
Sense of Fate II: Part Three

by Ultima999

Demons of the Past

And the three friends finally find the Tracking Station, the usual disagreements arise.

Sizzleburn: This old piece of junk can't be the Tracking Station!

Ultima999: Yes it is!

Rekozen: We better hope it is. I ain't fighting no Pain_Death again!

Ultima999: OK, let's just go in.

Sizzleburn: I bet you ANYTHING that this isn't the Tracking Station.

Ultima999: Shut up and go in.

Rekozen: Someone forgot to drink his coffee this morning.

They go inside.

Ultima999: Well, Sizzleburn, that computer is the Tracker. Ha!

Sizzleburn: ......

Rekozen: Computer! Activate!

Tracker: Greetings (beep) Please enter password...

Rekozen: Password- Out342In | Change Password- Ultima999isanidiot...

Tracker: Access Granted (beep) New Password Accepted (beep)

Ultima999: I'll get you for this Rekozen!

Rekozen: Computer! Show all possible locations of the Arekon Cell creation lab.

Tracker: Tracking..... (beep)(beep) Displaying map...

Rekozen: Hmm....

Sizzleburn + Ultima999: ......

Rekozen: WHAT? The whole world is almost covered with possible location! Even parts of the ocean!

Tracker: (beep)

Rekozen: Let's see then. Computer! Display the 10 most infected areas of Arekon Cells!

Most of the dots disappear, leaving 10.

Rekozen: Computer! Display the coldest, darkest of those 10 regions.

9 of the dots disappear, leaving 1.

Rekozen: It looks like the Arekon Cells are being created in... the Underground Poetry Corner! The special bio-cell structure of the Arekon Cells displayed requirement for a cold, harsh area in which to mature before infection a living creature.

Sizzleburn + Ultima999: I knew it!

Ultima999: There was always something disturbing about that place.

Sizzleburn: It isn't that surprising.

Rekozen: Once again, I am amazed at my own brilliance.

Ultima999: I wonder why no one ever thought of that.

They leave the building to find 3 large, red, devil-like creatures staring upon them.

Sizzleburn: What on earth are those?

Ultima999: Probably here to kick our butts.

Rekozen: Don't panic. We need to find out what they are, so we can attack them with their weakness.

Ultima999: What do you think they are?

Sizzleburn: Demons of the Past.

Ultima999: Correct. We need a church or something around here.


Ultima999: Well, I don't see you coming up with a better plan.

Rekozen: If only we had a Chia to throw at them.

Sizzleburn: Like that'll ever happen.

A spotted Chia walks by.

Rekozen: Grab him!

They grab the Chia and toss it at the demons, which grab the Chia and set it down gently.

Demons of the Past: Us? Eat Chias? Chias are our common allies!

Rekozen + Ultima999: You...are...about...to...get your butt kicked!!!

Rekozen kicks a demon into Ultima999 who crushes the demon's back with an elbow shot. Ultima999 hurls Rekozen into the air who comes down at the speed of a meteor and annihilates a demon. Ultima999 punches the Chia, who punches back but misses, then Ultima999 trips him and Sizzleburn and Rekozen both jump on the Chia and eradicates it.

Rekozen: That was fun.

Ultima999: There's still one more.

Sizzleburn: He's mine.

Sizzleburn jumps into the air and the ARENA satellite beams a Rainbow Frost Cannon to him and he blasts the demon with cold air.

Ultima999: There! We can get to the Poetry Corner now.

Rekozen: We gotta do this more often.

Sizzleburn: You're telling me.

Ultima999: Remember guys, get as stubborn as possible so we can survive the Arekon Cells.

Sizzleburn: Who made you in charge, Ultima999?

Rekozen: Yeah, you and your logicless mind can't lead us!

Sizzleburn: Butt out, Rekozen, you freak of nature!

Ultima999: I can tell you guys what to do all I want!

Rekozen: Sizzleburn, don't make me hurt you!

Ultima999: Rekozen, you couldn't hurt a fly! All you use is verbal words. And by the way, YOU TALK TOO MUCH!

Sizzleburn: I could take you, Rekozen!

Rekozen: Ultima999, you four-eyed rat-faced stuck-up idiot, take this wood, and shove it-

Sizzleburn:You both stink!

As the three friends prepare to fight an unknown evil (and they're already fighting each other), the dark organization gets stronger by the minute.

To be continued...