

by veiledvisitor

Once upon a time in Neopia there was a gang of Poogles that lived in a dark ally. They were called the Poogle Pack. They did not like to fight, but would fight if they had to defend their territory which was the dark ally. Only Poogles could stay there.

One day the leader of the Poogle Pack was walking around when he found something."What is this?" he asked and looked up into the air. Written above his head were the words "The Easter bunny hops by with a basket of eggs....opps it is not Easter....but he drops a SILVER ONE!"

The Poogle Pack Leader tasted the silver egg, but he could not eat it! "What a fake egg, what good is a fake egg?" he wondered. He was going to throw it away, but maybe it was worth something. He asked the Shop Wizard about it.

"I have no listing for either a silver egg or a fake silver Easter egg," the wizard told him. "Have you read the egg's description?"

"It says: "Silver Easter Egg...maybe it will hatch?" the Poogle Pack Leader told the wizard. "Well take it home and try to get it to hatch." The Wizard said.

So the Poogle Pack Leader took the egg back to his ally, but he didn't want to hatch it, so he gave it to the other Poogles to look after. They didn't want to hatch it either, but he told them they better! So they took turns. Finally the egg began to hatch! Out popped a little silver Poogle!

"A SILVER POOGLE...IT WAS BORN SILVER!" they said. So they named him Silverborn. He was liked in the gang. They made sure he had the best they could give him, even when it wasn't much. But as he got older, they began to lose interest in him. They never left the ally much, except at night, so Silverborn thought that all Poogles lived in the alley together. But one day he was curious, so he ventured out during the day when the other Poogles where asleep.

"OOH A SILVER POOGLE!" some people said and ran up to him. People said, "Where is your owner...are you alone? Can I adopt you? What is your name? You look hungry, are you hungry?" But all the people scared him, because he had never seen people before. He began to shake all over and whimpered then he started running! The people ran after him yelling! He ran faster and faster!

"If I run straight to the the alley, those big things will follow me and they will get the others!" he thought. So he ran another way, but didn't know where he was going. Suddenly out of nowhere a cart loomed over him! A Kacheek hot-dog vendor ran right into him! He lay on the ground crying and crying because he was hurt!

A person stood over him looking down. He was so scared, but he was too hurt to move now. The person looked down kindly. "You look like my daughter's Poogle friend," the man said. "I want to help you, but the other people told me you were a wild Poogle and might bite me. I will take you to a vet, but you have to promise not to bite me."

The Poogle understood the man. He knew he needed help and the man seemed kind, so he said "I won't bite you." Then he almost passed out. Through the fog of pain the Poogle watched as the man picked him up gently and carried him into a building. Another man looked at him and pulled on his legs and pressed on his stomach. It hurt! But they said they had to check for broken bones. Then they pointed a gun at him and said that it was to take his picture! He flinched, but nothing happened, just a flash of light. Then the men talked and talked, but he was put into a cage! He thought he heard them say "No broken bones...needs rest....I will pay for his care..." He watched the man that found him walking away! He thought he was in the pound and began to cry.

Then he finally slept a while. He felt better when he woke up and even ate a little food. It was really yummy, some kind of fruit he'd never eaten before, and it made him feel even better. Then he heard a cry. He looked across and saw another silver Poogle in a cage.

"Why are you crying?" Silverborn asked.

"Because I am hurting, the vet said I have a disease and they might not be able to cure me," the other Poogle said.

"My name is Silverborn, and I was hit by a cart," he said.

"My name is Silvergift," the other Poogle said. "I have a great owner, a little girl who loves me a lot. Her father was the man that found you and brought you here. I wish I could go home!" The Poogle began to cry.

"I am sure you'll get better. I am a wild Poogle and my home is a cardboard box in the Poogle Pack Back Alley. We never give up!" Silverborn said. "So don't give up, keep fighting!"

"Thanks, but it is pretty hopeless. The vet said I have a strange disease of the blood. I am wasting away. He could cure me, but it would take a blood transfusion. The only thing is I need the blood of a Poogle who was born silver. No Poogle is born silver, they are all painted that color!" and she began crying again.

"I was born silver!" Silverborn said, "I hatched from a magic silver egg and the gang named me Silverborn." The other Poogle didn't believe him though. Just then a little girl came into the room crying her eyes out. She bent down and looked at Silvergift. She tried to talk to her but she was just crying. She kept saying "I can't.... I can't." Silverborn began to cry, too. The girl looked at him. "Daddy says that..if...if...Silvergift...BUT I DON'T WANT ANOTHER POOGLE!" she cried.

"Silvergift won't die. I will give her some of my blood and she will live," Silverborn said.

"You...are just...sa sa saying that...to be nice.." the girl said.

"NO IT'S TRUE! PLEASE BELIEVE ME!" Silverborn began to yell! "I AM SILVERBORN! I WAS BORN SILVER...I WAS BORN SILVER!" he began to yell and yell!

The vet stormed into the room shouting, "What is the commotion...what is the meaning of all this!"

"I AM SILVERBORN AND I WAS BORN SILVER!" Silverborn yelled again.

The vet seemed mad, but then kneeled down and looked at him. Then he reached into the cage! Silverborn was scared and wanted to bite, but the man simply rubbed his fur a bit and kind of squinted.


Suddenly he was pulled from his cage, but not by the vet. It was the little girl. She began to pet him and kept saying "I LOVE YOU" over and over. He liked it. He'd never been petted or hugged before, but he liked it. "They are going to take you to a room and give you a shot. You will sleep, and while you are out, they will take some blood. When you wake up, you'll be back in your cage," the girl's father said, "You'll rest a while and then if you want to, we will take you to our home to live with us."

And Silverborn said, "Yes, please."

Silverborn and Silvergift looked at each other before they were given a shot. Silvergift kept crying and saying, "Thank you...thank you...I owe my life to you." Then they were given their shots and they both fell asleep. When he woke up he was in a cage, but it was not in the vet! It was a cramped messy cage...

He looked around and saw a lot of pets crying! He was in the pound! He began crying too, because it wasn't fair. They took his blood and dumped him! He would escape his cage and return to his gang. He already knew he could get out of his cage, because it had a simple lock on it. He could easily pick the lock with one of his silver hairs. But he really didn't love his life in the gang. He'd miss them, but he had never loved them like he loved the girl and Silvergift. He began to cry again.

Just then he saw the little girl come into the room! "OH THERE HE IS!" she squealed and opened the cage and hugged him. "I am so sorry you are here, baby," she said, "but the only way to legally adopt you was for us to put you here for a day. Luckily you were out for most of it! Now we can go home!"

She carried him outside where her dad and Silvergift were waiting. Silvergift was actually standing and she looked great! The all looked at each other needing no words to say how happy they were!

The End