
Red Fire

by deadly_spirit_gard

Red Fire was a young girl at the age of 15. She was always getting into trouble. Her foolishness almost cost her family's life one day. I will tell of that evil yet very true story.

One sunny, bright afternoon the young girl was playing with her troublesome friends. Yes, though she was kind and caring to her family and friends, she was also a big troublemaker. Back to Red Fire getting into trouble. She was playing a game we call "Truth or Dare." It was her turn, and a friend asked her the "truth or dare" question. Red chose dare.

Her friend, named Julie, said, "Ummm... OK, I have good one. Go over to the lady dressed in black and yell at her. Make fun and such!"

So, Red went over and said, "Can you hear me? Good! Nice clothes, for a witch!!!" As Red Fire said those words, the woman dressed in black stood up. For you see, she was the Dark, evil Faerie of Dark Avalon, a Faerie world for the evil.

The Dark Faerie made Red's friends vanish. Then she put a curse on her family, as well as Red. But the curse wasn't a regular curse. She and her family where transported into the Dark Faerie's fire and lava pit.

The Dark Faerie spoke, "If you all want to live then you must destroy one member of your family." She had barely sputtered it out when Red Fire, then known as Jin Pham, said that she would be that "one." Just as Jin was about to fall into the bubbling pit the Good Faerie, Queen of the Good Avalon, grabbed Jin and saved her and her family.

The queen transported her family of 4 back to their house. Jin couldn't go. The queen had other plans. The Good Faerie opened the portal into Avalon. Jin traveled in and she was transformed into the Fire Faerie, for she had saved her family from the "Pit of Never Return."

All of the Faerie's, from the Water to the Ice to the Earth, liked and knew she was there from the moment she had walked in. And because of her heroism, she was announced the Fire Princess. All of the magic people of Avalon cheered for her happiness. But the only one who didn't cheer was the Dark Faerie. She had followed the queen and the young princess into the Good Avalon. To show her unhappiness the Evil Queen cast yet another spell on Jin. But, the spell spread onto her new friends, the Earth and the Ice Faerie. They all froze in the form of relaxation. The spell that had meant to freeze them in time froze them in the glass-rock. In other words, the crystal.

And some say the Faeries of Good Avalon still haven't found the spell to free them. Nor have they found the Dark Faerie.

The End