
Always Remembered

by Devtron

Always Remembered

by Devtron

Adrianne the Aisha and her friend, Christina the Wocky had always loved adventure. They pretended to explore unknown lands. This was when Mystery Isle was the only known area. Though many people had doubts about new land discoveries.

They believed that, one day, someone would discover land and tell every NeoPet and owner. The only thing they didn't know was they were going to find it by accident. One day, they were leaving for mystery Isle with their owners.

"I can't wait!!" Adrianne said.

"This will be our first time! Maybe we'll find something unknown about it!!" Christina said. They got on the boat and went to the Mystery Isle.

"We're here! Finally!" Christina said.

"It's very busy here," Adrianne said.

It was very busy. People were in stores, out of stores, everywhere in sight. NeoPets were everywhere with their owners.

"Every owned NeoPet must be here," Christina thought.

"What should we do first?" their owner said.

"Tours!" Adrianne and Christina said simultaneously. They took the tour.

''I'm going to go shopping. Stay by the tour area and I will be back later to pick you up," their owner said as she strolled away.

"Look! There's a boat!" Christina said. They went up to the boat.

"Hey!" someone said. "Look over here! The water!" the voice said again.

They looked. It was a Water Faerie.

"What do you want?" Christina asked.

"This boat is abandoned. Some person left it here three months ago," the voice said.

They climbed in. Then a strong wind blew, throwing the boat offshore. "Yikes! We can't row back. No oars," Adrianne said.

"Oh no!" Christina said.

The boat sailed further and further away from the shore. Not knowing where they would land the two stranded pets attempted to remain calm.


"Hey! Wake up and look over there!" Christina said. It had been one day and their owner was probably worried sick.

"Cool! What is it?" Adrianne said. The area ahead was very dark and spooky. The boat entered the darkness...


A scarecrow greeted them. "We were playing in the boat and the wind carried us here," Adrianne explained to the scarecrow.

"We call this place the spooky forests," the scarecrow said pointing to the unknown land ahead of them. The pets shivered at the name. "All that is here is the occasional monster, and a pumpkin patch. Oh, and the spooky cave," the scarecrow said.

"SPOOKY CAVE?!" the pets exclaimed.

"You don't need to worry. There is nothing living in the cave but ultra spooky stories," scarecrow said.

"We need to get home but we don't know the way," Adrianne said.

"We can help!" scarecrow said. "The witch will cast a spell."

They went to the witch. This is what she chanted: "The stranded pets don't know the way, so turn back time to 12 yesterday; Everything is forgotten but they remember, only when it comes together!"


"You listened! It's a miracle!'' their owner said. "Oh, let's go home." They left on the boat they came on, and went home.


October 2000

Adrianne and Christina were older. They didn't care about adventure as much. On a very stormy night the owner turned the news on. To the pets' surprise this is what they said on TV: Today the Spooky Forest was discovered by Rupert Blumaroo. There are many different shops and areas. A scarecrow stands proudly in a pumpkin patch. Not much is known now, but we will try to find more about it in the future.

"We found it first," the pets grumbled after they remembered everything that had happened.

"I guess that wasn't meant for us to blab about," Adrianne said, "I guess only things you don't want to happen come true."

The End