
Prypha and Merfeud: Part Two

by avidwriter88

"Prypha! Wake up. The pack has nearly started hunting and they need food! Prypha!" a she-Lupe called and lightly bit her ear.

"Owww! Derla, that hurt!" Prypha yelled. Derla was her mother, in charge of looking after her and some of the other pack members.

Prypha got up from her bed of leaves and flew to the door, tying on a hair clip and brushing off her dress. "Prypha! You're not supposed to fly! It'll make people think you're different and you don't fit in. Stop that!" Derla said.

"Oh, all right." Prypha whined and walked on her dainty little feet. She was an outsider even though she'd lived with the pack all her life. Prypha often wondered where she came from, but Derla and the others would just tell her she was found on the doorstep with a piece of scrap paper.

She walked over to the kitchen camp and started serving bowls of soup. A young Lupe walked over to the counter.

"Two bowls, please," he said with a grin.

"You know you only get one, Terren!" Prypha said with a smile. Terren was a friend of hers. "Where's Gwenda?"

"She's sick," Terren said. "All the more for me!"

"Pig," Prypha said loudly.

Terren picked up his plate and grabbed some extra biscuits. Prypha was too tired to scold him. Her shift was nearly over.

"I'm here!" called a Lupe from behind her. Prypha took some soup and handed him an apron. She walked over to where Terren was.

"So Priplet is here!" his friends jeered. Priplet is a Lupe word for strange and ugly. But Prypha was not that at all, she was very, very beautiful but the Lupes were too proud to admit it.

"Leave her alone," Terren said and they finished their soup in silence. Prypha smiled.

"I've heard of a war coming up. Are you fighting?" Prypha asked. Lupes would often get in wars with other packs.

"Yeah. It's a shame, too. I'm not going to be here for the holidays. I got you something." he said and brought out a small box hidden in his hand. It was a pair of ruby slippers.

"They're lovely! I'm sorry I haven't had any time with the shifts-" Prypha said blushing. To be a cooking maid was one of the lowest positions in the pack.

"That's all right. I'm leaving next week so you've got plenty of time," Terren said, grinning.

At this point in time a very strange thing was happening in Neopia. Deep in the dark lair of the Dark Faeries a plan was in the works.

You might not know this but there are restrictions on how many faeries of each kind can be born each year. The Dark Faeries were planning to fill Neopia with their Darkness and they were producing 100 times the amount so as to make an army of faeries with which even the Faerie Queen would be defeated....

To be continued...