! Mwa hahahahahahaha! Exlund, you are now entering the evil power of Dr. Kevin Sloth! Mwa hahahahahahahahahhahaaa!

Exlund: ABCDEFG! HIJKLMOPeee! QueAreS, TyoUVeee! W,eX,whY and Zeee! Now I've said my-

Other Pets: Ahhh! The horror! Help! Run!

And the pets took off, pausing only long enough to grab Exlund and drag him along (Now Won't You Sing With MEEEEE!)

Kevin Sloth: Don't Bother! You can't Escape Dr.Kevin Sloth's wrath! Mwa hahahahahahahahahaaa!

The pets somehow find their way to the surface, and rest, Exlund still singing the horrible song.

Strikkerr: Well, we made a pretty good team back there, huh?

Exlund: TeeyoUVeee!VV, ex, why and Zeee!....

Other pets: Shut up!

Saijin: Well, we did make a good team. We should make a name for ourselves. Any suggestions?

Exlund: EeeFGeee! HIJayKay..

Other Pets: Shut up!

DeadlyClaws: Someone shut him up!

Saijin gives Exlund a cookie, and he shuts up.

DeadlyClaws: Okay, how about The Fighting Team? TFT?

Strikkerr: Naa. Any Others?

Saijin: I have a good one. How about NEFF? Neopian Elite Fighting Forces?

DeadlyClaws: That sounds good.

Strikkerr: NEFF it is, then!

Exlund is done eating the cookie and starts to sing again. Now that they're all free, what about this problem? Find out on the next part!

To be continued...

Preview of next week's story:

It's so....big...

Exlund: AaBeeSee?

Strikkerr knocks on the door with a golden door knocker.