
Locked Away

by NiNjaNayNay

It was dark and dingy like it always was in that cold basement, bugs crawled in and out of the walls and water dripped from the ceiling. Alaska was the blue Uni who lived there. She was once very beautiful now she was dirty and thin. Her beautiful blue coat was a dirty gray, and her horn was broken at the tip. Alaska wasn't always like this she was once a very popular beauty queen and her owner loved her to death. She was spoiled but very kind, and always shared with other pets. Here is the story of how she became a slave...

It was summer and Alaska had just come home from a competition which she had won first place. Her owner had treated her to some ice cream at a local shop. While Alaska was sitting licking her ice cream she turned to her owner and said, "I am a winner and I have everything I could want and more, but there is one thing I would like more then anything in the world."

"What's that?" her owner asked.

"Someone to play with, someone to talk to. Another Uni perhaps," said Alaska looking down at her cone which was melting in the hot summer sun.

"That's a great idea. We can adopt one from the pound and make one happy."

"Oh would you, could you?" said Alaska leaping for joy.

Her and her owner started to walk down the road to the pound, Alaska was so happy she had to sing (which she was very good at) and skip. When they got there they saw two doors one that said abandon and the other said adopt. Alaska and her owner headed straight for the bright pink one that said adopt. When they got in they looked at all the sad pets. There were no Unis there but a red Blumaroo caught Alaska's eye.

"There, there she looks like the perfect friend for me!" Alaska's owner looked then went to the front desk. Within minutes a person let the red Blumaroo out of the cage and handed her to Alaska's owner.

"Your new friend Alaska," said her owner. When they all got home Alaska couldn't wait to talk to her new friend so she took her into her room.

"What's your name?" asked Alaska. "Mine is Alaska."

The red Blumaroo scowled coldly at Alaska. "BeeBee," she said still scowling. "Is this my room?" asked BeeBee admiring the beautiful coloring and ribbons on the wall.

"Oh no this is my room, I will show you your room."

BeeBee followed Alaska down the hall to a smaller room that was an ugly yellow color. "You can't be serious, I would rather be back in the pound."

Three days later...

By this time Alaska was getting sick of BeeBee as she was so rude and obnoxious. That was the day it happened. Alaska was getting ready for a show when BeeBee walked into her room. She was smiling amazingly but it wasn't a good smile.

"What's up?" asked Alaska, trying to sound cheerful.

"Come with me I have something to show you."

Alaska followed BeeBee out side to the house next door. "What's the big deal? This house had been here forever, no one has lived here since forever."

"There is a baby Angelpuss trapped in the basement. You have to help me get it."

Alaska followed BeeBee into the house then to the edge of the stairs. "You first, I'm kind of afraid of the dark," said BeeBee.

Alaska started to walk down the stairs and before she knew it, the door slammed shut and Alaska tumbled down to the floor. When she hit she hit with such a force that her horn broke off. In pain Alaska started to cry. She cried for about two hours till she decided it wasn't going to do her any help so she decided to start yelling for her owner. She yelled till she could yell no more. Her owner could not hear her and Alaska started to cry again.

Meanwhile, BeeBee walked into the house and fell asleep on her bed. When her owner walked in looking worried and asked where Alaska was BeeBee suggested she look in her room. When her owner got there she found a letter on the bed:

I don't want to be in your stupid contests any more. I want to live my life alone so I ran away to make a new life... I don't know if you will ever see me again.

Alaska :(

Alaska's owner began to cry, then she ran out side and started calling Alaska's name. There was no response. So she went back inside, walked in her room and locked the door. Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. The only visitor Alaska had was BeeBee who only came to tell her what a great time she had or to feed her once every three days. Alaska became very weak; she hardly could move. She figured she would probably be there forever and would never see her owner again.

One day when BeeBee came Alaska asked her, "Why don't you just let me out? Please I am begging you!" BeeBee just laughed and threw some scraps down the stairs.

"When I have it so good, why should I want to ruin it? I would just be out in the pound again, I have been there ten times... I don't plan on going back. And our owner won't even think of getting another pet and that is great!"

With that BeeBee shut the door and locked it. Alaska was left once again in the dark.

Another three days passed and Alaska woke to a strange sound. There was walking on the floor above her. "BeeBee is that you?" No answer. Again Alaska said, "BeeBee?" Within a few seconds she heard the door handle turn, then stop. "BeeBee?"

"Is there someone down there?" asked a voice Alaska had never heard before.

"Please! Please help me!" shouted Alaska with all her strength.

"The door is locked; I can't get to you," yelled the voice.

"Help me!" shouted Alaska.

She waited for a response but none came and so she began to cry. About five minutes later she heard a pounding on the door like someone or something was trying to get through. Alaska shouted again and again, then finally the door was open and there stood a green Uni and a red Chia. "Are you all right?" asked the Chia. It was the same voice Alaska heard before, then the green Uni ran down the stairs.

"I'm Bowzer, and that is my friend SmallFry. We are here to help, so don't be afraid. What are you doing locked in here anyway?"

Alaska told her story, then she asked what they were doing there. "We are both runaways from the pound... we wanted to get in out of the cold when we found this place and then we found you."

Bowzer and SmallFry helped her out of the basement. Alaska was so weak she couldn't walk on her own. When they finally got outside, Alaska found a sudden burst of energy. She ran next door and in the house. When her owner saw her she burst out into tears and hugged Alaska as if she would never let her go. She asked what had happened. Again, Alaska told her story. BeeBee ran in and burst into tears as well and yelled, "Please don't send me back to the pound!"

"We are not going to send you back to that awful place but I'm afraid you cannot stay here any longer," said Alaska's owner.

With that she picked up the phone. Within five minutes a young boy was at the door. Needless to say BeeBee found a home even for all the cruelty she had done and Bowzer and SmallFry also found a new home with Alaska and her owner. It just goes to show that doing a bad deed will bite you in the end, and you never know something good may come out of it after all.

The End