
Eccentric Faerie

by wick05

“That was a hilarious movie,” said Alex after watching a new comedy that they had rented from the video store in the shopping center. “We better get it back to the video store before we have to pay a late fee.”

Alex and his pet, Shyne (pronounced Shine), were not so lucky and a little short on money. They didn't want to waste any money on a late fee.

“But it is dark out and I am afraid” said Shyne, Alex's bright silver Shoyru. "Don't worry, nothing will harm you if you are around me," said Alex.

They were walking down the street when they heard a loud bang. They swung around only to see a huge silver wave rushing toward them. They saw the wave crash into houses. The houses were demolished. They began to run as fast as their legs would carry them.

They ran down the street while explosions were all around them. They were hit by the silver wave and lunged forward. They hit the ground...hard.


Alex woke up with Shyne in his arms. He had a terrible pain in his head. He saw the movie about three yards away from where he landed. He thought about the video and suddenly the video began to float towards him. He was telekinetic!

Alex threw Shyne in the air and caught him. He was so excited. He and Shyne decided to find out where the purple wave came from.

After walking couple miles they came upon a fault. It had a glow coming out of it. They decided to look in it. Shyne was nervous and started shaking. Alex crept up to the fault and tripped over a rock. His telekinetic powers flew Shyne towards him. He grabbed Shyne by the paw and they began sliding down the fault.

They landed with a hard thump. They suddenly heard a soft sniffle. Someone was crying. They saw a small puddle beside them.

"I know this," said Shyne. "This is a puddle of Faerie's Tear. One sip and you will be healed completely. They are very rare because Faeries are always so happy and any Faerie that is found crying is banned from Neopia for eternity.

"Wow, I never knew that," said Alex.

"I read it in a book called Faerie Tales, "It was a book that had a bunch of stories about Faeries. One of them was about a sad Faerie. It made me sad, too."

Alex took out a bottle that used to contain water. It scooped up some of the Faerie's Tears and pocketed it.

"Let's find out where the sad Faerie is, okay?" asked Alex.

Shyne agreed. They walked around some and soon found the Faerie hiding behind a rock. This was no ordinary Faerie. She was dressed in a color that cannot and never will be described. It was too beautiful to describe.

"What kind of Faerie are you," asked Shyne.

The Faerie jumped in fright. "Ahh!" she screamed. "I'm not even sure I am a Faerie," she said after she calmed down. "The day I was born I was banished from Faerieland because I was..."

"Different," said Alex. "Shyne and I were excommunicated too because Shyne was born silver. He wasn't born red, green, blue, or yellow. He was born silver without even a Magical Paintbrush."

"We are never spoken to in public. We have no friends, we have a hard time getting items because no one will sell us items from their shops. Luckily the Quiggle at the Health Food Shop, the Money Tree, and the Soup Kitchen Faerie are kind and store away food and Neopoints that we get sometimes," said Shyne.

"That is nice," said the Faerie.

"Do you have a name?" asked Alex.

"Yes," she said. "Patina."

"Hello, Patina," said Alex. "I have a question, do you have any idea what that silver wave was?"

"Yes," she replied with a sad voice. She looked Alex straight in the eye.

Suddenly Alex was on the street. He saw a circle of Uber Faeries. There was the Light, Water, Dark, Fire, Air, Earth Uber Faerie and the one and only Faerie Queen. They all had their wrists together with their hands open. A bright beam shot out of each pair of hands. The beam was what every color each Faerie represented (Water - Blue; Light - Yellow; Faerie Queen - Purple; etc.).

In the center of the Faerie circle Alex saw Patina. She looked scared and worried. Suddenly the beams all hit her at once. She screamed in pain. But she thrust her arms out and the huge wave started. Slowly the silver wave cast out of the circle of faeries, knocking them over. It hit Alex again.

Suddenly Alex was back in the cave. "What in the world was that?" he asked after he caught his breathe.

"It is a special power that I have," she said. "I can give anyone with a pure heart a memory that I have. The Faeries in that memory were all of the Uber Faeries in Neopia. When they banished me last year that is what happened. Their seal over the fault can only hold for one year. Then every year they must reseal the fault. This year I had enough power to over come them."

"You caused a lot of destruction to Neopia," said Shyne.

"I am sorry for those people," she said calmly. "I am in pain and most of my energy is drained. I cannot get out of this fault. The Uber Faeries are probably planning of a way to keep me in here. They cannot destroy me because a Faerie will never die."

Alex went over to Patina and picked her up. "Let's not give the Uber Faeries time to create a plan. Let's get out of here," said Alex.

After getting out of the fault Alex put Patina on her feet and they started walking.

"Where are we going?" asked Patina and Shyne.

"I don't know," said Alex in a voice that was half scared and half angry. "Anywhere but here. Here is where the Uber Faeries will find us."

They began to come into the village when suddenly Shyne screamed. "What?" asked Alex.

"That!" Shyne shouted. He pointed at the houses. They were all fixed. Coming down the street were the Uber Faeries with their arms all locked together and they were walking their way.

