
What's the Fuss with Job Coupons?

by kiki_da_kiwi_chick

The latest craze sweeping Neopia seems to be the arrival of the Job coupons. At first, when I saw them, I was like wow, this means my NeoPet will have a job soon. I signed up with iwin.com right away, but was VERY disappointed when I never got my job coupon.

Luckily, a good friend was there and gave me a green coupon. I was so happy, but soon I saw that I could get gold and silver coupons and that my pet would make twice as much. I was convinced that I HAD to have a gold coupon. I zoomed to the Shop Wizard and typed in Gold Job Coupon. 100,000 NP!!!!!!!!! IT WAS CRAZY!!! I was outraged, there was no way I was going to pay THAT much for a job coupon. Then I started thinking of the pros and cons of the whole situation and here they are:


*your pet will be able to help you by making a couple extra NPs

*your pet will have fun while at their job

*you will have to work less to support them


*you will end up paying so much for a Gold Job Coupon and then the prize might not even be worth it

*your pet will come home tired every night after work

*you will spend less time with your pet

So, I thought and thought. Eventually, I decided it isn't so important for my pet to have a gold job coupon and that I could save my money for something worth it. See, if you have enough for a gold job coupon, you are probably already doing fine and your pet is happy. You will also get to see your pet less and less until you only see him/her when she/he is sleeping.

My decision is to wait and see. I'm going to wait until I see what all the jobs are and what the profits will be. THEN I will choose whether or not I will buy a gold job coupon. So next time you see it for 100,000 NP, think before you buy it. Will it really make you richer?