
Challenging Pets in the Message Boards 101

by bluestar923


Have you ever visited the Battledome board in the chatrooms? In the beginning, it was good: filled with "Rate my pet!" and "Pet/Battle Chat!" boards. They were fun, friendly, and always a great place to catch up on the news.

Then came the arrival of the Battledome...............

Oh, my. How on earth did the BD Chatroom get so MESSED UP?!?!?!! I don't recall the BD scrolling this fast, not even in the General Chat board! And why are there so many "What's the Strongest Weapon?" boards?! Excuse me? If you're unlucky enough to catch me in the chatrooms, you may have noticed I'm always posting sarcastic comments.

But the most sickening thing is the "Challenge my Pet" boards. Except, it isn't "Challenge my Pet". It's huge, glaring, bold text that says something like: "I WILL CRUSH YOU!" or "CHALLENGE ME YOU WEAK FOOLS!!" Even worse yet: "BATTLE THE STRONGEST PET IN NEOPIA!" It's enough to make you wrench.

The sad part of it is, NONE of these people who post these egotistical boards _ever_ actually live _up_ to it! What's more, a lot of them seem to lose in the most major way. And! It's sick if you have a pet like mine (Amazing/Legendary) and find out on when you click on the board: "No pets above Level 10 please."

Ummmmmmm.... Why are people continuing to plaster just plain WEIRD battle challenges in the BD board? I've thought it over. Some possible reasons are:

1) The person has an inflated ego.
2) The person actually _does_ think that his pet is "the strongest, most powerful, coolest, etc."..
3) The person thinks that putting positive adjectives like "powerful, strongest, cool, etc." or insulting/ taunting people would attract more challengers.

Okay, well, first of all, there’s not much we can do if the person has an ego problem.. which is a pity. Secondly, if a person really _does_ think his pet deserves all those titles, then he/she is entitled to the opinion. His opinion. His very biased opinion. Thirdly, (and most sickening of all) a load of positive adjectives and dirty insults has never been a proven method of getting more challengers. Or it will get you more challengers but most of them are just "out of the range".

Meaning, most of the challengers are just strong, pissed pets that want to teach you a lesson from posting such a egotistical board. Hmmm. Gee, maybe that's why all of the sudden strong pets are challenging you, even when you specifically said in your post they couldn't. But that'll be saved for another rant.

So not all battle challenges are egotistical and stupid and just plain weird. Some of them are decent, stating the HP/Level of the pet so we wouldn't have to click for ourselves to see the stats. But some of them _are_ egotistical and stupid and weird. Basically what I'm saying is, even if you _do_ think your pet is godly and holy, the next time you post a challenge in the message boards, _think_ first... and make sure you can live up to it.