"They must've fixed the houses," said Patina. "What are we gon-"

She was suddenly hushed. Alex looked at her to see what was wrong with her. She has a yellow patch over her mouth. It was cast by the Uber Light Faerie.

"DON'T LISTEN TO HER, CHILD!" shout the Faerie Queen. "She is a menace to society and should be locked up."

"No, you are the menaces," shouted Alex. He took his ground.

"I know you," said the Faerie Queen. "Yes, you are the boy with the natural born silver Shoyru."

"He has a name. It is Shyne!" shouted Alex.

"Whatever. We have no room for outcasts in this society," said the Faerie Queen. She thrust out her palm and shot a bullet at Shyne. Shyne screamed and suddenly it was hushed. Shyne lay on the pavement fallen cold and gone.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" screamed Alex. He picked up Shyne and tears began to run from his eyes. He looked at the tears and remembered the Faerie's Tear. He took out the bottle and took out the cork. Suddenly the bottle was shot out of his hand by a green beam. The bottle smashed to the ground and the liquid flowed down the drain.

Patina started to cry and the tears landed on Shyne's lips. Shyne woke up and smiled at Alex.

"Hah!" shouted Alex. Patina put her hand over the yellow patch. There was a silver glow from her hand and when she released her hand the patch was gone.

"Let's go!" she shouted. The three of them ran into the woods that was on the side of the rode. With Shyne in Alex's arms they dodged the trees.

They ran for what seemed like miles. Patina finally ran out of energy and collapsed.

"I can't go any farther. Leave me and save yourself," she said.

"No, I won't," said Alex.

"I must tell you something," she said. "The reason your Shoyru was born silver is because of me. When I was a child, I saw the egg by the fault. When the seal broke I shot a silver beam out of my palm just before the Uber Faeries sealed the fault again. Please forgive me for the trouble I have caused you."

"It is okay," said Shyne. "Let's get out of here before the Uber Faeries find us."

"Okay," agreed Patina and Alex. They walked for a few feet when suddenly they came upon a cliff.

"You're trapped, my children," said the Faerie Queen from behind them. They turned around to see the Uber Faeries had surrounded them. Alex looked down the cliff to see waved crash against a group of jagged rocks at the bottom.

Shyne closed his eyes. He pictures him and Alex playing at the park. He didn't want to die with the last thing he saw being a group of Uber Faeries.

Patina was hit with all of the Uber Faerie's beams. She fell back and off of the cliff. Alex dove to the ground and grabbed Patina's hand. She was now dangling from the cliff.

"Help me please," she cried in fright.

"I am trying," replied Alex.

Shyne opened his eyes and looked directly into the Faerie Queen's Eyes. Suddenly the Faerie Queen was in a park watching Alex and Shyne playing together and laughing.

Shyne looked away and the Faerie Queen was back at the cliff. Alex lost his grip on Patina's hand and she fell to the jagged rocks. Alex closed his eyes before she landed and tears dripped from his eyelashes.

The Uber Faeries were about to shoot at Shyne and Alex when the Faerie Queen shouted. "STOP!" she screamed. "Do not harm them." She walked to the cliff and jumped off. She stopped in mid air just before she hit. She began to cry. The tears dripped from her face and landed on the lips of Patina.

Patina woke. She flew up to the top of the cliff along with the Faerie Queen. They calmly stepped down to the ground. Patina took Alex's hand and Alex carried Shyne in his other arm.

"Treat them with the most kindness that you can," said the Faerie Queen. "We apologize to you Alex, Patina, and especially you Shyne. Uber Faeries, apologize. We have broken the Sacred Rule of Neopia. Never infringe on others and their happiness."

The Uber Faeries apologized.

"When Shyne was struck by Patina's beam five year ago, he must've gained her power to share memories. He showed me a memory of him and Alex playing in a park together. I saw them having fun and it reminded me of the Sacred Rule of Neopia. Patina, I grant you with the new name as Remembrance Faerie."

The Faerie Queen shot a purple beam at the new Remembrance Faerie and suddenly the ragged gown that the Remembrance Faerie had turned into a beautiful glistening sliver dress. It stopped three inches above her knees and had spaghetti straps across her shoulders. It made a V across her chest. She grew beautiful wings that were shaped like that of a bird's. Her blonde hair also turned sliver and made a flipped up ponytail in the back of her head.

"Remembrance Faerie," started the Faerie Queen after the evolving was complete, "you are now an Uber Faerie. Come with us to Faerieland and live with us in the Faerie Palace."

Alex, Shyne, the Remembrance Faerie, and all of the Uber Faeries flew to the Faerie Palace. They had a huge celebration feast for the ten of them. Alex and Shyne left the palace with loads of Neopoints and plenty of toys, grooming items, and various other items. Alex and Shyne still visit the Remembrance Faerie quite often. They don't call her the Remembrance Faerie. They call her Patina. When they leave to return home, they are always full with more happy memories.

The End